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Changing the way you………th INK Sunsure Divine Series. Technical Information Divine Offset Inks The fastest gloss sheet-fed offset process inks The Divine.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing the way you………th INK Sunsure Divine Series. Technical Information Divine Offset Inks The fastest gloss sheet-fed offset process inks The Divine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing the way you………th INK Sunsure Divine Series. Technical Information Divine Offset Inks The fastest gloss sheet-fed offset process inks The Divine series of offset inks are manufactured in accordance to Japanese colour standards. The special constituents of this process ink are matched precisely to the individual stages in the manufacturing process. The wetting medium and the finely controlled dispersion conditions have been chosen so as to ensure that the ink pigments are coated completely and in a stable manner ensuring improved press stability. The improvements in quality are to be found in areas such as colour intensity, gloss, rub resistance, damping solution tolerance, stability at high printing speeds and further processing. Divine inks are suitable for immediate turning and rapid further processing. Divine Series Fastness characteristics per DIN 16 524/25 SeriesLight WS Alcoh ol Solvent mixture Alkali Divine YellowDivine5+-+ Divine MagentaDivine5+-+ Divine CyanDivine8+-+ Divine BlackDivine8+-+ WS = wool scale Special characteristics  Very rapid absorption and outstanding stacking properties with minimal powder spray.  Ideally suited to quick turn around and further processing.  High damping solution tolerance.  Good gloss.  Rapid adjustment of a stable ink/water balance.  Good rub resistance.  Superbly suited to infrared radiation drying.

2 Changing the way you………th INK Fields of application The Divine process ink is the fastest gloss series of sheet- fed offset inks. They are suitable for all sheet-fed offset presses and damping units, in particular for high-speed multi-colour presses. Their excellent absorption and stacking properties permit immediate turning and rapid further processing. The Divine ink series stands out due to its high colour intensity and brilliancy. The pleasantly smooth, free-flowing consistency is particularly printer-friendly. Moreover, the system impresses through high dot definition and high- contrast finish. Characteristic profile of the Divine process ink series How supplied 1.0-kg vacuum-sealed can, 2.5-kg vacuum-sealed can, 2.0-kg ink cartridge Sunsure Divine Series.

3 Changing the way you………th INK Technical Information POLOCE Offset Printing Inks The fast sheet-fed offset process inks The POLOCE series of offset inks are manufactured in accordance to Japanese colour standards. The special constituents of the process inks are matched precisely to the individual stages in the manufacturing process. The wetting medium and the finely controlled dispersion conditions have been chosen so as to ensure that the ink pigments are coated completely and in a stable manner ensuring improved press stability. The improvements in quality are to be found in areas such as colour intensity, gloss, rub resistance, damping solution tolerance, stability at high printing speeds and further processing. POLOCE inks are suitable for immediate turning and rapid further processing. POLOCE SERIES Fastness characteristics per DIN 16 524/25 SeriesLight WS AlcoholSolvent mixture Alkali POLOCE YellowPOLOCE5+-+ POLOCE MagentaPOLOCE5+-+ POLOCE CyanPOLOCE8+-+ POLOCE BlackPOLOCE8+-+ WS = wool scale Special characteristics  Very rapid absorption and outstanding stacking properties with minimal powder spraying.  Ideally suited to general purpose printing.  High damping solution tolerance.  Good gloss.  Rapid adjustment of a stable ink/water balance.  Good rub resistance.  Superbly suited to infrared radiation drying. Sunsure Poloce Series.

4 Changing the way you………th INK Fields of application The POLOCE process inks constitute the fastest work & turn series of sheet-fed offset inks. They are suitable for all sheet- fed offset presses and damping units, in particular for high- speed multi-colour presses. Their excellent absorption and stacking properties permit immediate turning and rapid further processing, with these characteristics becoming evident above all on less absorbent printing stocks. The POLOCE ink series stands out due to its high colour intensity and brilliancy. The pleasantly smooth, free-flowing consistency is particularly printer-friendly. Moreover, the system impresses through high dot definition and high- contrast finish. Characteristic profile of the POLOCE process ink series How supplied 1.0-kg vacuum-sealed can, 2.5-kg vacuum-sealed can, 2.0-kg ink cartridge Sunsure Poloce Series.

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