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Copernicus Institute 1 Harmonized LCA data for sugar feedstocks Evert Nieuwlaar Lex Roes Utrecht University Department of Science, Technology and Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Copernicus Institute 1 Harmonized LCA data for sugar feedstocks Evert Nieuwlaar Lex Roes Utrecht University Department of Science, Technology and Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copernicus Institute 1 Harmonized LCA data for sugar feedstocks Evert Nieuwlaar Lex Roes Utrecht University Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS) / Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation Project meeting at Utrecht University, 27/28 May 2004 Copernicus Institute Sustainable Development and Transition Management

2 Copernicus Institute 2 Topics Terminology sugar feedstocks Starch feedstock choice LCA data/choices

3 Copernicus Institute 3 Terminology (Troostenbergh, 1996) Starch liquefaction saccharification Glucose syrups Maltose syrups Oligomeric syrups D-glucose, crystalline (=dextrose) 99% glucose syrup

4 Copernicus Institute 4 Terminology (Troostenbergh, 1996) Starch liquefaction saccharification Glucose syrups Maltose syrups Oligomeric syrups D-glucose, crystalline (=dextrose) 99% glucose syrup Corn syrup Liquid glucose In red: synonyms Liquid dextrose Liquid hydrolysed products Dextrose hydrolyzates

5 Copernicus Institute 5 Characterization glucose syrups % dry matter –Typically 70-75 wt% after concentration –no concentration: 32 wt% (Vink et. al., 2004) –Other value observed: 50% (transportability?) Glucose content (% dry matter) –85-97 wt% after saccharification –>99% after purification DE (Dextrose Equivalent) –Unhydrolyzed starch: DE=0 –Glucose: DE=100 Source: Troostenbergh (1996)

6 Copernicus Institute 6 Feedstocks for starch: Selection for BREW Corn Wheat Potatoes Tapioca Cassava By region US –corn Europe –Wheat, corn, potatoes Asia –Corn, cassava

7 Copernicus Institute 7 Feedstock Selection for Brew Europe –Wheat, potatoes, corn Yield Gluten byproduct –Wheat Selection: only maize (???)

8 Copernicus Institute 8 Maize & Wheat Starch Production in the EU EU 12 BEFORE 1995 EU 15 FROM 1995 (mln tonnes)

9 Copernicus Institute 9 Starch Production in the EU - 2002 Raw Materials Starch Products Total :20.3 mio tons Total : 8.6 mio tons (Starch Equivalent )

10 Copernicus Institute 10 Starch yields Raw materialYield (kg starch/kg raw mat.) Potatoes0.20 Maize0.63 Wheat0.51

11 Copernicus Institute 11 Energy data corn wet milling (non-renewable, cradle-to-gate) SourceEnergyComment Gerngross9.1-10.0 MJ/kg dextr. -HHV or LHV? -allocation on mass basis PEP 115D11.9 MJ/kg dextr. -HHV or LHV? -Quality of calculations? Boustead17.5 MJ/kg LHP -HHV -definition of LHP? Vink et. al.6.0 MJ/kg dextr. (sensitivity allocation: up to 7.6) -HHV -32% dry matter -very efficient plant

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