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Monitoring and Optimizing SQL Server 2005 Performance Anil Desai.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring and Optimizing SQL Server 2005 Performance Anil Desai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring and Optimizing SQL Server 2005 Performance Anil Desai

2 Speaker Information Anil Desai –Independent consultant (Austin, TX) –Author of several SQL Server books –Instructor, “Implementing and Managing SQL Server 2005” (Keystone Learning) –Info: or

3 Agenda and Overview Performance Monitoring Overview Using SQL Profiler –Integrating with Windows System Monitor Getting Performance Information –Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) –SQL Server Management Studio Reports Using the Database Engine Tuning Advisor Managing Processes, Locking, and Deadlocks Partitioning and Physical Storage Design

4 Performance Monitoring Approaches Performance optimization process: 1.Establish a baseline 2.Identify bottlenecks 3.Make one change at a time 4.Measure performance 5.Repeat (if desired) Recommendations –Optimize for real-world workloads –Monitor/review performance regularly –Focus on specific issues

5 Overview of Performance Monitoring System –Windows System Monitor –Alerts (Performance-Based) SQL Server –SQL Profiler / SQL Trace –Activity Monitor –Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) –SQL Server Agent Alerts Query-Level –Database Engine Tuning Advisor –Query Execution Plans

6 Understanding SQL Profiler Purpose / Features: –GUI for managing SQL Trace –Monitor important events –Capture performance data / resource usage –Replaying of workloads / transactions –Identifying performance bottlenecks –Correlation of data with System Monitor –Workloads for Database Tuning Advisor Examples: –Generate a list of the 100 slowest queries –Monitor all failed logins (Security)

7 SQL Server Profiler Architecture SQL Profiler Terminology –Trace Definitions –Events –Columns –Filters Creating and Managing SQL Traces –SQL Profiler (GUI) –System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL) Trace Templates (Built-In) –Standard (Default), SP_Counts –TSQL, TSQL_Duration, TSQL_Grouped,TSQL_Replay, TSQL_SPs –Tuning

8 Configuring Trace Events Groupings: –Event Categories –Event Classes –Events Examples: –TSQL –Stored Procedures –Performance –Errors and Warnings –Security auditing

9 Configuring Trace Columns Specify the details to be recorded Columns can be ordered and grouped Values can be filtered Examples of Columns: –StartTime / EndTime –TextData –Duration –Resource Usage (CPU, Reads, Writes) –Information: User, Database, App. Names

10 Trace Output Options Interactive –Good for “live” monitoring of small sets of data Trace Files (*.trc) –Can enable file rollover based on size –“Server processes trace data” option Trace table –Will automatically create the table –Can set maximum number of rows Scheduling of traces (stop time)

11 Creating Profiler Traces Launching SQL Profiler Connecting to a database instance Configuring output options Create a trace definition Specifying events, columns, and filters

12 Other SQL Profiler Options Creating new templates Scripting trace definitions Extracting SQL Server Events –Transact-SQL Events –ShowPlan Events –Deadlock Events

13 Using System Monitor with SQL Profiler Purpose / Goal: –Correlate server performance with database performance Process: –Define and start a counter log –Define and start a SQL Profiler trace –Import Performance Data in SQL Profiler Required Trace properties –StartTime –EndTime

14 Windows Performance Monitor Can monitor local or remote computers Performance Statistics: –Objects –Counters –Instances Modes: –System Monitor –Performance Logs and Alerts Counter Logs Trace Logs Alerts

15 Using Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) Purpose: –Monitoring and troubleshooting –View server state and performance details –Returns relational result sets Scopes: –Server level –Database level

16 DMV Examples Examples: –Database Engine Sys.DM_DB_File_Space_Usage –Indexes Sys.DM_DB_Index_Operational_Stats Sys.DM_DB_Index_Physical_Stats –I/O Related Sys.DM_IO_Pending_IO_Requests Sys.DM_IO_Virtual_File_Stats –Common Language Runtime –Database Mirroring –Transactions

17 SQL Server Management Studio Reports Overviews of SQL Server usage –Can export to Excel or PDF Server-Level Report Examples: –Server Dashboard –Memory Consumption –Activity – All Block Transactions –Activity – Top Sessions –Performance – Batch Execution Statistics –Performance – Top Queries by Average CPU –Object Execution Statistics

18 Database-Level Reports Examples: –Disk Usage –All Transactions –All Blocking Transactions –Index Usage Statistics –Top Transactions by Age –Schema Changes History

19 Monitoring SQL Server Logs Windows Event Logs / Event Viewer –Application and System Event Logs SQL Server Management Studio –SQL Server Logs Can configure max. # of log files –SQL Server Agent Error logs Can configure logging levels (Errors, Warnings, Information) Using the Log File Viewer –Can Export / Load log information –Can search for specific errors/messages

20 Using SQLDiag Data Collected: –System Information (MSINFO) –Windows Event Logs –SQL Server configuration Command-Line Utility (SQLDiag.exe) –Stores output to files –Configuration file: SQLDiag.xml –Can run as a service (/R) –Can run in continuous mode

21 Database Engine Tuning Advisor Can make performance-related recommendations Replaces the “Index Tuning Wizard” Evaluates Physical Design Structures (PDS) –Indexes (clustered, non-clustered) –Indexed Views –Partitions Numerous analysis options Output –Generates modification scripts –Generates Reports for later analysis

22 Workloads Files –Transact-SQL Files –XML Files –Should represent commonly-used queries SQL Profiler Trace Files / Tables –Use Tuning built-in trace template –Events: Transact-SQL Batch Remote Procedure Call (RPC) –Columns: Event Class and Text Data

23 DTA Options Limit tuning time Tuning Options –Allowed Physical Design Structures (PDS) –Keep all/specific existing objects –Maximum storage space –Online or offline recommendations –Partitioning

24 DTA Reports Can export to XML files Examples: –Workload analysis –Column access –Table access –View-Table Relations –Statement cost –Event frequency –Index Usage (current / recommended)

25 Using the Database Engine Tuning Advisor Process: –Generate a workload (file or table) –Select tuning options –Run the analysis –View reports –Save and/or apply recommendations Running the DTA: –Database Engine Tuning Advisor Application (GUI) –Dta.exe command-line utility

26 Understanding Processes Processes –Interactive users SQL Server Management Studio –Applications (Connection Pooling) SQL Profiler Database Engine Tuning Advisor Replication Service Broker Process IDs < 50 are system-related

27 Monitoring Processes SQL Server Activity Monitor –Processes (connected users) –Locks (by Process / by Object) –Filtering options –Auto-refresh option System Stored Procedures / Views –Sys.DM_Exec_Sessions –Sys.DM_Exec_Requests –Sys.SysProcesses –sp_who / sp_who2

28 Managing Processes Process Information –Current Process ID: @@SPID –Session Options: DBCC USEROPTIONS Killing Processes –KILL ProcessID [WITH STATUSONLY] Viewing Last Activity –DBCC INPUTBUFFER(ProcessID) –DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER(ProcessID)

29 Understanding Locking Coordinates multiple accesses to the same data Ensures ACID Properties for transactions (Atomic, Consistent, Independent, Durable) Contention can reduce performance Locking granularity: –Row-Level, Page-Level, Table-Level, etc. Lock Modes: –Shared, Exclusive, etc. Lock escalation

30 Understanding Blocking Blocking –When transaction(s) must wait for a lock on a resource –LOCK_TIMEOUT setting (default = wait forever) Locking Models: –Pessimistic –Optimistic

31 Transaction Isolation Levels Balance of concurrency (performance) vs. consistency –Affects SELECT queries –SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL Transaction Isolation Levels –READ UNCOMMITTED –READ COMMITTED (default) –REPEATABLE READ –SERIALIZABLE Row-Versioning: –ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION –READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT

32 Monitoring Locking Activity Activity Monitor SQL Profiler –Locks Event Category System Monitor: –SQL Server  Locks Object System Views –Sys.DM_Tran_Locks –Sys.DM_Exec_Requests System Stored Procedures –sp_Lock

33 Understanding the Deadlock Process Deadlocks: –Two or more tasks permanently block each other based on resource locks –Default resolution is within 5 seconds Deadlock victim –Transaction is rolled-back –Process receives a 1205 error Example: –Process 1 locks the Customers table and requires access to the Orders Table –Process 2 locks the Orders table and requires access to the Customers Table

34 Avoiding Deadlocks Minimize transaction times –Commit / Rollback transactions as quickly as possibly –Avoid user-related time within a transaction Access objects in a consistent order Change the transaction isolation level –Use a lower level isolation level, if appropriate –Use snapshot-based isolation levels

35 Deadlock Victims Deadlock priorities: –SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY (LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, integer) Deadlock resolution: –Lower priority is killed first –If equal priorities, least expensive transaction becomes the victim –Application or user should attempt to re-run the transaction

36 Monitoring Deadlocks SQL Server Error Log SQL Profiler –Locks Event Category Lock:Deadlock Chain Lock:Deadlock Deadlock Graph –Events Extraction Trace Property –Export deadlock XML (.xdl) file Viewing Deadlock Files –SQL Server Management Studio (File  Open  SQL Deadlock Files (*.xdl)

37 Deadlock Graph

38 Understanding Partitions Physical distribution of data –Partitions can be on the same or different filegroups Partitioning Methods –Horizontal Partitioning –Vertical Partitioning Example: –Partition 1: Current Sales Data (Current Year) –Partition 2: Archived Sales Data

39 Benefits of Partitioning No special requirements for users or applications Can partition tables and indexes Fast transfer of data between partitions Supports “Sliding” windows Can improve query performance Simplifies management of large tables Increases maintenance performance (indexes)

40 Designing Partitions Reasons to implement partitioning –Large tables –Performance problems –Data usage (read-only historical data) –Partial backups Supported in Enterprise and Developer Editions –Can have up to 1,000 partitions

41 Implementing Partitions Process: –Create a partition function –Create a partition scheme –Create a table using the scheme Other options: –Managing partitioned data –Creating CHECK constraints

42 Creating a Partition Function Defines sets of data based on ranges within the partitioning column –Examples: Dates, Row IDs, alpha values –RANGE LEFT (default) / RIGHT –Computed columns must be persisted Example: CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION fn_part1 (int) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (1000, 2000, 3000) $PARTITION Function shows on which partition data would reside

43 Creating a Partition Scheme Defines storage options for each partition Based on a single partition function Can specify files or filegroups for storage –A filegroup can be used for multiple partitions Example: CREATE PARTITION SCHEME Partition1 AS PARTITION PartitionFunction TO (FileGroup1, FileGroup2, FileGroup3)

44 Creating Partitioned Tables Specify the partition scheme when creating a table –CREATE TABLE … ON PartitionScheme –Data storage will be based on the partition scheme

45 Creating Partitioned Indexes “Aligned” partitioning –Index partitions are based on table partitions –Managed automatically by SQL Server –Optimizes switching performance Manual partition management –Can use CREATE INDEX … ON clause Partition column is automatically included in clustered and non-clustered indexes

46 Managing Partitioned Data Physical location of data may not be moved (only pointers are updated) CHECK constraints can be used to manage data “Sliding Windows” Partition functions can be modified –Splitting: Adding a new partition –Merging: Combining two partitions Partition switching –ALTER TABLE … SWITCH –Moves data between partitions

47 Working with Partitioned Data SQL Server Management Studio –Database Reports  Disk Space Used by Partitions  ObjectName System Views: –Sys.Tables / Sys.Indexes –Sys.Partitions –Sys.Partition_Schemes –Sys.Partition_Parameters –Sys.Partition_Range_Values

48 For More Information Resources from Anil Desai –Web Site ( –E-Mail: –Keystone Learning Course: “Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Implementation and Maintenance (Exam 70-431)” –The Rational Guide to Managing Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 –The Rational Guide to Scripting Microsoft Virtual Server 2005

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