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UTM's Missiles Technical Capabilities By Wan Khairuddin Wan Ali

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1 UTM's Missiles Technical Capabilities By Wan Khairuddin Wan Ali

2 UTM started its Rocket research activities in late 1988
The first three years were dedicated to finding the right research methods. In 1991, a study was conducted to find the suitable type of rocket that UTM should concentrate its research effort Resulting in the research on solid propellant rockets In 1992, Experimental testing was conducted on ammonium perchloride base composite propellant 60 kg thrust rocket motor was developed

3 Early Research (1992 – 1999) Test rig
60 Kg Rocket motor (1992) Early research :- A Very Primitive, Risky and Dangerous Business

4 From 1993 – 1999, The research approach was split into 3 main research areas
Nozzle technology Ceramic Nozzle Material Metal alloy Nozzle Solid propellant technology Ammonium perchloride base solid propellant Potassium Nitrite base solid propellant Instrumentation and test equipment Telemetry Antenna development (1 MS Patent) Digital data acquisition system Analog sensor Measuring rig Burning rate test rig (1 MS patent) Static thrust test rig (1 MS patent)

5 Nozzle technology Destructive testing of Alloy Material
Ceramic Material For Rocket Nozzle

6 Instrumentation and test equipment
Instrumentation set - up Static thrust test

7 Research (from ) With financial support through IRPA grant, better instrumentation was established 90% of all the instruments were locally made. In housed measurement equipments Burning rate stand Burning rate chambers Static trust test rig

8 Burning rate tests

9 The Propellant The actual burning Burning rate Characteristic

10 Static Trust set up and result

11 Rocket motors Standard rocket motors

12 The thrust Static trust test

13 The missiles The missiles been developed Propellant used

14 The launching

15 Comparison CRV7 Rocket motor C18 (RLU-5005/B) Rocket Motor
uses fast-burning non-aluminized HTBP/AP composite propellant (Hazard Class 1.3) to achieve a nominal total impulse of 1905 lbf-sec. nominal action time of 0.96 seconds produces burnout ranges and velocities of approximately 447 m and 944 m/s respectively when used with 10 lb. class warheads non-aluminized propellant results in reduced smoke and thermal signatures features HEPI system, minimal FOD, HERO and ESD protection asbestos-free insulation and liner materials used throughout rocket motor incorporates the shear pin rocket retention system offers the performance of C17 rocket motor for helicopter and ground launch applications compatible with LAU-5002, LAU-5003, SUU-5003 and LAU-5005 launcher types

16 UTM launched Rocket Rocket Motor
uses fast-burning non-aluminized KNO3 / C12H22O11 composite propellant (Hazard Class 1.3) to achieve a nominal total impulse of Ns. nominal action time of 0.6 seconds produces burnout ranges and velocities of approximately 300 m and 700 m/s respectively asbestos-free insulation

17 Current Facilities Development
27 Apr 2007 Current Facilities Development Propulsion Laboratory (Blast proof room) Test volume:1 X 1 X 0.5 m Blast proof capable to withstand 200 gram of equivalent explosive Designed to meet US TM /NAVFAC P-397/AFR 88-22 Equipped with Crawford Bomb, Static thrust test bed and Data acquisition system

18 Current Facilities Development
Propulsion Laboratory (preparation room) Working area: 20ft X 10ft Equip with propellant grain casting machine Fume cabinet for mixing toxic compound Rolling drum mixer

19 Current Facilities Development
UTM Low Speed Wind Tunnel Working section:1.5 X 2 X 2.5 m High quality flow pattern Maximum wind velocity 80m/s (Mach 0.23)

20 Current Facilities Development
Strength of Material Laboratory Equipped with several universal testing machines: 50 ton universal testing machine 5 ton universal testing machine Cupping test machine

21 Current Facilities Development
Composite Laboratory Capable of making short and medium range rocket bodies

22 Current Facilities Development
Mersing runway UTM is the official runway operator (According to DCA’s AIP). Capable of launching short range rocket for dynamic testing

23 Current Facilities Development
60m dynamic testing rail Can be used to test rocket motor Capable of testing short range rocket motor for dynamic testing

24 Current Facilities Development
Facilities not shown: Static thrust test bed Electronics / Avionics laboratory CNC manufacturing laboratory Open area testing facility for antenna characterization Solid Mechanic simulation laboratory Material sciences laboratory

25 Current Research Personnel
Researcher Dr. Ir. Wan Khairuddin Wan Ali Dr. Mohammad Nazri Mohd Jaafar En. Md Nizam Dahalan En. Ainulllotfi Abdul Latif Engineer En. Abdul Basid Abdul Rahman Research Officers Cik Zuriana Mariati Mat Yajid Cik Intan Noryanah Mohd Kimsin En Mohammad Noor Ezwan Abdullah

26 Ongoing Research Projects
Development of Stable Composite Solid Propellant. Development of Liquid Mono-Propellant. A Study of Odd Shape Electromagnetic Structures. Development of Single base Solid Propellant.

27 Conclusion Since late 1989, UTM has pursued to localize the rocket technology in Malaysia. Experience has been gained from this exercise and a number of useful facilities have been established. Now, UTM is in a better position to further develop the technology and pass the knowledge to the rest of the country

28 Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank UTM for providing financial support as well as human resource. Special thanks also toward MOSTI for the first project grant in 1999.

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