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Overview of the current architecture TRADUCTIONS Client system Codes in XML Translation in XML XML Import XML Export Domain Tables Codes Translations Graphical.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the current architecture TRADUCTIONS Client system Codes in XML Translation in XML XML Import XML Export Domain Tables Codes Translations Graphical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the current architecture TRADUCTIONS Client system Codes in XML Translation in XML XML Import XML Export Domain Tables Codes Translations Graphical User Interface OP users - PROCAT - EURLEX - EU-BOOKSHOP -INTERSHOP ATTO 1 4 3 6 2 5 7

2 Data Exchange between ATTO and the Client systems is performed using XML and WOODS technologies. The typical workflow is based on a sequence of 7 steps : 1.The Client system exports to ATTO (in XML) the list of codes to be translated (including optional first translation in master language); This first step is out of the ATTO scope; 2.ATTO Loader module imports the XML files into ATTO database; 3.ATTO initializes the repository in ATTO database for this particular client system. It creates Domain, table and code entities, if needed; 4.Complementary translations are introduced from ATTO web interface; 5.The translations are recorded and saved into ATTO database; 6.The Domain administrator exports the new translations in XML; 7.The Client system imports the new translation in its own system; This last step is out of the ATTO scope; Notes:  For any update of the translations, the sequence can be executed again from step 4;  Domain/Table/Codes can also be directly created from ATTO user interface; Overview of the current architecture (suite)

3 Functional Structure Domain, tables, codes, translations A Domain: A domain identifies a set of labels, grouped logically. This is the key entry point for dealing with all the labels codes and translation of a particular context. It may be the superset of all the labels of a client system or a particular business context, regrouping codes and related translations which are shared by several client systems. For instance: list of the classification themes or list of all the corporate authors; A Table: A table is a sub-set of a domain. In case the domain identifies a client system, the tables that belongs to that domain usually identifies the different GUI pages of the client system. The objective of this sub-level of classification is to allow the translator having a view of all the code and translations used in a particular page of the client system; A table always belongs to a domain; A Code: A code is a label identifier. It identifies a word, statement or full paragraph independently of any linguistic translation. A code always belongs to a table; A Translation: A translation is the linguistic version of a particular code in a particular language. Depending of the number of languages defined for a domain, there may be 1, 2 or several translations for a particular label/code;

4 Functional Structure (suite) Master language A master language is the language of a domain which leads the translations of the labels in all the other languages of that domain. In order to proceed with the translation of labels, the translator needs a reference language from which he bases his work and the translation process in the other languages. Usually, this is English and corresponds to the first language used to design and implement the client system interface. Nevertheless, the master language can be defined differently for each domain managed by ATTO and may vary from a client system to another. For instance, a domain A is configured to deal with English (EN), French (FR) and German (DE) translations. English is configured as master language. The Client system is then responsible to provide a first translation of all its labels in English in order to initialize the ATTO repository (Setup the hierarchical structure Domain – Tables – Codes – Translations). In order to proceed with the translation of the labels in the other languages (French and German), the translators analyze the meaning of the labels in the master language, here in English. Later on, if a correction is done on German translation, it will not impact the meaning of the other translations English nor French. On the contrary, if a change is performed on the English version of a label, then all the other translations (French and German) have then to be also reviewed because their meaning have been based on the English version which now is different. The purpose of the Master language is to be able to deal which such dependencies between the different languages of a domain and allow the ATTO system detecting and notifying the translators about any crucial change performed on translations.

5 Proposal for a new interface with DGT (2010) TRADUCTIONS Client system Codes in XML Translations in XML XML Import XML Export Domain Tables Codes Translations Graphical User Interface OP users - PROCAT - EURLEX - EU-BOOKSHOP -INTERSHOP Publications Office 1 4 3 6 2 5 7 POETRY DGT Translators DGT Interface 4’ DGT (WS + FTP) Translations in XML’

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