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Solar Wind Lawrence Hidalgo, Jr. Training Director Lansing Electrical Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Wind Lawrence Hidalgo, Jr. Training Director Lansing Electrical Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Wind Lawrence Hidalgo, Jr. Training Director Lansing Electrical Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee

2 What We Will Cover Current Trends Solar Photovoltaic Wind Generation

3 New In Solar XsunX: –Ships Power Glass™ samples to product developers MIT researchers update a relic power source: –Developed in the 1970s –Called Luminescent Solar Concentrator (LSC)

4 Solar Collector Example

5 Solar Roofing Shingles


7 Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada December 2007: –U.S. Air Force celebrated completion of North America's largest solar photovoltaic system PV array will supply Nellis with: –> 30 mill kilowatt-hours of environmentally friendly electricity a year –> 25% of the total power used by the base population– 12,000 people

8 New in Wind Energy Wind farms Community wind Offshore wind

9 Wind Farms “Having four wind turbines on our land has been exciting. They are beautiful, silent, and our cattle can still use the vast majority of the land. Folks occasionally stop by to admire the windmills and ask for information. It’s nice to have an extra income source, and being a part of clean, local energy production makes us proud.” – Bob & Tomalee Will Landowners Somerset, PA

10 Community Wind Defined Community wind projects: –Locally owned by farmers, investors, businesses, schools, utilities, or other public or private entities –Optimize local benefits –Key feature: local community members have a significant, direct financial stake in the project beyond land lease payments and tax revenue –May be used for on-site power –May be used to generate wholesale power for sale, on a commercial-scale > than 100 kW

11 Offshore Wind Energy Could Power the Country – Interior Department According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) data: –263.8 gigawatts of wind power could be located in shallow offshore waters –1,729.3 gigawatts of wind power could be located in deeper waters– where it is not currently feasible to harness the wind energy


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