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 Award period 3/1/14 – 2/28/15  Total Award is made up of three “sections”: › Formula – funds provided to an area based on HIV infections / AIDS cases.

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2  Award period 3/1/14 – 2/28/15  Total Award is made up of three “sections”: › Formula – funds provided to an area based on HIV infections / AIDS cases › Supplemental – funds provided from the “remaining pot of Federal Ryan White $” once other considerations are made (hold harmless for the larger areas, new areas added) and based on the competitive score of our Part A grant application  This year = 93 out of 100 (one of highest we have ever received) › Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) – funds based on number of minority populations with HIV in the area

3  Approximately 40% of anticipated award 2013-20142014-2015Difference% change Formula$1,122,615$856,197($266,418)-23.74% Supplemental*000- MAI$118,568$76,023($42,545)-35.88% Total$1,241,183$932,220($308,963)-24.89% * Supplemental Award not received yet

4  Reviewed data used for 2013 – 2014 Part A allocations  Reviewed reallocations  Lengthy discussion at special AC meeting February 14  Decided to keep initial allocations at 2013 – 2014 initial percentage for each service category

5 ServicePercentage of Allocation Initial Allocation Amount Outpatient Medical21.68%$185,650 AIDS Pharmaceutical (Local Drug) 8.90%$76,215 Health Insurance Premiums and Co- Pays 17.13%$146,641 Oral Health13.66%$116,955 Medical Case Management 13.99%$119,760 Residential Community Based Health Services.18%$1,555 Medical Nutritional Therapy.59%$5,092 Mental Health Services2.38%$20,414 Substance Abuse Services 1.10%$9,405

6 ServicePercentage of Allocation Initial Allocation Amount Non-Medical Case Management 4.96%$42,496 Patient Navigator3.95%$33,810 Food Pantry3.92%$33,541 Congregate Meals2.82%$24,127 Transportation2.87%$24, 606 Outreach1.17%$10,051 Support Groups (Psychosocial Support).69%$5,879 TOTAL100.00%$856,197

7 ServicePercentage of Allocation Initial Allocation Amount MAI Outpatient Medical 73.92%$56,193 MAI Medical Case Management 7.44%$5,654 MAI Outreach18.65%$14,176 TOTAL100.00%$76,023

8  Final Part A Allocations › When???  There will be a reduction in allocations to services.  Hard decisions.  Remember, the Planning Council does not fund agencies, we only allocate to service categories.

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