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WOODLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT 2012-2013 YEAR END FINANCIAL SUMMARY Presented by: Stacy Brown Director of Business Services.

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Presentation on theme: "WOODLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT 2012-2013 YEAR END FINANCIAL SUMMARY Presented by: Stacy Brown Director of Business Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 WOODLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT 2012-2013 YEAR END FINANCIAL SUMMARY Presented by: Stacy Brown Director of Business Services

2 Historical Fund Balance Summary  History of total fund balance at year-end and the percentage of budgeted expenditures Year Ended% of ExpendituresBudgetTotal Fund Balance 20074.4% $ 18,305,087.00 $ 805,289.00 20084.4% $ 19,582,661.00 $ 860,620.00 20096.2% $ 21,340,015.00 $ 1,316,966.00 20108.8% $ 20,203,854.00 $ 1,772,478.00 201111.8% $ 20,707,518.00 $ 2,436,449.00 201214.1% $ 21,029,248.00 $ 2,967,227.00 201311.8% $ 21,251,166.00 $ 2,515,483.00

3 Fund Balance/Enrollment August 31, 2013August 31, 2012 Total Ending Fund Balance$2,515,483$2,967,227 Restricted for Program Carryover $ 43,450$ 0 Reserved for State Forest $ 0$ 66,703 Reserved for Prepaid Exp $ 132,465$ 150,513 Assigned for KWRL Project $ 0$ 350,000 Assigned for Audit Finding $ 750,000$ 0 Assigned for Building/Dept CO $ 106,468$ 154,212 Unreserved Fund Balance$1,483,100$2,245,800 Unreserved FB Decrease from 11-12 to 12-13 ($762,700) BUDGETED ENROLLMENT 2,004 ACTUAL ENROLLMENT 2,042.3138.31 FTE Over Budget

4 Unbudgeted Items Directly Affecting Total Fund Balance Item/Description Election Costs Greater Than Budget ($ 60,000) Student Conversion/Business Office Overtime Underbudgeted ($ 10,000) Classified Staff Substitutes Underbudgeted ($ 26,000) Unbudgeted Maintenance/Food Service Repairs ($ 45,000) Yale Water System Design ($ 17,000) Energy Projects Not as Expected ($ 25,000) KWRL Property Transfer (2 years plus Add’l Required for Project) ($159,500) 38.31 Students Over Budget $192,000 Total ($150,500)

5 Levy Dollars Expenditure TypeLevy Dollars 2012-2013 Levy Dollars 2011-2012 Certificated Salaries $ 474,199$653,361 Classified Salaries $ 639,670$561,707 Administrator Salaries $ 259,802$243,509 Benefits $ 499,633$482,530 Supplies/Services/Travel/Utilities/Insurance $1,065,023$882,648 Substitutes$ 142,237$100,805 Extracurricular$ 355,388$336,171 Special Education$ 123,445$208,347 Transportation$ 321,000$329,541 KWRL Site/Remodel$ 160,700$109,900 Daycare$ 12,200$ 23,000

6 General Fund Revenues Source of FundsAmount Local Taxes (Levy)3,215,65315% Local Receipts441,9512% State Apportionment/LEA11,017,95651% State Special Purpose4,000,09118.5% Federal Funds1,474,7667% From Other Districts1,358,0476% Operating Transfer125,000.5% Total Revenues$ 21,633,444100%

7 Total Expenditures by Type Total Expenditures = $21,147,397 Administrative = 3.8% Certificated = 33.9% Classified = 21.9%

8 Salaries – All Programs $7,982,125$4,633,757

9 Expenditures by Program-Comparison to Prior Year 2012-13 2011-12

10 Activities - General Basic Education Amount ($) 12-13 Amount ($) 11-12 Difference Supervision Instruction107,983109,821 (1,838) Learning Resources241,982251,615 (9,633) Principal’s Office1,080,5151,055,552 24,963 Guidance & Counseling380,488364,339 16,149 Pupil Safety & Management30,10324,298 5,805 Health Services103,41587,301 16,114 Teaching7,563,1057,631,040 (67,935) Extra Curricular358,712336,171 22,541 Professional Development/Inst Technology94,06493,688 376 Totals9,960,3679,953,8256,542 Includes Basic Ed Only – Increases due to loss of Stimulus Funds and account code changes. Teaching is 75.9% of Basic Ed

11 District Wide Support The greatest percentage of expenditures was in Maintenance & Operations at 36.7%. This category includes building maintenance, grounds upkeep, and custodial services. District Wide Support Expenditures = $2,988,683 14.1% of Total Expenditures for 2012-2013 2012-13 2011-12

12 Transportation & Food Service  Total Students transported = 3,700 per day (Based on the count week totals)  Total Expenditures = $3,341,529  Total State Revenues = $2,424,705  Total Unfunded = $916,824 Woodland’s portion paid by Levy dollars to support transportation = $321,000  Total Meals Served = 235,931  Total Expenses = $682,343  Total Revenues = $682,343  Amount of Sodexo rebate to meet guarantee = $26,000 Transportation Food Service

13 Before and After School Care  The WCC and YCC programs add opportunities for parents and students in a small community without many daycare options for families  Programs served about 85 families throughout the year and also provided summer care  WCC program is licensed by the state and able to provide options for low income families  Levy dollars provided to support WCC program for 2012-13 year = $5,200  Levy dollars provided to support YCC program for 12- 13 year = $7,000

14 Capital Projects Debt Service ASB Transportation vehicle

15  Beginning Fund Balance$26,237,435  Revenues$ 1,455,767  Expenditures$ 8,011,801  Ending Fund Balance$19,681,402

16 This fund is used to collect tax revenue and pay the principal and interest on bonds. Payments are made twice a year, December and June. Amount available for principal/interest at August 31, 2013 = $2,577,391 Debt Balance 9/1/12 Debt IssuedDebt Redeemed Debt Balance 8/31/13 Voted Debt$32,305,000$ 0$ 705,000$31,600,000 Non-Voted Debt $ 400,000$ 0$ 88,272$ 311,728 Total$7,555,000$ 0$ 793,272$31,911,728

17  Beginning Fund Balance$211,857  Revenues$289,203  Expenditures$314,014  Ending Fund Balance$187,045 ASB funds are for the extracurricular benefit for the students. Their involvement in the decision-making process is an integral part of associated student body government.

18  Beginning Fund Balance$3,369,116  Revenues$ 671,667  Expenditures$ 0  Ending Fund Balance$4,040,783 This fund is used to replace buses. Revenue comes from the State (in the form of depreciation payments), interest earned on the investments and the annual levy payments made by the for Co-Op districts. This fund is fully self-supporting with state depreciation funds.

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