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ARTHURIAN LEGEND Background information for a unit of study pertaining to the Arthurian legend (Use outline notes to accompany this presentation.) 10 th.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTHURIAN LEGEND Background information for a unit of study pertaining to the Arthurian legend (Use outline notes to accompany this presentation.) 10 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTHURIAN LEGEND Background information for a unit of study pertaining to the Arthurian legend (Use outline notes to accompany this presentation.) 10 th grade English Mrs. Duke Spring 2005 Edited and Expanded by C. Barbour

2 THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR Set in Great Britain in the Middle Ages (Medieval) 7 th and 8 th century Code of Chivalry Christianity Has been altered and passed down by many groups….

3 The Legend of King Arthur—have you seen any of these? The Sword in the Stone Excalibur First Knight Monty Python: The Search for the Holy Grail The Mists of Avalon Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

4 Arthur Illegitimate son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine of Cornwall Foster child of Sir Ector Tutored in secret by Merlin

5 ARTHUR Won the throne of Britain by pulling a sword from a stone

6 Did Arthur really exist? No definitive evidence of Camelot or the Round Table Certain kings claimed to be descendents of Arthur Hmmm……this might be a good idea for a project……

7 THE ROUND TABLE 3 versions of the legend to describe its origin: 1) Dowry given by Guinevere’s dad 2) built at Arthur’s request to insure equal seating 3) Merlin built it as a gift

8 THE ROUND TABLE Round shape symbolized equality “First Among Equals” Originally seated 13, later 150 13 seats signified the 12 apostles and Christ

9 THE ROUND TABLE Seats were magically inscribed with nameplates: “THIS IS THE SEAT OF….”

10 Siege Perilous The 13 th seat at the Round Table where only the Grail hero could sit without dying Merlin named it Reserved for the Knight who found the Grail and was of pure heart

11 CAMELOT Legendary capital of Arthur’s kingdom Can’t really place it on a modern map – maybe Tintagil Castle? Sometimes referred to as “The Golden City” Legend says Merlin built it in one night

12 Camelot Represents an ideal place Term used to describe the Kennedy years in US History

13 Avalon The island to which Arthur was taken as he lie dying Saxons believed Arthur would return from Avalon in England’s hour of need No proof, but often identified with Glastonbury in England

14 Merlin Arthur’s advisor, prophet, and magician Tutored Arthur as a child Had supernatural powers Was locked in a cave by Nimue (Lady of the Lake) Arthur asking Merlin for advice

15 Guinevere Arthur’s wife Had an affair with Lancelot 2 theories about what happened to her after Arthur’s death: Retired to a nunnery Abducted by Mordred Taken from Idylls of a King


17 Lady of the Lake Nimue (or Vivienne?) Supernatural figure with magical powers she learned from Merlin lives in an underwater kingdom Gave Excalibur to Arthur


19 How Arthur got Excalibur

20 How Arthur Got Excalibur


22 Morgan Le Fay Arthur’s half-sister (Igraine’s daughter) Often Arthur’s adversary stole Excalibur Mordred’s mother or is it Morgawse? (with Arthur)

23 The Holy Grail Christ gave it to Joseph of Arimathea when he was imprisoned by the Jews The cup (chalis) used at the Last Supper Then used to catch the blood of Christ as it dripped off the crucifix Pursued by the Knights of the Round Table seeking immortality

24 Lancelot Most popular Arthur’s favorite Best swordsman Taught to fight by Nimue Could not see the Grail because of his adultery

25 Galahad Grail Knight and holder of the Siege Perilous Son of Lancelot and Elaine After he found the Holy Grail, he chose to stay at the Caste of Corbinic and not return to Camelot. He didn’t want to lose his purity

26 Gareth Accidentally blinded by Lancelot Sets the stage for Mordred’s takeover

27 Gawain Arthur’s nephew Famous story about him “Gawain and The Green Knight”

28 Perceval The main Grail knight after Galahad He found the Holy Grail Later disappeared; believed to be taken in by a ship with a red/white cross

29 Bedivere The only knight who survived the battle between Mordred and Arthur Cast Excalibur into the pool after Arthur’s mortal wounding

30 Kay Arthur’s foster brother Seneschal for Arthur One of the first knights to join the table

31 The Knights of the Round Table tm

32 CHIVALRY Webster’s Dictionary: Gallantry, courtesy and honor. The noble qualities a knight was supposed to have, such as courage and a readiness to help the weak. The demonstration of any of these qualities.

33 CODE OF CHIVALRY A handbook of good conduct Self-imposed standards with the realization that setting a good example sends a message which is far more powerful than anything else one can do.

34 The Ten Commandments of the Code of Chivalry From Chivalry by Leon Gautier Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and shalt observe all its directions. Thou shalt defend the Church. Thou shalt repect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them. Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast born. Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy. Thou shalt make war against the Infidel without cessation, and without mercy. Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God. Thou shalt never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word. Thou shalt be generous, and give largess to everyone. Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.

35 CHIVALRY The choice to do the right things, for the right reasons, at the right times.

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