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By Ayesha Shafiq. AIM To enhance students Scientific concepts using activity-based learning and incorporating 21 st century skills for the world today.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ayesha Shafiq. AIM To enhance students Scientific concepts using activity-based learning and incorporating 21 st century skills for the world today."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ayesha Shafiq

2 AIM To enhance students Scientific concepts using activity-based learning and incorporating 21 st century skills for the world today.

3 LONG TERM GOALS To develop 21 st century skills by using 21 st century techniques and approaches To develop IT skills by enabling students use computer effectively To develop Higher- order thinking and student collaboration to promote learning

4 SHORT TERM GOALS Promote 21 st century skills by making the lessons student-centered Develop higher order thinking by incorporating challenging tasks Use various kinds of technology to conduct research, communicate, and create knowledge

5 Bloom’s Theory

6 Mind map of Bloom’s taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension. Application. Analyze. Synthesis

7 Text file

8 Cognitive process through Bloom’s theory Bloom’s Taxonomy is the most well-known for the work done in the Cognitive Domain. Skills in the cognitive domain revolve around knowledge, comprehension, and critical thinking of a particular topic. Traditional education tends to emphasize the skills in this domain, particularly the lower-order objectives. The categories in the Cognitive Domain go from the lowest order to the highest order of human thinking.

9 USES OF BLOOMS TAXANOMY AND 21 ST CENTURY APPROACHES Who can make it possible?What to achieve?

10 Time Line February Unit 2 March Unit3 April Unit 4 Revision January Unit 1 Science Student Book


12 Science Topics Separating solids and liquids (Unit 1) Gases around us (Unit 2) Circuits and Conductors (Unit 3) Changing Sounds (Unit 4)

13 Teaching and Learning Strategies Units21 st Century approaches Techniques / Modes 1.Separating solids and liquids Exploring different states of matter, observation, questioning, giving directions intervening,computer Experiments to observe the characteristics of three states of matter apparatus Daily life experience Power point presentation 2.Gases around us Exploring various properties of gases through activities, observation, questioning, giving directions intervening,computer Experiment Apparatus daily life experience power point presentation Using library books 3.Circuits and Conductors Activities, exploring, research, observation of the functions of circuits and analyze open and close circuits Activities providing resource material, observation construct, design, assemble 4.Changing Sounds Observation, monitoring, construction and understanding about different musical instruments Investigate, research, compose measure construct act

14 Skills and Resources UnitsSkillsResources Separating solids and liquids  Creativity and intellectual curiosity  Critical Thinking  Interpersonal and Collaborative skills  Problem identification, formulation and solution  Media literacy  Different sized sieves  Activities  Handout and work sheets Gases around us  Accountability and adaptability  Communication skills  Critical thinking  Information and media literacy  Library books  Activities  Computer  Hand outs  Project work Circuits and conductors  Accountability and Adaptability  Creativity and Intellectual curiosity  System thinking  Problem Identification, formulation and solution  Communication skills  Self- direction  Main components of the circuit  Thinking questions  Class activities  Soft boards  Computer games  Handouts and work sheets Changing sounds  Critical and system thinking  Interpersonal and collaborative skills  Social Responsibility  Different musical instruments  Activities  Handout and work sheets  GRAPHS

15 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ChallengesSolutions  Students motivation  Encouragement  Management of class  Apparatus  Group working  Lab support or pre booking  Motivation of students  Encouragement  Permission  Time management  Questionnaire  Letter for principal & teachers for other classes  Group task division  Extra Personal Time  Matter and details  Search from internet & books  Multimedia presentation  permission  Search from net  letter  Availability of resources  Lab booking & apparatus  Head will provide the resources  By the coordinators of the subject

16 CHANGING SOUNDS Sounds Sound is a type of vibrations It travels through air, solid or liquids It travels fastest through solids It can not pass through a completely empty space like on moon,if we want to send messages in space we have to change the sound vibrations to electrical or radio signals Sound is a form of energy as it travels from one place to another Sound can change by pitch and volume Pitch is the rise and fall of sound. Pitch depends on thickness, size and length of the object Volume is the level of sound Small musical instruments produce high sound because vibrations are near, big musical instruments produce low sound because vibrations are far

17 Changing sounds q. How our ears work and how we hear sounds? 1. Our outer ears are shaped to catch sound waves 2. They pass the sound waves down to our ear canal 3. The sound waves make our ear drum vibrate 4. The ear drum passes these vibrations on to 3 tiny bones 5. These tiny bones carry the vibration to a snail shell shaped tube 6. Inside the tube there are many small nerve cells 7. These nerve cells carry the sound messages to our brain

18 Teaching methodologies and children activities Topic21 st Century approaches Techniques / Modes Changing Sounds Observation, monitoring, construction and understanding about different musical instruments Investigate, research, compose measure construct act Conclusion Sound produce through vibrations It travels fastest through solids Small musical instruments produce high pitch notes Big musical instruments produce low pitch notes

19 21 st Century Approaches and Skills development 21 st Century Approaches 1.Observing & Monitoring Skills 2.Giving Direction Skills 3.Listening & Speaking 4,Questioning Skills 5.Encouraging Skills 6.Intervening Skills 21 st century Skills 1.Accountibility & Adaptability 2.Communication Skills 3.Creativity & Intellectual curiosity 4.Critical Thinking & System Thinking 5.Information & Media Literacy Skills 6.Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills 7.Self Direction 8.Problem Identification & Solution 9.Social Responsibility

20 Achievements of children

21 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ChallengesSolutions  Students motivation  Encouragement certificates  Noise pollution  By using appropriate muffling materials  Management of class  Apparatus ( MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS)  Group working  Lab support or music room the permission of music teacher  Permission  Time management  Questionnaire  Letter for principal & teachers for other classes  Group task division  Extra Personal Time  Matter and details  Search from internet & books school soft boards  Multimedia presentation  permission  Search from net  letter

22 RESOURCES owmove.lp_sound/ owmove.lp_sound/ ibr... ibr

23 ACKHNOWLEGMENT To the tutors for their end less support To the management of our branch To Colleagues To the DAPS To the most important person: Our Principal

24 Learning how to learn is life's most important skill

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