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Information Management in British Telecom Jon Hill.

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2 Information Management in British Telecom Jon Hill

3 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 2 Jon Hill BT is a large Telecom Company based in the UK Turnover £18.7 billion About 100,000 people in BT 4 Years Experience in Information Management Projects A team of 40 people Information & Knowledge Management Practice

4 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 3 Success Each hour working delivered = Each day working delivered = Last year we delivered, with a spend of $4 million Each minute working delivered = There are BIG benefits in Information Management $220,000,000 $2,000 $125,000 $1,000,000

5 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 4 Why do we have Information Quality Problems?

6 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 5 Access Network Core Network ProductsServicesCustomers OSS Enterprise Information

7 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 6 Operational Support Systems

8 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 7 Delivery of a Service

9 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 8 Process Processes are organisational based - Information Quality problems occur at the boundaries Processes are usually designed to be perfect - Information Quality problems occur in the exceptions Process change lags behind business change - Information Quality problems occur where the changes happen End to end processes are rarely understood

10 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 9 Information Quality Legacy Data Problems Planning - Incorrect records are used to make network investment decisions Planning - We plan new physical network with poor information Supplier - Assets are installed and not recorded or recorded incorrectly Assets are moved and records are not updated Provision - Physical configuration differs from records Maintenance - Configuration is changed and not recorded Assets are modernised and information not updated Ceased Circuit not recovered Systems generated errors & Interface errors Information Quality

11 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 10 Business Drivers Different Business Objectives - Provide quicker, Reduce cost Organisational Changes Unpredictable Customers Changing Markets with complex Products, Services and Billing

12 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 11 Where We Started BT Started Information Quality work 4 years previous. We produced an Information Management Policy, obtained Director authority and thought IM would happen! “Every BT manager is responsible for ensuring that all of their people across BT are aware of the Information Policy, understand its implications and act in accordance with it”. - 24 points on how we manage IM - Responsibilities & Actions

13 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 12 Where We Started We were wrong! No buy in from Business Managers at any level Information Management was regarded as another name for “Data Cleanse”. Expensive, benefits not delivered and the problem re-occurs.

14 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 13 Change of Approach Money! Articulate Information Management in the language the business can understand

15 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 14 Change of Approach Manage Information as an Asset, with a value Align with business objectives - Focus where investment - Business Transformation Programmes - System changes - New Products and Services Deliver Business Benefit, analyse, measure, but don’t talk data errors talk money

16 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 15 Building Information Management Credibility Investment in Network Technology:

17 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 16 Our First Success Provision System Inventory Reserve Inventory 1.Customer places an order for Service 2.Check is performed to ensure equipment availability 3.Reserve equipment against order 4.Order fulfilled, equipment configured to give service

18 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 17 Our First Success Data Analysis 230,000 Reserved Items 28,000 Open Orders Inventory System Provision System

19 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 18 Our First Success Process Analysis: The inventory reservation process support the main business objective - Provision. There was no process to deal with cancelled orders! Reservations were never removed. Solution: System fix - automatic removal of reservation after 20 days. This released millions of Dollars in assets

20 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 19 Recipe for Success Business Analysts Data Analysts Solution Designers Culture and Communications People Project Managers Client Managers Team Skills

21 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 20 Recipe for Success Tools Build up expertise in Information Management Tools

22 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 21 Avellino Discovery - Data Investigation

23 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 22 Ab Initio - Extract Transform Reconcile & Load

24 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 23 Unitech - Mainframe Reconciliation

25 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 24 Trillium - Data Cleanse (Customer Information)

26 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 25 How We Manage the Work Collect IQ Problems Prioritise Analyse & Measure Evaluate Solutions Produce Commercial Proposition Manage & Deliver Project

27 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 26 Projects Benefits Finding lost assets, correcting asset status, billing correction products and features, enabling eBusiness, improving customer satisfaction and process efficiency IQ Health Check for a new service Network intelligence - improve Inventory Data Identifying lost Fibre assets Ceased circuits - managing re-use of assets Billing Assurance projects eRepair - IQ to enable eBusiness IQ Health Check to support business objectives

28 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 27 Project Examples Lost Asset Project

29 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 28 Lost Asset Project Evidence that assets were missing from the inventory systems ! How do you measure missing records? Inventory System

30 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 29 Lost Asset Project Process Problems Planner using incorrect data Supplier making decisions Records person remote from the process Network Planning Install Assets Install Assets Install Assets Install Assets Record Inventory BT Supplier Process Monitor 15% of Assets were not being recorded

31 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 30 Project Examples Billing Assurance Project

32 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 31 Billing Assurance Project Contract Management Order Capture Order Management Network Utilisation / Build Configuration / Routing Activation Billing Repair Processes Problems Start/Stop billing Complete billing information Cancelled orders, stranded assets Ceased services, working?

33 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 32 Billing Assurance Project

34 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 33 source Flatten & Format Data Stage Transformation - Layered Billing Assurance Project 10 million records reconciled 300 business rules 95 reports Model Presentation

35 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 34 Billing Assurance Project

36 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 35 Going Forward - Business Relationship Strategy Policy Objectives Senior Management Responsible data Process manage Operations Management Knowledge Measure Information Management

37 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 36 Going Forward We Authorise System Design ensuring IQ is built into the design IM objectives are set from the top, we measure IQ We are part of the major business transformation programmes ensure IQ in new business Manage Information not data cleanse Implementing Data Quality monitors across billing (billing assurance) Ensuring Assets are managed properly with Process Monitors. We have matured from quick wins to:

38 Copyright BT 2003 Slide 37 Thank you for listening Questions?

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