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Welcome to the BPHS CA-946 AFJROTC Awards Ceremony.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the BPHS CA-946 AFJROTC Awards Ceremony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the BPHS CA-946 AFJROTC Awards Ceremony

2 Posting of the Colors National Anthem

3 Introduction Year in Review: 86 Events 86 Events –10 Field Trips –9 Fund Raisers –6 Competitions –65 Community Service Events 4165 Community Service Hours 4165 Community Service Hours 87 Cadet Flights 87 Cadet Flights Fullerton Veteran’s Day Parade – 1 st Place Fullerton Veteran’s Day Parade – 1 st Place Distinguished Unit Award with Merit Distinguished Unit Award with Merit Academic Bowl Team advanced to the National Championship Academic Bowl Team advanced to the National Championship

4 Video


6 Logistic Ribbon Presented to students who wore the uniform and were selected as flight or cadet corps logistics representatives for the whole year and are receiving a grade of “C” or better in JROTC. Presented to students who wore the uniform and were selected as flight or cadet corps logistics representatives for the whole year and are receiving a grade of “C” or better in JROTC.

7 Congrats to Aguilera, Jacob Calvin, Aaron Cho, Alvin Contreras, Claudette De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Dimalanta, Rolande Jones, Monet Lisan, Therese Martinez, Natalie Mora, Kimberly Pimental, Ashley Reyes, Alondra Salas, Kayleen Voelkel, Austin

8 Longevity Ribbon Successfully complete one full year of AFJROTC course requirements. Successfully complete one full year of AFJROTC course requirements.

9 Congratulations AS - I Aguilera, Jacob Alcauter, Hector Alvarado, Juan Amaro, Sergio Andres, Alondra Angulo, Edwin Avila, Jose Pedro Avila, Prescilla Benavides, Ray Calvin, Aaron Calvin, Alejandro Camarena, Brian Carillo, Christopher Cervantes, Alexis Chang, Jae Chavez, Raymond Cisneros, Thania Coria Mejia, Ivan DeAzevedo, Ricardo DeAzevedo, Tamiia Dimalanta, Roland Dorotheo, JM Dorotheo, JR Escalera, Vanessa Espinoza, Andrew Espinoza, Jasmine Fuentes, Dulce Gallardo, Carlos Garcia, Cindy Garcia, Enrique Garcia, Tommy Gil, Pilar Gil, Victor Gonzalez, Levi Gloria, Abel Gonzalez, Allen Grijalva, Abel H Guerrero, Rene Hammouri, Adel Hernandez, Kevin Hernandez, Daniel

10 Congratulations AS - I Hernandez, Kenia Hicks, Michael Hinton, Dejanei Jara, Mayra Jimenez, David Jimenez, Jorge Jones, Monet Karapogosian, Jovanni (Soto) Kim, Angel Kim, Robin Kwon, Yeongjun Leon, Luis Long, Samantha Madayag, Dion Maldonado, Jose Martinez, Brenda Martinez, Isaiah Martinez, Maria Oliver Prado, Renee Ortiz, Daisy Ortiz, Daniela Paniagua, Javier Alejandro, Gissel Perez, Sergio Perez, Zenon Pineda, Perla Pinedo, Cristina Ramirez, Cindi Ramirez, Jesus Ramos, Carlos Randall, Larry Randolph, Avery Rangel, Anthony Rincon, Remy Rodriguez, Daniel Salas, Esteban Salas, Kayleen Sanchez, Jailene Sanchez, Mike Smith, Josh Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebonya Torres Jr., Tayde Tovar, Christopher Velasquez, Kevin Verduzco, Ignacio Yoon, Vickie Ytares, Hannah Zavala, Santiago

11 Congratulations AS – II - IV Dinh, Paul Doan, Crystal Flores, Giovanni Gallardo, Jorge Gomez, Ryan Jurado, Anthony Kim, Tae Young Lisan, Therese Martinez, Coral Medearis, Deija Anders, Sean Bardales, Justin Benhumea, Brian Brown, Nicholas Cho, Alvin Contreras, Claudette Cranmer, Ashley Day, Shaliyah De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Molina, Stephany Ontiveros, Erwin Perez, Genesis Ramos, Hector Sandoval, Juan Segura, Cassandra Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Vazquez, Cesar Westfahl, Chris Wiggins, Erik

12 Dress and Appearance Ribbon Wear blue AF uniform on all designated uniform days, conform with all AFJROTC dress and appearance standards, and 90% uniform grade average for the semester. Wear blue AF uniform on all designated uniform days, conform with all AFJROTC dress and appearance standards, and 90% uniform grade average for the semester.

13 Congrats To Aguilera, Jacob Alvarado, Juan Anders, Sean Avila, Jose Pedro Bardales, Justin Benavides, Raymond Benhumea, Brian Camarena, Brian Cervantes, Alexis Cho, Alvin Choi, Stephanie Contreras, Claudette Cranmer, Ashley De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Dinh, Paul Doan, Crystal Duron, Joey Espinoza, Andrew Gallardo, Jorge Garcia, Cindy Gil, Pilar Gil, Victor Gomez, Ryan Gonzalez, Levi Hernandez, Kevin Hinton, Dejanei Jijon, Natalie Jimenez, David Jimenez, Jorge Kim, Angel Kim, TaeYoung Kwon, Yeongjun Lisan, Therese Long, Samantha Maldonado, Jose Medearis, Deija Miller, Sebastian Molina, Stephany Munoz, Juan Paniagua, Javier Perez, Genesis Perez, Zenon Ramirez, Cindi Rincon, Remy Salas, Esteban Sandoval, Juan Segura, Cassandra Shin, Jong Smith, Josh Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebonya Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Wiggins, Erik

14 Attendance Ribbon No more than two absences in a semester while actively enrolled in AFJROTC. No more than two absences in a semester while actively enrolled in AFJROTC.

15 Aguilar, Martin Aguilera, Jacob Alvarado, Juan Amaro, Sergio Anders, Sean Angulo, Edwin Avalos, Elizabeth Back, Hyeon Benavides, Ray Benhumea, Brian Biosah, Meldody Calvin, Aaron Calvin, Alejandro Carmona, Rodrigo Congrats To Chang, Jae Chavez, Carmen Cho, Alvin Contreras, Claudette Coria Mejia, Ivan De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Dimalanta, Roland Doan, Crystal Dorotheo, Jon Marcus Dorotheo, Jon Richard Duron, Joey Espinoza, Andrew Gallardo, Carlos Garcia, Enrique Garicia, Juan Gil, Pilar Gloria, Abel Gonzalez, Allen Guerrero, Rene Guerro, Luis Hernandez, Daniel Hernandez, Edgar Hernandez, Kevin Hinton, Dejanei Jijon, Natalie Jimenez, Jorge Jurado, Anthony Kim, Angel

16 Kim, Alexis Kim, Robin Kim, Tae Kwon, Yeongjun Lisan, Therese Maldonado, Jose Martinez, Maria Miller, Sebastian Miranda, Dominic Munoz, Juan Navarette, Anthony Ortiz, Daisy Ortiz, Daniela Pavon, Alberto Pinedo, Cristina Congrats To Ramos, Hector Rangel, Anthony Rodriguez, Daniel Sandoval, Juan Segura, Cassandra Shin, Jong Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebony Turner, Cordicia Vazquez, Cesar Velasquez, Kevin Westfahl, Chris Yoon, Vickie Ytares, Hannah

17 Activities Ribbon Participate in five formally scheduled co- curricular activities such as model rocketry, parades, & field trips to receive award once each school year. Participate in four additional activities to receive additional cluster. Participate in five formally scheduled co- curricular activities such as model rocketry, parades, & field trips to receive award once each school year. Participate in four additional activities to receive additional cluster.

18 Congrats To Aguilera, Jacob Alvarado, Juan Anders, Sean Bardales, Justin Benavides, Raymond Benhumea, Brian Brown, Nicholas Camarena, Brian Cervantes, Alexis Contreras, Claudette Cranmer, Ashley De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Dinh, Paul Doan, Crystal Dorotheo, John R. Garcia, Cindy Gil, Pilar Gil, Victor Gonzalez, Levi Hinton, Dejanei Hunt, Joshua Jijon, Natalie Jimenez, David Jimenez, Jorge Jones, Monet Jurado, Anthony Kwon, Yeongjun Lisan, Therese Long, Samantha Maldonado, Ariel Maldonado, Jose Martinez, Isaiah Medearis, Deija Mendez, Troy Miller, Sebastian Munoz, Juan Paniagua, Javier Perez, Genesis Perez, Zenon Ramirez, Cindi Ramos, Carlos Ramos, Hector Rincon, Remy Rodriguez, Daniel Ruelas, Stephanie Salas, Kayleen Sandoval, Juan Smith, Joshua Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebonya Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Westfahl, Christopher Wiggins, Erik

19 Recruiting Ribbon Enroll at least three quality cadets or serve as member of a Cadet Recruiting team at middle school, high school, or other forum. Recruit three additional cadets to earn a cluster. Awarded once per school year. Enroll at least three quality cadets or serve as member of a Cadet Recruiting team at middle school, high school, or other forum. Recruit three additional cadets to earn a cluster. Awarded once per school year.

20 Congrats To Alvarado, Juan Brown, Nicholas Camarena, Brian Cervantes, Alexis Choi, Stephanie Contreras, Claudette De La Cruz, Christian Dorotheo, John R. Garcia, Cindy Gil, Victor Gonzalez, Levi Hinton, Dejanei Jijon, Natalie Jimenez, David Kwon, Yeongjun Lisan, Therese Long, Samantha Maldonado, Jose Medearis, Deija Miller, Sebastian Munoz, Juan Perez, Genesis Ramos, Carlos Rodriguez, Daniel Singh, Sahibe Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Wiggins, Erik

21 Heath and Wellness Successfully pass the physical fitness test or complete a season in a Wilson sports program (including cheerleading). Awarded once per school year and for Leadership School. Successfully pass the physical fitness test or complete a season in a Wilson sports program (including cheerleading). Awarded once per school year and for Leadership School.

22 Aguilar, Martin Aguilera, Jacob Alvarado, Juan Amaro, Sergio Anders, Sean Avalos, Elizabeth Avila, Jose Avila, Pedro Back, Hyeon Bardales, Justin Benavides, Ray Benhumea, Brian Biosah, Melody Brown, Nicholas Calvin, Aaron Congrats To Calvin, Alejandro Camarena, Brian Carillo, Christopher Carmona, Rodrigo Cervantes, Alexis Chavez, Carmen Chavez, Sergio Cho, Alvin Cisneros, Thania Contreras, Claudette Coria Mejia, Ivan Cranmer, Ashley Day, Shaliyah De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Deazevdo, Ricardo Dimalanta, Roland Dinh, Paul Doan, Crystal Dorotheo, John Richard Dorotheo, Jon Marcus Duron, Joey Escalera, Vanessa Espinoza, Andrew Espinoza, Jasmine Favela, Luis Flores, Giovanni Flores, Kenia Fuentes, Dulce Gallardo, Carlos …

23 Gallardo, Jorge Garcia, Cindy Garcia, Tommy Garcia, Enrique Gil, Pilar Gil, Victor Gomez, Ryan Gonzalez, Levi Guerrero, Rene Hammouri, Adel Hanna, Izaac Hernandez, Kevin Hinton, Dejanei Hughes, Destyni Jara, Mayra Congrats To Jeong, Steve Jijon, Natalie Jimenez, David Jimenez, Jorge Jones, Monet Jurado, Anthony Karapogosian, Jovanni Kim, Angel Kim, Robin Kim, Tae Kwon, Yeongjun Lawerance, Jesse Lisan, Therese Long, Samantha Maldonado, Jose Martinez, Isaiah Medearis, Deija Mendoza, Jonah Miller, Sebastian Molina, Stephany Munoz, Juan Oliver, Renee Ortiz, Daisy Ortiz, Daniela Paniagua, Javier Perez, Genesis Perez, Santiago Perez, Zenon Pineda, Perla Pinedo, Cristina …

24 Pompa, Gustavo Ramirez, Cindi Ramirez, Jason Ramirez, Jesus Ramos, Brian Ramos, Carlos Randolph, Avery Rangel, Anthony Rincon, Remy Salas, Kayleen Sanchez, Jailene Sandoval, Juan Segura, Cassandra Congrats To Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebonya Torres Jr., Tayde Tovar, Christopher Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Vazquez, Cesar Verduzco, Ignacio Westfahl, Chris Yoon, Vickie Ytares, Hannah Zavala, Sergio

25 National Physical Fitness Award Awarded to cadets who score better than the 50 percentile in all 5 of the Presidential Fitness Test areas. Awarded to cadets who score better than the 50 percentile in all 5 of the Presidential Fitness Test areas.

26 Congrats To Cervantes, Alexis Contreras, Claudette Day, Shaliyah Dinh, Paul Dorotheo, JR Flores, Aaron Gallardo, Jorge Hinton, Dejanei Munoz, Juan Ramos, Carlos Sandoval, Juan Turner, Cordicia

27 Presidential Physical Fitness Award Awared to cadet who scores better than the 85 percentile in all 5 of the Presidential Fitness Test areas. Awared to cadet who scores better than the 85 percentile in all 5 of the Presidential Fitness Test areas.

28 Congrats To Torres Jr., Tayde MileCurl UpsShuttlePush UpsV-Stretch 6:04 78 8.2 42 +5.5

29 Service Service Distinctive performance in a minimum of 15 hours and/or four school, community, or AFJROTC service projects each school year. Includes AFJROTC fund raising and parades. Awarded once per school year. Distinctive performance in a minimum of 15 hours and/or four school, community, or AFJROTC service projects each school year. Includes AFJROTC fund raising and parades. Awarded once per school year.

30 Congrats To Aguilera, Jacob Alvarado, Juan Anders, Sean Bardales, Justin Benhumea, Brian Brown, Nicholas Calvin, Aaron Camarena, Brian Cervantes, Alexis Cho, Alvin Cisneros, Thania Contreras, Claudette Cranmer, Ashley De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby DeAzevedo, Tamia Dinh, Paul Doan, Crystal Dorotheo, John R. Espinoza, Andrew Flores, Marco Garcia, Cindy Gil, Pilar Gil, Victor Gonzalez, Levi Guerrero, Luis Hinton, Dejanei Hunt, Joshua January, Ambria Jeong, Steve Jijon, Natalie Jimenez, Jorge Jones, Monet Jurado, Anthony Kwon, Yeongjun Lisan, Therese Jimenez, David Miller, Sebastian …

31 Congrats To Long, Samantha Magdaleno, Luz Maldonado, Ariel Maldonado, Jose Martinez, Isaiah Medearis, Deija Mendez, Troy Mora, Kimberly Munoz, Juan Ortiz, Daisy Ortiz, Daniela Paniagua, Javier Perez, Genesis Perez, Zenon Pimental, Ashley Pineda, Lisamarie Ramirez, Cindi Ramos, Carlos Ramos, Hector Rincon, Remy Rodriguez, Daniel Ruelas, Stephanie Salas, Kayleen Sandoval, Juan Segura, Cassandra Smith, Josh Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebonya Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Voelkel, Austin Westfahl, Christ Wiggins, Erik Yoon, Vickie Ytares, Hannah

32 Good Conduct Ribbon No adverse discipline reports or suspensions and the recommendation of your instructor No adverse discipline reports or suspensions and the recommendation of your instructor

33 Aguilar, Martin Aguilera, Jacob Alvarado, Juan Amaro, Sergio Anders, Sean Angulo, Edwin Avalos, Elizabeth Avalos, Gonzalo Avila, Jose Back, Hyeon Bardales, Justin Benavides, Ray Benhumea, Brian Camarena, Brian Cervantes, Alexis Chang, Jae Chavez, Carmen Chavez, Raymond Congrats To Chavez, Sergio Cho, Alvin Choi, Stephanie Cisneros, Thania Coria Mejia, Ivan Contreras, Claudette Cranmer, Ashley Day, Shaliyah De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Dimalanta, Roland Dinh, Paul Doan, Crystal Dorotheo, John Richard Dorotheo, Jon Marcus Duron, Joey Escalera, Vanessa Espinoza, Andrew Gallardo, Carlos Gallardo, Jorge Garcia, Cindy Garcia, Giovanni Garcia, Tommy Gil, Pilar Gil, Victor Gomez, Ryan Gonzalez, Levi Grijalva, Abel Guerrero, Rene Hammouri, Adel Hernandez, Edgar Hernandez, Jeremy Hernandez, Kevin Hicks, Michael Hinton, Dejanei Hughes, Destyni…

34 Jara, Mayra Jijon, Natalie Jimenez, David Jimenez, Jorge Jones, Monet Jurado, Anthony Karapogosian, Jovanni Kim, Angel Kim, Tae Kwon, Yeongjun Lisan, Therese Long, Samantha Lopez, Nahismi Maldonado, Jose Martinez, Christian Martinez, Coral Martinez, Isaiah Martinez, Maria Medearis, Deija Congrats To Miller, Sebastian Molina, Stephany Munoz, Juan Navarrette, Anthony Oliver, Renee Ontiveros, Erwin Orozco, Melissa Ortiz, Daisy Ortiz, Daniela Paniagua, Javier Perez, Genesis Perez, Zenon Pineda, Perla Pinedo, Cristina Ramirez, Cindi Ramirez, Jesus Ramos, Bryan Rangel, Anthony Rincon, Remy Rodriguez, Daniel Salas, Esteban Sandoval, Juan Sandoval, Tia Segura, Cassandra Shin, Jong Singh, Sahibekamall Smith, Josh Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebonya Torres Jr., Tayde Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Vazquez, Cesar Westfahl, Chris Wiggins, Erik Yoon, Vickie Ytares, Hannah

35 Marksmanship Awarded to those who participate in the Marksmanship Program and competitions. Awarded to those who participate in the Marksmanship Program and competitions.

36 Congrats To

37 Honor Guard Ribbon Awarded to members who have continuously posted and secured the school colors throughout the year Awarded to members who have continuously posted and secured the school colors throughout the year Honor Guard Rocker awarded to the commander of the Honor Guard Team Honor Guard Rocker awarded to the commander of the Honor Guard Team

38 Congrats To Benhumea, Brian Coria Mejia, Ivan Espinoza, Andrew Garcia, Cindy Gil, Pilar Hinton, Dejanei Ramirez, Cindi Zavala, Santiago Espinoza, Andrew Hinton, Dejanei

39 Sabre Team Ribbon Awarded for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all scheduled sabre team events Awarded for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all scheduled sabre team events

40 Congrats To Gil, Victor Long, Samantha Maldonado, Jose Van Duyne, Dexter Benavides, Ray Cervantes, Alex Gonzalez, Levi Maldanado, Jose Long, Samantha Gil, Victor Munoz, Juan Miller, Sabastian Van Duyne, Dexter

41 Color Guard Ribbon Participate in at least five scheduled color guard events in the school year. Must be recommended by Color Guard Commander. Participate in at least five scheduled color guard events in the school year. Must be recommended by Color Guard Commander. Color Guard Rocker Tab awarded to cadets who performed seven or more Color Guard events Color Guard Rocker Tab awarded to cadets who performed seven or more Color Guard events

42 Congrats To Juan Alvarado Justin Bardales Ruby De Leon Paul Dinh Dejanei Hinton Therese Lisan Genesis Perez Juan Sandoval Remy Rincon Juan Sandoval Juan Alvarado Therese Lisan

43 Drill Team Ribbon Participate in scheduled drill team practices and events. Must be selected by an ASI. Participate in scheduled drill team practices and events. Must be selected by an ASI.

44 Congrats To Ebonya Stubbs Stephanie Choi Ruby De Leon Cindy Garcia Natalie Jijon Jorge Jimenez Anthony Jurado Yeongjun Kwon Jong Shin Tayde Torres Jr. Ebonya Stubbs Natalie Jijon Yeongjun Kwon Jong Shin

45 Co-curricular Activities Leadership Award Demonstrate exceptional leadership as COLS cadre or project officer for AFJROTC co- curricular activity (cadet ball, newspaper editor, drill team commander, color guard team, orientation program coordinator, etc.) Awarded once per year. Demonstrate exceptional leadership as COLS cadre or project officer for AFJROTC co- curricular activity (cadet ball, newspaper editor, drill team commander, color guard team, orientation program coordinator, etc.) Awarded once per year.

46 Congrats To Alvarado, Juan Bardales, Justin Day, Shaliyah De La Cruz, Christian De Leon, Ruby Dinh, Paul Kwon, Yeongjun Lisan, Therese Perez, Genesis Sandoval, Juan Stubbs, Ebonya Van Duyne, Dexter Wiggins, Erik

47 Special Team Competition Ribbon Placed 1 st in an Air Force or Joint drill meet. Placed 1 st in an Air Force or Joint drill meet.

48 Armed Regulation Congrats To JR Dorotheo JM Dorotheo Nich Brown Victor Gil Levi Gonzalez Samantha Long Yeongjun Kwon David Jimenez Jose Maldonado Dexter Van Duyne

49 Land Navigation Congrats To Nicholas Brown Austin Sorge Chris Westfahl

50 Leadership School Ribbon Leadership Schools (COLS) graduate. Awarded only once. Add "H" device for completion of Air Force Honors Camp. Add Silver Star for outstanding performance at COLS, limited to 10% of COLS class. Leadership Schools (COLS) graduate. Awarded only once. Add "H" device for completion of Air Force Honors Camp. Add Silver Star for outstanding performance at COLS, limited to 10% of COLS class.

51 Academic Ribbon Awarded for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall grade point average of 3.00, in addition to an "A" average in AFJROTC. Awarded for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall grade point average of 3.00, in addition to an "A" average in AFJROTC.

52 Congrats To Aguilar, Martin Alvarado, Juan Anders, Sean Avalos, Elizabeth Avila, Jose Back, Hyeon Benavides, Ray Benhumea, Brian Biosah, Melody Calvin, Aaron Calvin, Alejandro Cervantes, Alexis Chavez, Carmen Cho, Alvin Choi, Stephanie Contreras, Claudette Coria Mejia, Ivan Cranmer, Ashley De La Cruz, Christian Dimalanta, Roland Dinh, Paul Doan, Crystal Duron, Joey Feigel, Anna Flores, Leonel Garcia, Cindy Garcia, Elisse Gil, Pilar Gomez, Ryan Gonzalez, Wendy Guererro, Rene Hernandez, Edgar Hinton, Dejanei Jeong, Steve Jimenez, Jorge Kim, Alexis Kim, Tae Kwon, Yeongjun Long, Samantha Martinez, Maria Molina, Stephanie Miller, Sebastian Munoz, Juan Navarrette, Anthony Ortiz, Daisy Ortiz, Daniela Perez, Genesis Pineda, Perla Ramos, Hector Ramirez, Cindi Salas, Esteban Salgado, Daniell Segura, Cassandra Shin, Jong Ho Sorge, Austin Stubbs, Ebonya Vazquez, Cesar Werner, Carly Wiggins, Erik Yoon, Vickie Ytares, Hannah

53 Superior Performance Ribbon Awarded annually at the SASI's discretion for outstanding achievement or meritorious service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. Present the ribbon for a single or sustained performance of a superior nature. Limit this ribbon to 10% of the cadet corps to ensure recognition of achievements and services which are clearly outstanding and exceptional when compared to achievements and accomplishments of other cadets. Awarded annually at the SASI's discretion for outstanding achievement or meritorious service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. Present the ribbon for a single or sustained performance of a superior nature. Limit this ribbon to 10% of the cadet corps to ensure recognition of achievements and services which are clearly outstanding and exceptional when compared to achievements and accomplishments of other cadets.

54 Congrats To Bardales, Justin Benavides, Raymond Cervantis, Alex Contreras, Claudette Day, Shaliyah De Leon, Ruby Gil, Victor Gonzales, Levi Jimenez, David Long, Samantha Maldonado, Jose Miller, Sebastian Munoz, Juan Turner, Cordicia Van Duyne, Dexter Wiggins, Erik

55 Achievement Ribbon Awarded for a significant achievement as deemed appropriate by the SASI. Limit this ribbon to 5 percent of the cadet corps. Individuals may not receive more than one ribbon during a 1-year period. Awarded for a significant achievement as deemed appropriate by the SASI. Limit this ribbon to 5 percent of the cadet corps. Individuals may not receive more than one ribbon during a 1-year period.

56 Congrats To Alex Cervantes JR Dorotheo Jorge Jimenez Jose Maldonado Sebastian Miller Remy Rincon Daniel Rodriguez Chris Westfahl Ashley Cranmer Christian De La Cruz Mayra Hernandez Anthony Jurado Therese Lisan Cesar Vazquez Erik Wiggins

57 Leadership Ribbon Awarded at the SASI's discretion for outstanding performance in a position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Limit this ribbon to 5 percent of the eligible group to ensure recognition of cadets who have consistently displayed outstanding leadership ability above and beyond expected performance. Awarded at the SASI's discretion for outstanding performance in a position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Limit this ribbon to 5 percent of the eligible group to ensure recognition of cadets who have consistently displayed outstanding leadership ability above and beyond expected performance.

58 Congrats To Justin Bardales Ashley Cranmer Shaliyah Day Christian De La Cruz Ruby De Leon Paul Dinh JR Dorotheo Andrew Espinoza Tae Kim Therese Lisan Yeongjun Kwon Genesis Perez Juan Sandoval Ebonya Stubbs Erik Wiggins

59 Outstanding Flight Awarded each academic term to members of the outstanding flight Awarded each academic term to members of the outstanding flight

60 Congrats To 1 st Semester:1 st Period (Rm 127) 0 Period (Rm 125) 2 nd Semester: 0 Period (Rm 125) 0 Period (Rm 127) Goes to uniform wearing cadet who completed community service hours w/”B” or higher in JROTC Goes to uniform wearing cadet who completed community service hours w/”B” or higher in JROTC

61 Top performer Award A HQ AFJROTC award presented to a maximum of 2% of the current cadet corps population. Recognizes cadet’s performance in the following key areas: Leadership and job performance, leadership qualities, academic performance, significant self improvement, community involvement and other accomplishments. A HQ AFJROTC award presented to a maximum of 2% of the current cadet corps population. Recognizes cadet’s performance in the following key areas: Leadership and job performance, leadership qualities, academic performance, significant self improvement, community involvement and other accomplishments.

62 Congrats To Christian De La Cruz Paul Dinh Therese Lisan Genesis Perez Juan Sandoval

63 Distinguished Unit Award The Distinguished Unit Award indicates unit ranked in the top 20% of the AFJROTC units worldwide The Distinguished Unit Award indicates unit ranked in the top 20% of the AFJROTC units worldwide All uniform wearing cadets in the unit for the 2013-2014 will be awarded this ribbon All uniform wearing cadets in the unit for the 2013-2014 will be awarded this ribbon

64 VFW Community Service Ribbon Participated in the Ehler Center Memorial Participated in the Ehler Center Memorial Christmas Holiday Community Meal Service Christmas Holiday Community Meal Service

65 Ehler Center Memorial Sean Anders Victor Gil Joshua Hunt Abram James Yeongjun Kwon Therese Lisan Samantha Long Jose Maldonado Genesis Perez Remy Rincon Ebonya Stubbs Dexter Van Duyne Chris Westfahl

66 Holiday Community Service Juan Alvarado Sean Anders Justin Bardales Ray Benavides Thania Cisneros Crystal Doan Cindy Garcia Enrique Garcia Natalie Jijon Anthony Jurado Yeongjun Kwon Samantha Long Ariel Maldonado Javier Paniagua Juan Sandoval Chris Westfahl

67 AEF Badge Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Academic Cadet Award: Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Academic Cadet Award: –Awarded to Sophomore or Junior cadets for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall 3.3 grade point average with no grade of "C" or below on their transcript

68 Congrats To Sean Anders Hyeon Back Claudette Contreras Dejanei Hinton Tae Kim Juan Munoz Jong Shin Vickie Yoon Hannah Ytares

69 Aviation Ground School Wings The following Cadets will test for Wings: Sean Anders Hyeon Back Justin Bardales Carmen Chavez Alvin Cho Paul Dinh Crystal Doan JM Dorotheo Joey Duron Jorge Gallardo Anthony Jurado Christian Martinez Coral Martinez Erwin Ontiveros Melissa Orozco Genesis Perez Jesus Rimirez Estaban Salas Juan Sandoval Chris Westfahl Erik Wiggins Vickie Yoon Hannah Ytares

70 Aviation Ground School Academic Ace Awarded for: Awarded for: –Student in the Aviation Honors Ground School –5 perfect 100% scores on the weekly ground school quizzes

71 With Three Quizzes Left Hyeon Back (4) Carmen Chavez (3) Vickie Yoon (3) Paul Dinh (2) Joey Duron (2) Alvin Cho (2) Awarded upon completion of Course

72 BPHS Only Double Ace Cedric Conde 2013

73 Academic Bowl Team Advanced to the National Championship round in BPHS first year of competition Congratulations to the following Cadets: Claudette Contreras Crystal Doan Joey Duron Stephanie Molina Estaban Salas Hannah Ytares

74 Advanced Rocketry Anthony Jurado Justin Balderas Donovan Vasquez Ivan Duran Coral Martinez Albert Pavon

75 American Legion General Military Excellence Award Awarded to a Cadet: Awarded to a Cadet: –Demonstrated military achievement. –Being upper 25% of Juniors or Seniors. –Demonstrate outstanding leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.

76 Congrats To Paul Dinh

77 American Legion Scholastic Awarded to a Junior or Senior cadet: Awarded to a Junior or Senior cadet: –Be in upper 10% of high school class –Be in upper 25% of JROTC –Be in upper 25% of JROTC –Demonstrate leadership qualities and participate in student activities

78 Congrats To Joey Duron

79 Sergeant’s Valor Award Awarded to any cadet for significant contributions, dedication or selfless actions that positively impact the AFJROTC program Awarded to any cadet for significant contributions, dedication or selfless actions that positively impact the AFJROTC program

80 Congrats To Victor Gil Jose Maldonado

81 Marksmanship Badges Awarded to a cadet who meets the Civilian Marksmanship requirements for marksmanship, sharpshooters or expert Awarded to a cadet who meets the Civilian Marksmanship requirements for marksmanship, sharpshooters or expert

82 Congrats To Juan Alvarado Sharpshooter Sharpshooter Daniell Salgado Expert Expert

83 National Rifle Association Air Rifle Awarded to a cadet who excelled in Air rifle Training Program: Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awarded to a cadet who excelled in Air rifle Training Program: Gold, Silver, and Bronze

84 Bronze Medal Natalie Jijon

85 Silver Medal Juan Alvarado

86 Gold Medal Jorge Jimenez

87 Air Commando Association Awarded to a cadet who writes the best essay on a significant military special operations mission. Awarded to a cadet who writes the best essay on a significant military special operations mission.

88 Congrats To Juan Sandoval

89 Celebrate Freedom Foundation Awarded for: Awarded for: –Outstanding personal appearance as AS-I or AS-II –Display personal attributes such as initiative, judgment, and self confidence –Possession of the highest personal and ethical standards and strong positive convictions. Indicate the potential and desire to pursue a military career –Growth potential, Courteous Demeanor –Top 5% of JROTC Class; Top 15% of Academic Class –Positive attitude (toward JROTC and school)

90 Congrats To Ebonya Stubbs

91 The Retired Enlisted Association Awarded for: Awarded for: –Exceptional leadership to the most outstanding AFJROTC cadet while serving in an Enlisted Rank. –The selected enlisted cadet must have shown outstanding leadership throughout the course of the school year.

92 Congrats To Cassandra Segura

93 Tuskegee Airmen Inc. Awarded to two cadets: Awarded to two cadets: –Who has a grade of "B" or better in AFJROTC. –Be in academic good standing. –Actively participate in cadet corps activities. –Participate in at least 50% of all unit service projects.

94 Congrats To Juan Alvarado

95 Congrats To Samantha Long

96 101 st Airborne Division Association Awarded to a cadet who has exemplifies the spirit and traditions of the AFJROTC Awarded to a cadet who has exemplifies the spirit and traditions of the AFJROTC

97 Congrats To Levi Gonzalez

98 82 nd Airborne Division Awarded to a cadet who has exemplifies the spirit and traditions of the AFJROTC. Awarded to a cadet who has exemplifies the spirit and traditions of the AFJROTC.

99 Congrats To Victor Gil

100 Sons Of Confederate Veterans Awarded to rising 2 nd year (AS-I) Cadet: Awarded to rising 2 nd year (AS-I) Cadet: –Demonstrated strong corps values, honor, courage and commitment to their unit during the school year

101 Congrats To Juan Muñoz

102 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War This award recognizes: This award recognizes: –One deserving cadet (AS-I, AS-II, AS-III or AS-IV) –The recipient must display a high degree of patriotism and have –Demonstrated a high degree of academic excellence and leadership ability

103 Congrats To Dejanei Hinton

104 Air Force Sergeant Association Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: –Be in Top 25% of AS-III or IV –Show outstanding military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship

105 Congrats To Chris Westfahl

106 Military Order of the Purple Heart Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: –Shows a positive attitude towards country and AFJROTC –Outstanding performer in corps leadership position –Be active in the school and community affairs –Academically in good standing

107 Congrats To Dexter Van Duyne

108 Scottish Rite Awarded to an AS-III cadet: Awarded to an AS-III cadet: –Show a High degree of leadership, military bearing, self discipline, good character and all around excellence –Top 25% of high school class

109 Congrats To Sean Anders

110 Sons of the American Revolution Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: –Shows a high degree of leadership potential, military bearing and excellence in AFJROTC –Top 10% of AS-III –Top 25% of high school class

111 Congrats To Crystal Doan

112 National Sojourners Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: –Upper 25% of high school class –AS-II or AS-III cadet –Encourage and demonstrate ideals of Americanism –Demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership

113 Congrats To Cordicia Turner

114 Veterans of Foreign Wars Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: –Shown positive attitude towards AFJROTC –Have outstanding military bearing and conduct –Have strong positive character –Be patriotic with leadership potential –Have at least a "B" in AFJROTC and a "C" or better in all other classes.

115 Congrats To Lower Class Cindy Garcia

116 Congrats To Upper Class Genesis Perez

117 Military Officers Association of America Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: –Be a Junior academically in good standing –Exhibit high morals and loyalty to the unit, school and country –Demonstrate exceptional military leadership potential

118 Congrats To Esteban Salas

119 Military Order of World Wars Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: – (AS-I) that has Excelled in all academics and military training – Actively Participate in AFJROTC extracurricular activities – Wants to continue in AFJROTC

120 Congrats To Natalie Jijon

121 Reserve Officers Associations Awarded to a cadet: Awarded to a cadet: –Has a positive attitude –Outstanding personal appearance –Character –Courtesy –Growth potential –Strong ethics –Senior in upper 10% of AS-III/IV

122 Congrats To Ruby De Leon

123 American Veterans Awarded to a cadet (AS-I, II, III or IV): Awarded to a cadet (AS-I, II, III or IV): –Who Possesses positive attitude, outstanding personal appearance and personal character, and officer potential –Grade of "A" in AFJROTC and academics in good standing in all classes at time of selection and presentation

124 Congrats To Yeongjun Kwon

125 Daughters of the American Revolution Award to an AS-IV cadet: Award to an AS-IV cadet: –Being in the upper 25% AS-IV and high school class –Be dependable with good character –Disciplined –A strong leader –Committed to the patriotic understanding of the importance of AFJROTC training

126 Congrats To Therese Lisan

127 Daedalian A cadet that must: A cadet that must: –Be patriotic and want to serve our country –Show leadership potential and a desire to serve in the military –Be in the upper 10% of AS-III –Academically in good standing

128 Congrats To Justin Bardales

129 Air Force Association Awarded to a cadet who has: Excelled in position of responsibility Excelled in position of responsibility Exhibits positive attitude Exhibits positive attitude Exemplary personal appearance, personal attributes, & courtesy Exemplary personal appearance, personal attributes, & courtesy Growth potential Growth potential Upper 5% of AS-III Upper 5% of AS-III Upper 10% of high school class Upper 10% of high school class Recommended by the SASI for the Outstanding Cadet Recommended by the SASI for the Outstanding Cadet

130 Congrats To Claudette Contreras

131 Commander’s Award Awarded at the SASI’s discretion to cadets who exhibited strong leadership and sustained dedicated service throughout the year. Awarded at the SASI’s discretion to cadets who exhibited strong leadership and sustained dedicated service throughout the year.

132 Congrats To Erik Wiggins Christian De La Cruz

133 Outstanding Cadet Awarded annually at the SASI's discretion to the outstanding first-year, second-year, third-year, and fourth-year cadets. The recipients must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and attain academic and military excellence. Awarded annually at the SASI's discretion to the outstanding first-year, second-year, third-year, and fourth-year cadets. The recipients must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and attain academic and military excellence.

134 Congrats To AS - I Juan Alvarado Natalie Jijon

135 Congrats To AS - II Paul Dinh Dexter Van Duyne

136 Congrats To AS - III Juan Sandoval

137 Congrats To AS - IV Christian De La Cruz

138 Distinguished AFJROTC Cadet Award recognizes the outstanding AS-III Cadet. Award recognizes the outstanding AS-III Cadet.

139 Congrats To Juan Sandoval

140 Outstanding Senior Awarded by Buena Park High School and recognizes the outstanding Senior AFJROTC Cadet. Ceremony will be at Grace Korean Church on 19 May 2014

141 Congrats To Paul Dinh

142 Congratulations to Our Seniors Dolores Aguilar Brian Benhumea Sergio Chavez Ashley Cranmer Christian De La Cruz Ruby De Leon Paul Dinh Giovanni Garcia Wendy Gonzalez Myra Hernandez Anthony Jurado Alexis Kim Yeongjun Kwon Therese Lisan Troy Mendez Erwin Ontiveros Genesis Perez Cindi Ramirez Daniell Salgado Tia Sandoval Ebonya Stubbs Cesar Vazquez Erik Wiggins

143 AS-IV Brian Benhumea Ashley Cranmer Christian De La Cruz Mayra Hernandez Anthony Jurado Ruby De Leon Yeongjun Kwon AS-III Therese Lisan Genesis Perez Cesar Vazquez Erik Wiggins

144 Graduates Accepted to 4-Year University Paul DinhCal St Fresno University of Arizona San Diego St Cal St Long Beach Christian De La CruzBiola University Azusa Pacific Erik WigginsSpartan College

145 Graduates with Military Appointments Anthony JuradoUSAF Yeongjun KwonUSAF

146 Senior Video

147 2014 – 2015 Leadership Team

148 Next Years Officers Squadron Chiefs Justin BardalesFalcon Sq Chief Estaban SalasBlackhawk Sq Chief

149 Next Years Officers Logistics Claudette ContrerasLogistics CC Cassandra SeguraLogistics NCO

150 Next Years Officers Senior Enlisted Dexter Van DuyneCommand Chief Cordicia TurnerWing 1 st Sergeant

151 Next Years Officers Group Commanders Alvin ChoOperations Group CC Shaliyah DayMission Support Gp CC

152 Next Years Officers Wing CC/CV Juan SandovalWing CC Joey DuronVice Wing CC

153 Next Years Officers Juan SandovalWing Commander Juan SandovalWing Commander Joey DuronVice Wing Commander Dexter Van DuyneCommand Chief Cordicia TurnerWing First Sergeant Alvin ChoOperations Group Commander Shaliyah DayMission Support Group CC Claudette ContrerasLogistics Commander Cassandra SeguraLogistics NCO Justin BardalesFalcon Sq Chief Estaban SalasBlackhawk Sq Chief

154 Next Years Special Teams Juan AlvaradoColor Guard Daniel RodriguezColor Guard CV Carlos RamosDrill Team CC Victor GilArmed Drill CC Sebastian MillerArmed Drill CV

155 Special Thanks To

156 Sponsors Roger Smith - Dadaelians Bob Richardson - Marksmanship Medals Gene Langenberg - 101st Airborne LTC Gary MacNamara - 82 nd Airborne Farrell Cooley - Sons of Confederate Vets Rev Danny Fuson - Sons of Confederate Vets Glen Roosevelt - Sons Of Union Veterans of the Civil War Jim Lenon- Scottish Rite & National Soujerners Awards Jim Lenon- Scottish Rite & National Soujerners Awards Jim Fosdyck - Sons of the American Revolution John Muller - Veterans of Foreign Wars Bob Seville - America Legion Don Zweifel - MOWW, ROA, AMVETS Don Zweifel - MOWW, ROA, AMVETS Mrs. Hilary White - Daughters of American Revolution

157 Booster Club Susan Hunt (President / Vice) Carmen Sandoval (Treasurer) Scott Anders (Secretary) Iris Morales (Communications) Iris Morales (Communications) Charles Hunt(Transportation Coordinator) Chaperones: Jose & Angelina Paniagua, Mike Sanchez & Zaida Ruiz, Olivia Soto, Cheryl Westfahl, Kristina Quintana, Sheryl Carter

158 Parent Volunteer of the Year Scott Anders


160 Reception PLEASE No drinks or food/cake allowed in theater.

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