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Presentation on theme: " All Change Yolande Burgess, Strategy Director London Councils Young People’s Education and Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Change Yolande Burgess, Strategy Director London Councils Young People’s Education and Skills

2 1 Change, change…. Reform of schools through the Academies Act The Wolf Review of 14-19 education National curriculum review A new approach to special educational needs and disabilities Review of Higher Education Further Education and skills reform

3 2 …. and more change Changes to qualifications Reform of performance league tables Changes to funding structures and formulas Raising the Participation Age confirmed Changes to careers guidance Reforms through the Education Act 2011

4 3 A changed landscape Significant public sector funding reductions Wholesale public sector reform programme A shift in emphasis from 14-19 to 16-24 A recession and contracted labour market A market place approach in education More permissive legislation, less statutory guidance, wider release of data and information From ‘Big Government’ to ‘Big Society’ Local autonomy

5 4 Changes to Careers Guidance

6 5 Careers Guidance Schools: Legal duty to secure access to independent, impartial careers guidance for pupils aged 14-16 The National Careers Service: available to everyone (13+) online and via helpline/webchat; face-to-face service available 19+ (or 18+ if on Jobseeker’s Allowance Local authorities: retain duty to make available to all young people under 19 support that will encourage enable or assist them to participate in education or training

7 6 National Careers Service

8 7 Issues and concerns Different models of delivery emerging – good that schools are responding but concerns about a post- code lottery Statutory guidance to schools described as ‘disappointing’ (Careers England) Not enough face-to-face guidance available to young people Schools taking on the duty with no additional funding Join-up between schools offer and local authority offer vital

9 8 What do young people think? 

10 National Careers Service 29 th May 2012

11 Objectives: To outline the National Careers Service offer To explain the delivery model in London

12 What is the National Careers Service? “The National Careers Service will provide authoritative information on learning and work, and professional advice on how to use it” “ I want those who provide careers advice and guidance for a living to take up their rightful mantle: as trusted experts, wise in their counsel and respected by those who look up to them” John Hayes, Minister of State for FE, Skills and Lifelong Learning

13 Launched 1 st April 2012 Website www. www. Helpline 0800 100 900 Face to face National Careers Service

14 Key Messages to customers Free, independent and high quality careers and skills advice Helps you find out more about different careers, developing your skills or accessing training Access via the or by calling 0800 100 900. There is also access to face-to-face careers advice in the Helps you fulfil your career potential Can support you throughout your career. The service supports you to make informed decisions about your career, skills and training Open a Lifelong Learning Account, which supports career development throughout your working life Access at any point during your career As your working life changes and develops, you can access the National Careers Service to support you along the way

15 Face to Face Delivery Model in London 100% JCP offices 45 sub-contractors Libraries Children’s Centres Colleges Housing Associations

16 What happens next in London ….. Community walk-in pathfinders Mobile unit Increased penetration into local communities

17 skills/docs/n/12-677-national-careers-service-right- advice-right-time.pdf skills/docs/n/12-677-national-careers-service-right- advice-right-time.pdf

18 Things to do….. How do we communicate the benefits of the service to young people and to adults? How can we work together to ensure the face-to-face guidance offer reaches those in the most need? What can we do to support Jobcentre Plus to meet the needs of increasing numbers of young people who require their services?

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