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CDAE 254 Intermediate Microeconomics for Applied Economists Fall 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "CDAE 254 Intermediate Microeconomics for Applied Economists Fall 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDAE 254 Intermediate Microeconomics for Applied Economists Fall 2007

2 CDAE 254 - Class 1 Aug. 28 Today: Syllabus -- class requirements and policies Student information sheet with “quiz” questions 1. Introduction Next class: 1. Introduction

3 Syllabus Instructor: Teaching assistant: Class time & place: Office hours: Textbook: Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application by Walter Nicholson, Ninth Edition, 2004

4 My teaching strategies: -- Students are the “customers” and “products” -- College education is to learn how to learn -- Every class is different -- Help is always available -- We are a community: learn from each other and help each other!

5 How to get a good grade? -- Attend every class -- Complete all assignments on time -- Get help when you have a question

6 How will we study each topic? (1) Intuitive analysis (2) Graphical analysis (3) Mathematic analysis (4) Applications

7 Build your own analytical mind

8 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview of an economy 1.2. Economics and microeconomics 1.3. Economic models & applied economic analysis 1.4. Development of economic models 1.5. Verification of economic models 1.6. Ten principles of economics 1.7. Functions and graphs used in economics

9 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview of an economy 1.1.1. Who are the major players? 1.1.2. What are their relations?

10 1.2. Economics and microeconomics 1.2.1. What is economics? -- Study of the allocation of limited resources among alternative end uses. -- A social science which covers the actions of individuals & groups of individuals in the processes of producing, exchanging and consuming goods and services.

11 What is economics? Science: Looking for a black cat in a dark room. Philosophy: looking for a black cat in a dark room where there is no black cat. Economics: looking for a black cat in a dark room under _______________. ???: looking for a black cat in a dark room where there is no black cat and finding one any way.

12 1.2. Economics and microeconomics 1.2.2. Two major branches of economics: -- Microeconomics: study of the behavior of individual economic units & their interactions. Economic units: Consumers & producers Interactions: Market interactions -- Macroeconomics: study of broad aggregate economic relations.

13 1.2. Economics and microeconomics 1.2.3. Goals of economics: -- Explanation -- Prediction 1.2.4. Analytical techniques in economics: -- Optimization (1) Maximization (2) Minimization -- Equilibrium (1) Partial equilibrium (2) General equilibrium

14 1.3. Economic models & applied analysis 1.3.1. What are economic models? -- Simple theoretical descriptions that capture the fundamentals of how the economy works. 1.3.2. Major elements of an economic model: -- Assumptions -- Variables (1) Controllable variables (2) Uncontrollable variables -- Parameters

15 1.3. Economic models & applied analysis 1.3.3. Relation between theories & applied research: -- Theories are developed from real observations -- Theories provide guidance for applied studies -- Applied studies provide tests of the assumptions & conclusions of theories.

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