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Mass Media 8 aspects to consider in our course this semester.

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1 Mass Media 8 aspects to consider in our course this semester

2 The eight aspects are... Their importance Primary Mass Media Media Models Economics Demassification Conglomeration Globalization Media Melding

3 Their importance “Studying the media gives people the tools to know whether the media are living up to their potential as facilitators of democracy.”

4 Importance of Mass Media 1. Pervasiveness 2. Citizenship 3. Information source 4. Entertainment source 5. Persuasion 6. Binding influence

5 Primary Media Print –Newspapers –Books –Magazines

6 Radio Television Computers WWW combines text, audio, still and moving visuals.

7 Chemical Media Film –“silver halide” most efficient as storage medium and can be projected effectively.

8 Mass Communication Models Marshall Mc Luhan--Canada, 1950s “Hot” media require thinking, involvement –Newspapers, books, magazines “Cool” media require little effort –TV, radio

9 Models continued Entertainment -information model A dichotomy All media can entertain, inform and persuade

10 Elitist Populist Model Elitist-Populist Model

11 Elitist –media have obli- gation to improve, better raise public consciousness –educate, uplift, refine culture. –Responsibility: pro- vide cultural & intellectual leadership Populist –marketplace decides –give people what they want

12 Push-Pull Model Push media Active Thrust messages at you; beepers, ad banners Receivers are on Pull Media Passive You steer them TV, Radio

13 Economics of Mass Media Two ways to sell media products: 1. Advertising support –advertisers pay for access to customers –movie makers use “product placement to pick up advertising directly –direct payment

14 2. Circulation revenue –Direct audience payment--HBO, subs –Audience donations –Private support –Government subsidies –Auxiliary enterprises--A newspaper may sell newsprint from its paper factories in Canada.

15 “Economic Imperative” Means that you must make money The principle at work when TV shows are cancelled due to low ratings. Promotions

16 Upside and downside Free press Independent press Hard to get certain themes on air Media won’t investigate their co’s Who owns the “free” press?

17 US Media Landscape 12, 227 radio stations –Average is 5 per household 1,564 TV stations $40.8 billion in Adv revenues –70% to TV; 30% to radio 84% have VCR’s $123.4 billion total stock market value of Fox, (News Corp) Walt Disney and CBS

18 Factoids about Cable 11,800 cable systems. Time Warner cable the largest. Telecom Inc is largest MSO. 67.4% US HH subscribe to cable. 50% of cable wired HH have >30 chs. Cable costs average $27.43 a month HBO first satellite channel--1975 Industry revenues about $29 billion.

19 Some thoughts about kids and TV TV is on 7 hours 9 minutes a day. Children 2-17 watch TV 3 hours a day 1,392 crime stories on ABC/CBS/NBC eve. news in 1998. From 1996-1998 in Prime Time –5% increase in violence –30% increase in foul language –42%increase in sexual content

20 The Internet 35% of US population use Internet 57 % Internet users are men 71% purchasing online by men. $1.3 billion spent by teens and kids to buy goods online in 2002 (projection) $128.4 billion total stock market value of American Online, Inc., May 1999

21 Media Demassification No longer seek mass audiences Radio began to demassify in 50s Now target segments of market share Use demographics, psychographics

22 Effects of Demassification Advertisers bypass mass media to reach audiences. Alternative media--narrowly focused adv –Direct mail –Point of purchase TV commercials –Grocery stores –Place-based media –Doctor’s offices –Telemarketing

23 Consequences Tendency –Revenue base will change. –Mass media will lose advertising support. –Did you see Blair

24 Media Conglomeration Big advantage--stability through rough periods Media ownership changing Business mgmt. “experts” run media enterprise; quality of media suffers Mergers, acquisitions, buyouts, corporate ownership

25 Top Six US Media Companies Time Warner News Corps Telecommunication, Inc. GE-NBC Disney ABC Microsoft

26 Media Monopoly or Not? Monopolies –Justice Dept Needs evidence of “collusion” to fix prices –Microsoft investigation

27 Dubious Effects of Conglomeration Potential for self serving inherent Agenda is profits! Not ideology. Negative impact on diversity: sameness Quality suffers: fewer people do more work. People are laid off. Newsgathering suffers

28 Positive Effects of Conglomeration US book industry financially stronger Builder-entrepreneurs committed to media and its traditions

29 Media Globalization “Globalization”--international conglomerate acquisition for media holdings 1. Transnational ownership 2. “anonymous superpowers” which threaten US cultural autonomy 3. Can adopt local strategy and respect national character and cultural tradition.

30 Media Melding--8 primary media in transition Digitization--process that compresses, stores and transmits data:--text, sound, video… Intracorporate Synergy--TV networks that rely on one another’s productions; joint ventures between Hollywood film studios and TV networks. Partners, not competitors.

31 Final Thoughts on Chapter One Correlation between media use, education and prosperity key to development

32 The First Amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

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