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European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring €4M contribution from European Commission Project of EU-FP7-SPACE, April 2010 – March 2014, 9 partners

2 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring €4M contribution from European Commission Project of EU-FP7-SPACE, April 2010 – March 2014, 9 partners (KNMI, Met Office, URV, NMA, Meteo Swiss, DWD, SMHI, UEA/CRU, Météo France)

3 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Goal:meeting the need for climate monitoring information

4 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Goal:meeting the need for climate monitoring information Need:according to user-consultations by JRC/EEA, EUMETNET, WMO-GFCS, and our own Climate Liaison Team LONG-TERM CLIMATE DATA + ASSESSMENTS

5 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Goal:meeting the need for climate monitoring information Need:according to user-consultations by JRC/EEA, EUMETNET, WMO-GFCS, and our own Climate Liaison Team LONG-TERM CLIMATE DATA + ASSESSMENTS …describing climate variability and change at European scale …placing high-impact extreme events in a historical context

6 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M develops two core services (which are closely linked): + Reference historical databases Climate Indicator Bulletins

7 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M develops two core services (which are closely linked): + Reference historical databases Climate Indicator Bulletins

8 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M

9 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M ESA-CCI

10 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4M ESA-CCI MACC

11 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 1)satellite data (CM-SAF) 2)in-situ observations (ECA&D, HadCRU, GPCC) 3)regional reanalysis of past weather (new!) Reference historical databases

12 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 ? ?

13 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011

14 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 GPCC and CM-SAF (DWD)

15 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 ECA&D/E-OBS (KNMI) Example of E-OBS map for 31st of last month

16 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Data rescue and digitization (MEDARE)

17 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 ECMWF-ERA Interim (80 km) HIRLAM (20 km) MESAN (5 km) 2m Temperature 2m Temperature 2m Temperature Source: SMHI & Météo France

18 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 1)satellite data (CM-SAF) 2)in-situ observations (ECA&D, HadCRU, GPCC) 3)regional reanalysis of past weather (new!) Reference historical databases

19 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 1)satellite data (CM-SAF) spatially extensive but short 2)in-situ observations (ECA&D, HadCRU, GPCC) long-term records but sparse 3)regional reanalysis of past weather (new!) complete but expensive and some bias Reference historical databases

20 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 + Reference historical databases Climate Indicator Bulletins

21 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 + Reference historical databases Climate Indicator Bulletins

22 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Reference historical databases Climate Indicator Bulletins focus on trends and variability in impact relevant indicators include uncertainty estimates first bulletin on EU-temperature due in March 2012

23 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Example: Russian heat wave, July 2010 In-situ NOAA

24 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 ERA-Interim ECMWF MSU UAH Courtesy: John Christy (top), Adrian Simmons (bottom) In-situ NOAA Example: Russian heat wave, July 2010

25 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Assessment requires impact relevant indicators (EEA, IPCC/ETCCDI, WMO-GFCS) In-situ NOAA Example: Russian heat wave, July 2010

26 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 31 days with T-max > 25°C against 9.5 days in a normal July Source: ECA&D Example: Russian heat wave, July 2010

27 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 16 nights with T-min > 20°C against 0.5 night in a normal July Source: ECA&D Example: Russian heat wave, July 2010

28 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 From: EEA/JRC/WHO impact indicator report, 2008; Source: ECA&D, Trends in impact indicators since 1976:

29 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 ETCCDI worldwide indicator activities Working together GH Africa Workshop (WCRP/World Bank) 04/2010 Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines (NL) 12/2009 Southeast Asia (USA) 12/2007 Mexico (UK) 03/2009 West Indian Ocean (France) 09/2009 Central Africa (USA) 4/2007 South America (Ecuador) 01/2011

30 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011

31 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 EURO4MEUMETGRID 4-year project (funding assured)Project with regular extensions (funding uncertain) Focus on research and developmentFocus tools and methodologies for operational services 9 partners in consortium onlyOpen to all ECSN members and targeted at RA VI Top-down gridding with common methodBottom-up stitching national grids together Based on central data archive ECA&D (selected stations only)Based on complete national archives (highest possible detail) Includes DARE and digitization activitiesDARE is part of other projects outside EUMETGRID In situ, satellite and reanalysis dataPrime focus on in situ data Bulletins with impact relevant indicators of extremesVarious user applications Relies on existing infrastructure onlyNew infrastructure development (distributed databases, WIS) Near-real time monitoring of extreme eventsMonitoring linked to WMO Pilot RCC on monitoring (DWD) Initiated by EUInitiated by NMHSs Building block for future GMES Climate ServiceCore of future EUMETNET Climate Capability Liason with ERA-CLIM, ESA-CCI and future FP7 projectsKeen eye on role in operational GMES Climate GEOLAND2 MyOcean MACC SAFER G-Mosaic ??? How do we convince EUMETNET of synergy, and need for funding climate?

32 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 SunCloud project: Motivation Lack of long-term surface solar radiation (SSR, W/m 2 ) series (Fig. 1). Sunshine measurements (Fig.2 ) can be used as a proxy of SSR data. Excellent relationship between SSR and sunshine data. Consequently, ECA&D sunshine data (Fig. 3) are very useful to study changes in radiation reaching the Earth’s surface during the last decades. Fig. 1. Distribution of the longest SSR series in Europe. Fig. 2. Campbell-Stokes sunshine duration recorder. Fig. 3. Current ECA&D sunshine duration data availability.

33 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring EMS/ECAM, Berlin, Germany, 14 September 2011 Trends in radiation reaching Earth’s surface Previous research has reported decadal changes in SSR / sunshine duration during the last century in different regions across the World. For example over Western Europe, Sanchez-Lorenzo (2008) found substantial decadal variations during the 20 th century in sunshine duration series using a set of only 79 stations. A new reassessment of the trends is needed using a most comprehensive data set. Sanchez-Lorenzo et al. (2008)

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