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Slide 1 Image Guided Surgery. Slide 2 Conventional Surgery: Seeing surfaces Provided by Nakajima, Atsumi et al.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Image Guided Surgery. Slide 2 Conventional Surgery: Seeing surfaces Provided by Nakajima, Atsumi et al."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Image Guided Surgery

2 Slide 2 Conventional Surgery: Seeing surfaces Provided by Nakajima, Atsumi et al.

3 Slide 3 Computer Assisted Surgery: seeing through surfaces

4 Slide 4 Goal: Assist Surgeons Surgical Planning & Simulation –Maximize Tumor Removal –Minimize Damage to Critical Structures Intraoperative Visualizations via 3D Slicer

5 Slide 5 Preoperative Image Information High resolution structural MRI SPECT images –perfusion –metabolism MR Angiography, vessel models Diffusion Tensor MRI fMRI Electro-Cortical Stimulation

6 Slide 6 Pre-Operative Image Processing Construct 3D Models –Semi-Automated Segmentation –DTMRI Tract Tracing Register all pre-operative data

7 Slide 7 Integrated Preoperative Data F. Talos

8 Slide 8 Patient-specific models Gering_fmri

9 Slide 9

10 Slide 10 Segmentation of Neural Structures

11 Slide 11 DT-MRI Tractography H.J. Park, M.E. Shenton, C.-F. Westin

12 Slide 12 Preoperative fMRI, Motor Experiment F. Talos

13 Slide 13 Oligodendroglioma – DT-Tractography + fMRI F. Talos

14 Slide 14 Intraoperative Image Processing Acquire one or more volumetric (interventional) MRI (iMRI) images Determine non-rigid registration of Pre- and Intra-operative data

15 Slide 15 Construct Intraoperative Visualization transmit image data and 3D models thru volumetric deformation integrate with iMRI images and models display with 3D Slicer LCD screen in front of surgeon in iMRI –coordinate visualization with intraoperative instruments

16 Slide 16 fMRI Projected into Intraoperative Brain Configuration Provided by Alida Tei

17 Slide 17 fMRI and DTI Info Projected into Intraoperative Brain Configuration Provided by Alida Tei

18 Slide 18 3D Slicer: tool for Visualization Registration Segmentation Measurements Realtime Integration Provided by D. Gering

19 Slide 19 3D Slicer Demo...

20 Slide 20 3D Slicer Demo...

21 Slide 21 3D Slicer Demo...

22 Slide 22 3D Slicer Demo...

23 Slide 23 3D Slicer Demo...

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