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SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 1 SIAMOIS: optical test bench BOSS (Banc Optique SiamoiS) Pernelle Bernardi Observatoire de Paris-Meudon,

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1 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 1 SIAMOIS: optical test bench BOSS (Banc Optique SiamoiS) Pernelle Bernardi Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, LESIA

2 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 2 The test bench objectives Simulation of all the components, except the interferometer: Far field of the optical fiber Qualification of the optical fiber + connectors Definition of the mechanical interface of the 2 fibers Imaging spectra on the camera Testing acquisition softwares and data processing

3 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 3 Design of the test bench beamsplitter QTH source optical fibers collimator 2 plane mirrors Diffraction grating Segmentary mirror Andor camera focusing objective calibration channel signal channel bandpass filter 400-560nm narrow bandpass filter

4 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 4 Far field of the fiber The far field of the optical fiber defines the size of the 5 zones of the steps mirror. 37mm Size of the beam 27.6mm Size of the CoRoT CCD QTH source optical fiber band-pass filter (400-560nm) CCD on translation stages F/5 F/4 Acquisition of the beam profile with a CCD.

5 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 5 Two qualifications at -80°C –Optical fiber only  optical tests during cooling –Optical fiber + connectors  optical tests before/after cooling Purchase of several fibers: –Two manufacturers –Two different jackets: PVC and metal Qualification of the optical fiber QTH source band-pass filter (400-560nm) CCD on translation stages optical fiber dewar band-pass filter (400-560nm) optical fiber power meter Measurement of the far field uniformity Measurement of the variations of the fiber transmission QTH source

6 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 6 Mechanical interface of the fibers Specification: distance of 128 µm between the two fiber cores (signal & calibration) at the collimator focus Design of the mechanical interface of the 2 fibers: Test of the robustness of this component Evaluation of the constraints on the fibers signal fiber calibration fiber 128 ± 20µm 50µm 65µm

7 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 7 Implementation of the camera Model: iDus DU440 –Active pixels: 1024 x 255 –Pixel size: 26 x 26µm –Back illuminated, AR coated for optimal performance in the 350nm region –Full well capacity: 465 ke - (typical) –Read noise: 4 @ 33kHz –Typical minimum temperature: -70°C (air cooled) Andor software (LabView) –Acquisition –Real-time data display –Shutter control Data processing –2 spectra –Calibration source

8 SIAMOIS, kickoff meeting, Paris, 15-16 may, 2006 8 Conclusion State of the test bench today: (in Meudon labs, ex CoRoT CCD test bench) Waiting for equipment…after many difficulties to order it! Beginning of the tests scheduled for june 2006 2 students

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