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Introductions and Occupations Spoken English Self Study Fujian Normal University.

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Presentation on theme: "Introductions and Occupations Spoken English Self Study Fujian Normal University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductions and Occupations Spoken English Self Study Fujian Normal University

2 Pronunciation Review 1.Think both thankful and truthful thoughts on the third month. 2.Mothers and brothers breathe through their mouth and seethe through their teeth.

3 “e” and “i” Pronunciation Long vowels fēēt  “bi-zi” 鼻子 b īke  “bai-se” 白色 Short vowels pĕn  “men” 门 sĭt  no pinyin equal whēēl whīlewĭllwĕll b ēē tb ī teb ĭ tb ĕ t ridredwristrest lidledknitnet pinpenfillfell liftleftblissbless

4 Tongue Twister Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers, Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Then where are the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

5 Dialogue Notes “Meet you” vs “see you” “…get your name” vs “…get your name” First name, surname (last name) Choosing names: Chinese vs Western

6 Canadian Teacher: I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Janet Sio Chinese Student: It’s nice to meet you. I’m Wang Xiaoyu. Canadian Teacher. Hmm... How did you get your name? Chinese Student: Well, Wang is my family name. My given name means “laughter and rain”. My father chose it for me because when I was born, my father was very happy and it was raining hard at that time. Canadian Teacher: That’s an interesting story! Chinese Student: How did you get your name? Canadian Teacher: Sio is my family name. My ancestors came from Fujian, China. I think my parents heard the name “Janet” from a movie they saw. Chinese Student: Does your name have some meaning? Canadian Teacher: I think it means the “grace of God”. My parents probably liked the sound of it and that is why they picked it.

7 Sentence Pattern __________ is my family name. My given name means __________. I was given this name because ________________________.

8 Dialogue #1 North American Teacher: Wang Min, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Byler, the director of our student exchange program. Mr. Byler, this is my student, Wang Min. Wang Min: How do you do, Mr. Byler? Mr. Byler: How do you do? It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Wang. Dialogue #2 Friend: Hi, Sara, have you met Ben? Sara: No, I haven’t. Hi, Ben! Ben: Hi, Sara. How ya doin’? Sara: Great! How about you?

9 Introduction Practice Prepare a dialogue for each situation. Role play for the class. 1.Introduce a foreign teacher to your roommates 2.Introduce a foreign teacher to a Chinese teacher 3.Introduce a foreign teacher to the director of the Foreign Language Department 4.Introduce a foreign teacher to your mother 5.Introduce a foreign student to a Chinese teacher 6.Introduce a foreign student to a foreign teacher 7.Introduce two foreign students to each other

10 Occupations Fields of Study When I was young, I wanted to be a/an ________. Now I am studying ________.

11 Homework 1.Tongue Twister practice 2.Review pronunciation of occupations

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