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EDITING A DOCUMENT Lesson 9. Translate ◦ Feature that allows users to translate their document into other languages ◦ Must be connected to the Internet.

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2 Translate ◦ Feature that allows users to translate their document into other languages ◦ Must be connected to the Internet ◦ Some translations may be inaccurate ◦ Review Ribbon > Language Group > Translate

3 Spelling & Grammar ◦ Word 2010 feature that reviews spelling and grammatical errors as you type and compares them against the Microsoft Word Dictionary ◦ Turned on by default ◦ Red wavy underline: Misspelled words ◦ Green Wavy Underline: Grammatical error ◦ Blue Wavy Line: Word usage error (their, there, they’re)

4 Spelling & Grammar ◦ Review Ribbon > Proofing Group ◦ Keyboard Shortcut: F7 ◦ Words such as names, can be added to the dictionary

5 Spelling & Grammar

6 Spelling & Grammar Options ◦ To change settings: ◦ Backstage View (File Tab) > Options > Proofing ◦ Review Ribbon > Proofing Group > Spelling & Grammar > Options > Proofing ◦ Proofing Button located on the Status Bar ◦ Add words to the dictionary ◦ Change the writing style ◦ Default Writing Style Setting is Grammar and Styles

7 Learn the meanings of words ◦ The dictionary must be installed on your computer before you can use it ◦ You must sign in using a Microsoft email address in order to use the feature ◦ Review > Define

8 Thesaurus ◦ Allows the user to search for synonyms and antonyms ◦ Synonyms: Words that have similar meanings ◦ Excited and Happy ◦ Mad and Angry ◦ Antonyms: Words have opposite meanings ◦ Excited and Upset ◦ Float and sink

9 Word Count ◦ Used to find the number of words, characters, paragraphs, or lines in a Word 2010 document ◦ Located on the Status bar OR ◦ Review Ribbon > Proofing Group

10 AutoCorrect ◦ AutoCorrect: feature that replaces commonly mistyped words with the correct word ◦ Example: Teh is replaced with The automatically ◦ Change settings by going to the Backstage View > Options > Proofing

11 Comments ◦ Note that can be inserted into a Word 2013 document by a reviewer to communicate suggestions, alerts, or tips to the author ◦ Comments appear in balloons by default in the margin (This is called Simple Markup) ◦ Person Card: Identifies the person who made the comment (will display their picture if they have one with their Microsoft account) (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014)

12 Comments ◦ Comments can appear in the Reviewing Pane ◦ Displays a summary of all comments and changes to the document ◦ Comments can appear inline ◦ User’s initials appear in brackets [] (comment does not display) ◦ ScreenTips appear (the comment appears when you move your mouse of the inline comment)

13 Comments ◦ Markup: keeps up with the original document as well as changes made to the original document ◦ Review Ribbon > Comments Group ◦ Can view comments from all users or users of your choice: ◦ Review Ribbon > Tracking Group > Show Markup > Specific People

14 Track Changes ◦ highlights insertions, deletions, or formatting modifications in a document ◦ Must be turned on ◦ Lock Tracking: Keeps other users from turning the Track Changes feature off

15 Source John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2014). Microsoft Official Academic Course Microsoft Word 2013, Exam 77-418.

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