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Thieme Publishers Neuerscheinungen 2. Quartal 2015.

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1 Thieme Publishers Neuerscheinungen 2. Quartal 2015

2 Überblick 2. Quartal 2015 AuthorTitleEdISBN TPS Pub Date Euro PriceMain SubjectOrganization GersztenSpine Radiosurgery297816262303475/27/2015€129.99NeurosurgeryTPN UllmanAtlas of Emergency Neurosurgery197816040636845/27/2015€199.99NeurosurgeryThieme/AANS SpetzlerNeurovascular Surgery297816040675905/27/2015€299.99NeurosurgeryTPN LunsfordIntracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery297816262303235/27/2015€159.99NeurosurgeryTPN AgarwalEssentials of OCT in Ocular Disease197816262309896/17/2015€119.99OphthalmologyTPN BiousseNeuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated297816262314986/17/2015€84.99OphthalmologyTPN SataloffGeriatric Otolaryngology197816262397774/29/2015€74.99OtolaryngologyThieme/AAO-HNSF Bernal- Sprekelsen Transoral Laser Microsurgery of Benign and Malignant Lesions197831317239185/27/2015€169.99OtolaryngologyTPS YoshiokaAtlas of the Facial Nerve and Related Structures197816262317195/27/2015€64.99Plastic SurgeryTPN BeekDiagnostic Pediatric Ultrasound197831316973185/27/2015€179.99RadiologyTPS JainBrain Tumor Imaging197816040680615/27/2015€119.99RadiologyTPN

3 Neurosurgery  Gerszten, Spine Radiosurgery, 2 nd E129.99€  Ullman, Atlas of Emergency Neurosurgery199.99€  Spetzler, Neurovascular Surgery, 2 nd E 299.99€  Lunsford, Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 2 nd E 159.99€

4 ISBN: 9781626230347 Pages: 240 Illus.: 150 Format: 21.59 x 27.94 cm Price: € 129.99 Marketing points: Most comprehensive and up to date book: Every single aspect of spine radiosurgery is covered. It is appropriate for the beginner and the expert. It talks about the basics and the advanced techniques. Media Center/ DVD: None Specialties: Neurosurgery Audience: Medical Professionals Competition: Lim: Handbook of Radiosurgery in CNS Disease, (C) 2013, 264pp, $65, Demos. This book covers both brain and spine, but in fact only 40pp are spine. The large sterotactic radiosurgery books only have a chapter or two devoted to the spine, and the same is true of the large radiation oncology books.  This is the gold-standard textbook on spinal radiosurgery. We have the expert authors, from centers of excellence around the world! Gerszten Spine Radiosurgery, 2 nd E 5/27/2015

5 ISBN: 9781604063684 Pages: 288 Illus.: 526 Format: 21.59 x 27.94 cm Price: € 199.99 Marketing points: More than 500 beautiful full-color illustrations, all by artist Jennifer Pryll Contains the most up-to-date information on emergency neurosurgical procedures Chapters cover depressed skull fractures, penetrating injuries, burst fractures, and more Media Center/ DVD: None Specialties: Neurosurgery Audience: Residents, fellows, clinicians Competition: Agrawal: Emergency Approaches to Neurosurgical Conditions, NYP due 1/2015, 198pp, 38 illus, $159, Springer  A step-by-step illustrated atlas to performing key emergency neurosurgical procedures! Ullman Atlas of Emergency Neurosurgery 5/27/2015 Not final

6 ISBN: 9781604067590 Pages: 1405 Illus.: 1875 Format: 22.86 x 30.48 cm Price: € 299.99 Marketing points: Leading practitioners and teachers known around the word share their expertise Multidisciplinary authorship representing neurosurgery, interventional neuroradiology and radiothearpy Amazing, high-quality video and images Media Center/ DVD: 150 very high-quality videos Specialties: Neurosurgery Audience: Medical Professional Competition: Jabbour: Neurovascular Surgical Techniques, (c) 2013, 433pp, 538 illus, $124.20, Jaypee. The author is at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, a quality institution, though not close to the reputation of The Barrow. Our book is much more comprehensive, and includes videos.  This is a must-have clinical reference for all vascular neurosurgeons and neurosurgical residents written by the leading experts with a remarkable collection of high-quality videos! Spetzler Neurovascular Surgery, 2 nd E 5/27/2015

7 ISBN: 9781626230323 Pages: 304 Illus.: 148 Format: 21.59 x 27.94 cm Price: € 159.99 Marketing points: Features detailed discussions of radiosurgical procedures for specific pathologies and disorders, such as arteriovenous malformations, meningiomas, and pituitary adenomas Focuses on the expanded indications for treatment, especially brain metastases Includes important updates in treatment for skull base tumors and functional disorders Media Center/ DVD: none Specialties: Neurosurgery Audience: Residents, fellows, clinicians Competition: Chin & Regine: Principles & Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, May 2008, $299.00, HC, 722pp, Springer. Second edition due in December 2014  A concise yet comprehensive reference on current techniques for radiosurgery of the brain! Lunsford Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 2 nd E 5/27/2015

8  Agarwal, Essentials of OCT in Ocular Disease119.99€  Biousse, Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated84.99€ Ophthalmology

9 ISBN: 9781626230989 Pages: 270 Illus.: 398 Format: 21.59 x 27.94 cm Price: € 119.99 Marketing points: Edited by Amar Agarwal, a pioneer in OCT research, with chapters written by world- renowned experts in the use of OCT Covers both anterior and posterior applications of OCT and recent modifications in OCT systems Online access to videos demonstrating OCT-guided surgical procedures Media Center/ DVD: 10 videos featuring use of the OCT technology, with explanatory voice overs Specialties: Ophthalmology Audience: Residents, fellows, clinicians Competition: none  A state-of-the-art resource addressing anterior, posterior, and surgical applications of OCT! Agarwal Essentials of OCT in Ocular Disease 6/17/2015

10 ISBN: 9781626231498 Pages: 789 Illus.: 913 Format: 12.70 x 20.30 cm Price: € 84.99 Marketing points: Includes more than 900 original, full-color images, line drawings, and charts Written by two of the most prominent neuro-ophthalmologists in the United States Offers step-by-step guidance on performing examinations and covers disorders of the visual afferent system, the pupil, ocular motor efferent systems, and the orbit and lid Media Center/ DVD: none Specialties: Ophthalmology Audience: Residents, fellows, clinicians Competition: Savino: Wills Eye Color Atlas and Synopsis series: Neuro-Ophthalmology. 304 pages, 2012, LWW, $87.99 Pane: Neuro-Ophthalmology Survival Guide, 424 pages, 2007, Elsevier, $76.95 Thurtell: Neuro-Ophthalmology: What do I do now? 208 pages,, Oxford University Press, $36.99  An updated, beautifully illustrated atlas reflecting the most recent advances in neuro- ophthalmology! Biousse Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated, 2 nd E 6/17/2015

11  Sataloff, Geriatric Otolaryngology74.99€  Bernal-Sprekelsen, Transoral Laser Microsurgery of Benign and Malignant Lesions169.99€ Otolaryngology

12 ISBN: 9781626239777 Pages: 256 Illus.: 76 Format: 21.60 x 27.90 cm Price: € 74.99 Marketing points: Reviewed/ approved by a committee of the AAO-HNS Provides an overview of the current principles of geriatric otolaryngology Issues like nutrition, comorbidities, and functional status are critical in treating the elderly and this book emphasizes these. Media Center/ DVD: none Specialties: Otolaryngology, Internal Medicine; Geriatrics Family Practice Audience: Medical Professional Competition: Calhoun: Geriatric Otolaryngology, (C) 2006, 824pp, 181 illus, $199.95, Informa. This book has a 4-star review on Doody and 1-star on Amazon. Despite its size and price, the complaint is the book is too basic.  Published in cooperation with the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO/HNS), this book provides the essential information needed to properly treat the rapidly growing number of geriatric patients ! Sataloff Geriatric Otolaryngology 4/29/2015

13 ISBN: 9783131723918 Pages: 324 Illus.: 324 Format: 19.50 x 27.00 cm Price: € 169.99 Marketing points: Detailed descriptions of the surgical techniques for the different anatomical locations Tips and tricks for improving exposure Discussions of potential complications, their incidence, and prevention and management Media Center/ DVD: none Specialties: Otolaryngology, Laryngology Audience: Senior residents, fellows, surgeons Competition: none  Edited by internationally renowned experts this book provides comprehensive and up-to- date coverage of TLM for the treatment of benign lesions and malignant tumors of the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx! Bernal-Sprekelsen Transoral Laser Microsurgery of Benign and Malignant Lesions 5/27/2015

14 Plastic Surgery  Yoshioka, Atlas of the Facial Nerve and Related Structures64.99€

15 ISBN: 9781626231719 Pages: 112 Illus.: 108 Format: 21.60 x 27.90 cm Price: € 64.99 Marketing points: More than 100 beautiful full-color, high-quality dissection photographs Focuses on the anatomy of extracranial facial nerve and related structures Covers layer by layer dissection of latex injected cadaver heads to the deep facial region Media Center/ DVD: 3D versions of all images in the book are on Thieme’s MediaCenter Specialties: Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery Audience: Residents, fellows, clinicians Competition: Seckel: Facial Danger Zones: Avoiding Nerve Damage in Facial Plastic Surgery, 52pp, $95, CRC Ellis: Surgical Approaches to the Facial Skeleton, 2e, 250pp, $293.99, LWW and Janfaza: Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck, 932pp, $367.50  A beautifully illustrated anatomy atlas focusing on the facial nerve! Yoshioka/Rhoton Atlas of the Facial Nerve and Related Structures 5/27/2015

16 Radiology  Beek, Diagnostic Pediatric Ultrasound179.99€  Jain, Brain Tumor Imaging119.99€

17 Marketing points: Nearly 1700 high-quality images that depict all conditions in exquisite detail Unique “Tips from the Pros” that offer practical insights gained through actual clinical experience with pediatric patients Instructive ultrasound video clips available on Thieme Media Center Media Center/ DVD: 111 Ultrasound video clips Specialties: Radiology, Pediatric Imaging Audience: Paediatric Radiologists and residents in Paediatric radiology, General Radiologists Competition: Siegel M.J. Pediatric Sonography, 4th ed. LWW, Oct. 2010, 736 pages, 1821 illus., $236.00, €184.99 de Bruyn R. Pediatric Ultrasound. How, Why and When, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, April 2010, 404 pages, $92.95, €54.99  The complete “go-to” reference for daily diagnostic pediatric ultrasound practice! Beek Diagnostic Pediatric Ultrasound 5/27/2015 ISBN: 9783131697318 Pages: 656 Illus.: 1650 Format: 21 x 28 cm Price: €179.99

18 Jain Brain Tumor Imaging 5/27/2015  An in-depth analysis of advanced brain imaging techniques, essential for initial diagnosis and tumor staging, patient evaluation, and selection of appropriate treatment! Marketing points: Advanced/ functional imaging techniques Addresses how to accurately assess treatment effects and differentiate from tumor progression Concise, yet in-depth analysis of most of the clinically available advanced imaging tools useful for neuro-oncology and brain tumor assessment Media Center/ DVD: none Specialties: Radiology, Neurosurgery, Neuro/ Head & Neck Imaging, Tumors Audience: Resident/ Fellow, Clinical, Specialist Competition: Drevelegas, Imaging of Brain Tumors with Histological Correlations, 2nd ed., 2011, 445p, Springer, $209 Pillai, Functional Brain Tumor Imaging, 2013, 250p, Springer, $179 ISBN: 9781604068061 Pages: 384 Illus.: 551 Format: 21.60 x 27.90 cm Price: €119.99

19 London April 2013 Thank you!

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