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Special diets.

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1 Special diets

2 Reasons that influence food choice
Religion – (Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish). Health – reduce cholesterol (red meat & fat). Animal welfare – believe animals should not be killed for food or object to how they are reared (intensive farming). Taste – some people don’t like the taste or texture of meat. Allergy or intolerance – some people can not eat some food groups e.g. nuts, dairy foods, flour. Environmental issues – pollution, expense & quantity produced (meat more expensive than crops).

3 Semi or demi vegetarian
Types of vegetarian Type of vegetarian What they will not eat Semi or demi vegetarian Don’t eat red meat but will eat fish and poultry Lacto-ovo vegetarian Don’t eat meat, poultry or fish but will eat dairy products and eggs Lacto vegetarian Don’t eat meat, poultry, fish, or eggs but will eat dairy products Ovo vegetarian Don’t eat meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, but will eat eggs Vegans Don’t eat meat, poultry, fish or animal products including eggs and dairy products

4 Medical terms; Term Meaning Allergy
(reaction to milk protein) An adverse reaction to the body to certain substances e.g. nuts. Food intolerance (intolerance to milk sugar, lactose) Condition that requires someone to avoid a certain food because of the affect on the body. Allergic reaction The way in which the body responds to some foods, for example: a rash, swelling and anaphylactic shock.

5 What should they avoid? Diabetes No special diet; dietary guidelines
Low fat diet Fatty foods or high fat ingredients Low salt diet Salt or processed foods Nut allergy (anaphylaxis) Avoid nuts Lactose intolerance Avoid drinking milk but can eat cheese and yogurt (lactose converted to lactic acid) Gluten intolerance (coeliac disease) Avoid products made from wheat, barley, oats, or rye

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