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Chemical Bonds Modern Chemistry: Chapter 6 Why? How? What? Where?

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1 Chemical Bonds Modern Chemistry: Chapter 6 Why? How? What? Where?

2 Why? Electromagnetism is 1 of the 4 universal forces Balance between repulsion & attraction – Protons repel protons; electrons repel electrons – VSEPR = valence shell electron pair repulsion – Positive nuclear charges attract electrons Electrons are from self & nearby atom(s) Compounds are more stable than free atoms/ions – Lower potential energy at the optimal bond length – Energy is released upon bond formation, typically Heat &/or Light Sound Movement

3 Octet Rule answers “Why?” Bonds typically form to give 8 e - in outer shell. This provides a “noble gas configuration.” There are, however, exceptions. – BF 3 & AlCl 3 only have 6 electrons for B & Al – PF 5 & SF 6 have more than 8 electrons for atoms – H 2 & He only have 2 electrons in outer shell

4 What? Types of bonds – Ionic chemical bonds Oppositely charged ions attract one another – Covalent chemical bonds Nonpolar = Equal sharing of electrons Polar = Unequal sharing of electrons – Metallic bonds Mobile sea of electrons surround cations

5 How? Chemical bonds are determined by differences in the degrees of electronegativity (0 – 4.0) – Ionic = difference > 2.0 Alkali & alkaline earth metals with halogens/ nonmetals Some transition metals with nonmetals – Polar covalent = difference of 0.6 – 1.9 Nonmetals with one another Some transition metals with nonmetals – Nonpolar covalent = difference of 0 – 0.5 Diatoms (I, Br, Cl, F, O, N, H) Nonmetals with very similar nonmetals

6 How else? Molecular orbitals form around atoms Size of atoms/ ions influence bond formation Unshared valence electrons affect the shape of the entire molecule (molecular geometry) Bond length: minimum potential energy – Single bonds are longest Two electrons are involved Smallest bond energy (least repulsion) – Triple bonds are shortest Six electrons (3 pairs) are shared

7 What about metallic bonds? Vacant orbitals in outer energy levels overlap Overlapping orbitals allow outer electrons to roam freely throughout the entire metal – Malleability, Ductility, & Conductivity Many orbitals spaced by incremental energy levels allow absorption of many frequencies – Luster

8 Where? Covalent bonds form in the electron cloud –  bonds: symmetrical along nuclei’s axis –  bonds: side by side overlap of p orbitals in sausage-shaped regions above & below axis Ionic bonds form in the charged space of the electron cloud Metallic bonds form between cations of the same element as a mobile sea of electrons

9 Electron-Dot Notation Illustrates only the valence electrons – Nucleus & inner-shell electrons = element symbol – Valence electrons shown as dots: E, N, W, & S Compounds shown as Lewis structures – Shared valence electrons = dot-pairs or dash(es) – Unshared valence electrons = dot(s) Structural formulas don’t show unshared pairs  F-F, H-Cl, K-I, etc…

10 Resonance Structures A single representation is inadequate Molecule may constantly alternate between bonding structures Molecule may form an average of 2 structures – Ozone (O 3 ) forms identical O-O bonds that are between a single & a double bond

11 Ionic Compounds Formula unit = simplest collection of atoms Crystal lattice = 3-D arrangement of ions – Cubic- Monoclinic-Triclinic – Tetragonal- Hexagonal – Orthorhombic- Rhombohedral Lattice energy (kJ/mol) = energy released upon crystal formation from gaseous ions Polyatomic Ions: NH 4 +, MnO 4 -, SO 4 =, etc… – Ions held together by covalent bonds.

12 VSEPR Theory Molecules form to lessen e - pair repulsion Diatoms  form linear (180 o ) Group III/13  form trigonal-planar (120 o ) Group IV/14  form tetrahedral (109.5 o ) Group V/15  form trigonal-pyramidal (107 o ) Group VI/16  form bent or angular (105 o ) SF 6 types  form octahedral (90 o )

13 Hybridization Atomic orbitals mix & form equal hybrid orbitals on the same atom – s & p orbitals  sp orbital (180 o ) BeF 2 – s, p, & p orbitals  sp 2 orbital (120 o ) BF 3 – s, p, p, & p orbitals  sp 3 orbital (109.5 o ) CCl 4

14 Intermolecular Forces Dipole-dipole forces – Separated equal but opposite charges  Dipole – Represented by arrow with head toward (-) pole Forces of attraction between polar molecules Hydrogen bonding – H of 1 molecule pulled to (-) charge on another London dispersion forces – Attractions from creation of instantaneous dipoles

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