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1.Unit 1: General Conditions 1)FOT Review 2)Impacts of Technology 3)Problem Solving 4)Metrology 2.Unit 2: Communication Technology 1)History of Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Unit 1: General Conditions 1)FOT Review 2)Impacts of Technology 3)Problem Solving 4)Metrology 2.Unit 2: Communication Technology 1)History of Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Unit 1: General Conditions 1)FOT Review 2)Impacts of Technology 3)Problem Solving 4)Metrology 2.Unit 2: Communication Technology 1)History of Communication Technology 2)Types of Communication Technology 3)Drawing and drawing types 1)Orthographics and Isometrics 2)AutoCAD and Google Sketchup 3.Unit 3: Fuels and Engines SEMESTER 1 EXAM Topics Covered


3 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-2 FOT Review – Engineering What is ENGINEERING? Systematic application of mathematic, scientific, and technical principles to yield a tangible end product that meets our needs or desires. What are the key words? 1.Systematic application 2.Mathematic, Scientific, Technical 3.Principles 4.Tangible end product 5.Needs or Desires FOT REVIEW

4 What is Technology? –The application of knowledge, tools, and skills to solve problems and extend human capabilities –Performs tasks by using an artifact that is not part of the human body Engineering creates Technology An object made by humans for a specific purpose FOT REVIEW Engineering IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-2

5 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-6 Core Technologies 1.Structural 2.Optical 3.Fluid 4.Thermal 5.Biotechnology 6.Electrical 7.Electronic 8.Material 9.Mechanical Technology Systems SOFTBEEMM

6 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-3 Components: –Goals Humans develop technology to meet needs Each artifact meets more than one goal –Inputs Resources that go into a system and are used by it –Processes Design Process, Production Process, Mgt. Process –Outputs Technological systems are designed to produce specific outputs. Manufactured products, constructed structures, communicated messages, transported people or goods. –Feedback and Control Using information about the outputs to regulate the system. Technology as a System FOT REVIEW


8 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-3 INPUTS Resources that go into technology: –People – planners, designers, builders, testers, administration, investors, etc. –Information – math, science, and technical principles, etc. –Capital – $ for employees, materials, marketing, etc. –Time – to plan, design, make, market, ship, etc. –Machines and tools – manufacturing facilities, etc. –Energy – to design, construct, ship, etc. –Materials – natural, synthetic, composite FOT REVIEW PICTMEM

9 1.Model Used to communicate design ideas and processes. May be a small, large, or full scale model. 2.Prototype A working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and necessary adjustments. Make Model / Prototype Outcome: Tangible Object IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-4

10 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-5 1.Safety – is the product safe to use/construct? 2.Cost – is it affordable? 3.Reliability – will it work consistently over time? 4.Environmental Concerns – does it harm the natural or human environment negatively? 5.Ergonomics – how efficiently can the human body utilize it? 6.Manufacturability – can it be made? 7.Quality Control – does it meet customer requirements? 8.Maintenance – how easily can it be maintained or upheld? Constraints on the Engineering Design Process (A constraint is a limit or restriction) SCREEMQuM

11 1.If Technology is… The ability of humans to combine ingenuity and resources to meet needs and wants of people 2.Then Technology Assessment is… The conscience that polices the possible impacts of applying technology Assessing Technology IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-7 The analysis of technology should be based on facts and research rather than media hype or personal opinion.

12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Design Process Define the Problem Brainstorm, Research, Generate Ideas Explore Possibilities Develop a Design Proposal Make Model/Prototype Test and Evaluate Refine the Design Communicate the Solution IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-5

13 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-9 5 Impacts of Technology 5 Main Areas Impacted by Technology: –Social : How does it affect interdependent human relationships? –Cultural : How does it affect the characteristic features of everyday existence? –Economic : How does it affect the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services? –Political : How does it affect the government? –Environmental : How does it affect both the human and natural environments? (aesthetics included here) SPEEC

14 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-9 Impacts of Technology Time Ranges: –Initial Effects –Intermediate Effects –Long-term Effects –Historical Technological Impact –Recommendation 5 Main Areas Impacted by Technology: Social, Cultural, Economic, Political, Environmental


16 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-10 PROBLEM #1 DIAGRAM SOLUTION: 1. Chicken crosses the river. 2. Boat returns to the other side. 3. Chicken feed crosses the river. 4. Chicken and boat returns to the other side. 5. Fox crosses the river. 6. Boat returns to the other side. 7. Chicken crosses the river.

17 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-10 PROBLEM #2 : A man lived one-fourth of his life as a boy in Baltimore, one-fifth of his life as a young man in Youngstown, one-third of his life as a man in Manitoba, and the last thirteen years of his life in Thurmont. How old was the man when he died? Write down your answer.

18 X = X/4 + X/5 + X/3 + 13 60X = 15X + 12X + 20X + 780 60X = 47X + 780 13X = 780 X = 60 years IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-10 PROBLEM #2 ALGEBRAIC SOLUTION: Define the unknowns: X = man’s total age. X/4 = years as a boy X/5 = years as a youth X/3 = years as a man Write an equation: Solve the equation:

19 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-10 PROBLEM #3 : Given a stack of individual blocks as shown. How many more blocks are needed to fill the empty spaces and form a large cube? Write down your answer.

20 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-10 PROBLEM #3 MODEL SOLUTION: 8 blocks on level three 6 blocks on level two 9 blocks on level four 23 blocks were missing

21 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-10 PROBLEM #4 : HOMEWORK Given a stack of individual blocks as shown. If all of the visible blocks were to disappear suddenly, how many blocks would remain? Write down your answer.

22 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-11 DRILL A: BOWLING PINS - SOLUTION Ten bowling pins form a triangular arrangement. Move 3 pins so that the resulting triangle points in the opposite direction.

23 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-11 DRILL B: CROSSING CLOCK HANDS - SOLUTION On a regular clock, how many times will the minute hand and hour hand cross each other between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.? 1. Between 10:54 and 10:55 a.m. 2. At 12:00 noon 3. Between 1:05 and 1:06 p.m.

24 The train traveled 25 mph for one hour to reach the top of the hill. Average speed is equal to total distance divided by total time. 25 miles divided by 1 hour is 25 mph. Therefore, the train traveled 25 miles to reach the top of the hill in 1 hour. IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-11 PROBLEM #2 (AVERAGE SPEED): SOLUTION The return trip down the hill is also 25 miles. Therefore, the total round-trip will be 50 miles. For the average speed to be 50 mph for the round-trip, the train must travel 50 miles in one hour, but the train already used up that hour on the trip up the hill. Therefore, it is impossible for the train to average 50 mph for the trip.

25 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-12 DRILL A: SHADOWS – SOLUTION During the day, a 25 foot tall telephone pole casts a 10 foot shadow on the ground. At that same time, a tree casts a 25 foot shadow. How tall is the tree? This problem can be solved by setting up a ratio. (POLE) Height / Shadow = (TREE) Height / Shadow 25 ft / 10 ft = y / 25 ft 2.5 = y / 25 ft 62.5 ft = y 10’ 25’ y

26 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-12 HOMEWORK PROBLEM #1 : SPIDER & FLY Given: A spider and a fly are in a room whose dimensions are 25 feet wide by 15 feet deep by 8 feet high. The spider is on the CEILING and the fly is on the FLOOR. If one corner of the room represents the origin (0,0,0) of an x-y-z coordinate system, then the spider is located at (20,8,-11 ) and the fly is located at (5,0,-7 ). See the given diagram. Problem: What is the MINIMUM DISTANCE that the spider must travel to reach the fly?

27 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-12 HOMEWORK PROBLEM #2 : SPIDER & FLY Given: A spider and a fly are in a room whose dimensions are 25 feet wide by 15 feet deep by 8 feet high. The spider is on the FLOOR and the fly is on the CEILING. If one corner of the room represents the origin (0,0,0) of an x-y-z coordinate system, then the spider is located at (5,0,-7) and the fly is located at (20,8,-11 ). See the given diagram. Problem: What is the MINIMUM DISTANCE that the spider must travel to reach the fly?

28 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-13 DRILL B: Orange & Blue – Diagram Solution 100 Poly students: 75 said they were wearing orange, 95 said they were wearing blue, and 50 said they were wearing both blue and orange. 25 45 50 95 75 45 + 50 + 25 = 120 students, not 100, so there is something wrong with the survey.

29 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-17 "METROLOGY is the science and art of measurement. Measurement is extracting information from nature or from devices people have engineered. It is also about the uncertainty in the extracted data, communicating it to other people in a standard way, and making them confident in our measurements by establishing traceable measurement systems.“ Copyright © 1998-2006 Newton Metrology Ltd. You will now receive a 4-sided concise summary of the International System of Units (SI). Read and study this summary now, as it may help you to find some answers to the homework.

30 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-20 STANDARD - An acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value ACCURACY -the degree of closeness of a measured or calculated quantity to its actual (true) value PRECISION - the degree of mutual agreement among a series of individual measurements or values CALIBRATION - the process of establishing the relationship between a measuring device and the units of measure TRACEABILITY - an unbroken chain of comparisons relating an instrument's measurements to a known standard

31 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-20 BASE UNIT – A unit in a system of measurement that is defined, independent of other units, by means of a physical standard. Also known as fundamental unit. DERIVED UNIT - A unit that is defined by simple combination of base units. ERROR - The difference between a computed or measured value and a true or theoretically correct value. PERCENTAGE OF ERROR - the percentage ratio of the error to the correct value of the measured parameter. UNCERTAINTY - The estimated amount or percentage by which an observed or calculated value may differ from the true value.




35 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-8 Exponential Growth Curve

36 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-19 Next, use your PROTRACTOR to divide the circle into 12 equal angles of 30 degrees each. First, you must locate the center of the circle by finding the midpoint of the given vertical line.

37 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-19 First, you must locate the center of the circle by finding the midpoint of the given vertical line. Next, use your PROTRACTOR to divide the circle into 15 equal angles of 24 degrees each. This is similar to the previous problem, except for the size of the angles.

38 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-19 First, use your ruler to measure the dimensions of the rectangle. Next, use your ruler to divide the rectangle into thirds from top to bottom, and fourths from side to side.

39 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-22 212100 This is the normal boiling temperature of water at sea level. This is the normal freezing temperature of water at sea level. 320 This line represents any temperature on the thermometer. FC F - 32C - 0 212 - 32100 - 0 F - 32C - 0 212 - 32100 - 0 = We can now solve for either F or C. Let’s do both! We can set up a proportion: TEMPERATURE CONVERSION DERIVATION

40 IOT POLY ENGINEERING I1-22 F - 32 212 - 32 C - 0 100 - 0 = F - 32 180 = C 100 Cross Multiply 100(F – 32) = 180C Divide by GCF (greatest common factor) 5(F – 32) = 9C 5(F – 32) = C 9 This equation is used to solve for C when F is known. F – 32 = 9C 5 F = 9C + 32 5 This equation is used to solve for F when C is known.

41 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-1 Telephone T.V. Remote Alarm Clock Thermostat When answering this type of question… SOURCE of communication to DESTINATION of communication The large orange # refers to the test review sheet

42 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-1 INPUTS PROCESSESOUTPUTS GOALS FEEDBACK Control Communication Technology Transmitted Communication Encoder Transmitter Receiver Decoder Storage Retrieval Received Communication Input Process Output SOURCE DESTINATION TECHNOLOGY Inform Persuade Entertain Control Manage Educate

43 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-1 Telephone Communication One of the simplest devices in your house You speak into the microphone Input Processes Friend hears voice Output Encoder Transmitter Receiver Decoder Storage Retrieval Microphone – converts sound energy of voice into electrical energy (encodes)Wires – the electrical energy travels from your phone, via exchanges, to your friend’sReceiver – friend’s earpiece speaker converts the electrical energy back to soundAnswering Machine – friend isn’t home, and this machine stores your communicationPlay Button – friend gets home, presses play, hears your recorded voice What part of this technology system is an example of Human to Machine communication?

44 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-4 Television (1925) –Greek: tele – far, Latin: visio – seeing –4 main parts (cathode ray tube) –Electron gun fires 3 beams –Steering coils move electron beam across screen –Phosphorus screen has over 200,000 pixels –Glass tube holds it all together –Signals are broadcasted like radio signals Telecommunications Communication Technology

45 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-2 September 30, 2008 1.A device that changes a message into a form that can be transmitted 2.A device that sends a signal (i.e., encoded message) 3.A device that acquires a signal (i.e., encoded message) 4.A device that changes a coded message into an understandable form Decoder Encoder Receiver Transmitter Data Match the statements with the correct term below:

46 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-2 Communication Knowledge Information Storage 1.Unorganized facts 2.Organized data 3.Information applied to a task 4.The sending and receiving of information Data Match the statements with the correct term below: Communication Technology

47 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-2 Last Night’s Homework - REVIEW Radio: Pulse Modulation: turn the voltage (sine wave) on/off (Morse Code) Amplitude Modulation: vary the amplitude (peak-to-peak) voltage Frequency Modulation: vary the frequency (speed) PM AM FM Encoder: Devices that convert sound and information into a modulated sine wave

48 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-4 –Print Graphic Communication Visual, lingual messages that include printed media –Photographic Communication Using photographs, slides, or motion pictures to communicate a message –Telecommunications Communicating over a distance –Technical Graphic Communication Specific information about a product or its parts Size and shape, how to install, adjust, operate, maintain, or assemble a device Classes of Communication Technology

49 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-4 –Major Processes: Relief –A modeled work that is raised (or lowered) from a flat background. –Cuneiform by the Sumerians ~6000 years ago. –Wood block printing ~200 C.E. –Movable type printing ~1040 C.E. (Gutenberg ~1450) –Intaglio (in-tal-yo) ~1430 –Rotary printing press ~1843 Lithography (offset printing) ~1796 –The source and destination are not on raised surfaces –Grease and water do not readily mix –A chemical process –Most modern books and newspapers Print Graphic Communication Intaglio (in-tal-yo) 1. Depressions cut into printing plate 2. The plate is covered in ink3. Excess ink is removed from surface 4. Paper placed on plate and compressed 5. Paper is removed and ink has been transferred By 593 A.D., the first printing press was invented in China, and the first printed newspaper was available in Beijing in 700 A.D. It was a woodblock printing. And the Diamond Sutra, the earliest known complete woodblock printed book with illustrations was printed in China in 868 A.D. And Chinese printer Bi Sheng invented movable type in 1041 A.D. in China. Low Relief High Relief Communication Technology Cuneiform

50 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-4 Screen Printing (~1000 C.E., China; 1907 England) –Mainly billboards, package labels, fabric designs –Uses a woven mesh (a screen) to support an ink blocking stencil. –The stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink as a sharp-edged image onto a substrate. –A roller or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil forcing or pumping ink past the threads of the woven mesh in the open areas. Electrostatic (1938 / 1960s) –Photocopier, Laser Printer –Opposite charges attract Ink Jet (1980s) –Use a series of nozzles to spray ink directly on paper Print Graphic Communication Communication Technology

51 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-4 Telecommunication –Communicating over a distance Tele – Greek, “far off” Communicare – Latin, “to share” –Rely on the principles of electricity and magnetism –2 types: Hardwired systems (telephone, cable, fiber-optic) Broadcast systems (radio and t.v., mobile phones) –Point-to-point: One transmitter and one receiver –Broadcast: One powerful transmitter to numerous receivers Telecommunications Communication Technology

52 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-4 –Smoke signals and drums –Chains of beacons (Middle Ages) Navigation signals Enemy troops approaching –Homing pigeons Carrier pigeons used as early as 1150 in Baghdad Olympic victors, Greece; Stock options, Europe –Optical telegraph (semaphore, 1792, France) Towers with pivoting shutters Information encoded by the position of the mechanical elements Telecommunications Communication Technology

53 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-4 –Telegraph (mid 1830s) First instrument used to send messages by means of wires and electric current A device interrupts the flow of a current through a wire Uses shorter and longer bursts of current to represent letters Device at receiving end converted electrical signal into clicks Operator/mechanical printer converted clicks into words Telegram – wires over land Cable – wires under water –Telephone (1876 – Bell and Gray) Greek: tele – far, phone – sound Telecommunications Communication Technology

54 Orthographic Projections: –Ortho: straight or at right angles –Graphic: written down –Pro: forward –Jacere: to throw “To throw straight forward and write down” The method of representing the exact form of an object in 2 or more views on planes (usually at right angles to each other) IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-9 MULTI-VIEW TYPE 2: MULTI-VIEW

55 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-9 How are orthographic projections drawn? MULTI-VIEW TYPE 2: MULTI-VIEW

56 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-9 Reference Planes: –Frontal Reference Plane »Front View –Horizontal Reference Plane »Top View –Profile Reference Plane »Side View MULTI-VIEW TYPE 2: MULTI-VIEW

57 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-9 Sectional Views –How an object looks if a cut were made through it perpendicular to the direction of sight. –For example, if we cut the shape below at PRP 2 and drew the shape (including its “insides”) we would have a sectional view: SECTIONAL VIEWS TYPE 2: MULTI-VIEW

58 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-9 Sectional Views –Different materials have different sectional views SECTIONAL VIEWS TYPE 2: MULTI-VIEW

59 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-10 A Communication Technology DRILL October 10, 2008 If point A is 2’-3” away from the FRP in the right view, point A will ALWAYS be 2’-3” away from the FRP.

60 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-10 AUXILIARY VIEWS TYPE 2: MULTI-VIEW FRP PRP Which Reference Plane? HRP ARP Auxiliary Reference Plane The ARP shows true form (shape and size) for inclines


62 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-10 ISOMETRIC TYPE 3: PICTORIAL Isometric Cube: 1) all lines equal length; 2) all faces equal area; 3) perimeter is a hexagon From Greek: Equal Measure –Isos: Equal –Metron: Measure The scale along each axis of the projection is the same True form parallel lines are shown as parallel (note colors below) All isometrics: simple construction

63 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-10 Latin: perspicere – to see through An approximate representation of an image as it is perceived by the eye. The most characteristic feature of perspectives is that objects are drawn: Smaller as their distance from the observer increases PERSPECTIVE TYPE 3: PICTORIAL

64 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-10 A way of showing depth, like isometric Part orthographic / part isometric: –One face is true form –Parallel lines behind; either: »Full scale »Half scale »Three-quarter scale OBLIQUE TYPE 3: PICTORIAL

65 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-10 Take an object and separate into individual parts Usually employed in instruction manuals Typically drawn in parallel projection (notice there is no perspective in the examples below) EXPLODED ASSEMBLY TYPE 3: PICTORIAL

66 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-10 Show the interior details of a product Often employed in instruction manuals Assists in understanding operation of product CUT-AWAY PICTORIAL TYPE 3: PICTORIAL

67 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 Turn in your 3-view assignment (include NAME) Match the type of Technical Graphics below with its type: Isometric Section Standard View Development Perspective Oblique Cut-away Pictorial Communication Technology DRILL October 13, 2008 A B C D EF G E B C F G D A

68 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 Which of the following images are parallel projections? TECHNICAL GRAPHICS Technical Graphic Communication

69 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 1.Line Weights 2.Line Types 3.Dimensioning 4.Scales CLASS STANDARDS Technical Graphic Communication

70 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 Four Weights in this class: Light: not noticeable from 2’ (nearly invisible) Medium: just noticeable from 2’ Heavy: obvious from 2’ (final weight for most objects) Very Heavy: only used for borders LINE WEIGHTS Technical Graphic Communication

71 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 1.Construction/Layout Lines –LIGHT WEIGHT –ALL lines begin as these –DO NOT ERASE (unless there is a measuring error) 2.Guidelines –LIGHT WEIGHT –Used for LETTERING LINE TYPES CLASS STANDARDS

72 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 3.Object Lines: –HEAVY WEIGHT –The final line type for most objects 4.Hidden Lines: –HEAVY WEIGHT –Everything must be represented in each view, whether or not it can be seen –Interior and exterior features are projected from view to view in the same way –Parts not seen on the exterior of a view are drawn with hidden lines – short DASHES LINE TYPES CLASS STANDARDS

73 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 5.Centerlines: –MEDIUM WEIGHT –Centers of symmetrical objects, including circles –Used to locate views and dimensions LINE TYPES CLASS STANDARDS

74 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 6.Extension Lines: –MEDIUM WEIGHT –Extend from objects –Used for dimensioning 7.Dimension Lines: –MEDIUM WEIGHT –Used for dimensioning –Go between extension lines LINE TYPES CLASS STANDARDS

75 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 CLASS STANDARDS 2 things are needed to describe an object completely: –Shape –Size Dimensioning: Size description –Units are required –Decimal or Fraction –Dimensions read from bottom or right side Include: –Extension line: begin 1/16” away from object and extend 1/16” beyond Dimension Line –Dimension line: use arrowheads, guidelines, and LETTER DIMENSIONING PREFERRED

76 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-17 QUIZ – Slide 1 Technical Graphic Communication 1.Write the correct name for each drawing type next to the correct letter on your paper. A B C D E F G

77 QUIZ – Slide 4 Technical Graphic Communication 4.Give an example of something a designer would scale up for drawing. 5.Give an example of something a designer would scale down for drawing. 6.If a point on an object is 14’-3” away from the frontal reference plane in the front view and 7’-6” away from the horizontal reference plane in the front view, how far away is the point from the frontal reference plane in the right side view? 7.To draw what type of drawing would designers use more than one position for any reference plane?

78 1. Add width of front view to width of right view (depth). 2. Add the space we will put between: 1.5” 4.5” + 2” = 6.5” HORIZONTAL STARTING POINT 6.5” + 1.5” = 8” 3. Subtract from the total width. 10” – 8” = 2” 4. Divide by 2. Horizontal Starting Point = 1”

79 1. Add height of front view to height of top view (depth). 2. Add the space we will put between: 1.5” 3” + 2” = 5” VERTICAL STARTING POINT 5” + 1.5” = 6.5” 3. Subtract from the total height. 7.25” – 6.5” =.75” = 3/4” 4. Divide by 2. Vertical Starting Point =.375” = 3/8”

80 Vertical Starting Point is 7/8” Horizontal Starting Point = 1”

81 review Thursday’s Test You will be given the sheet below, including the border and title block. 1.Draw lettering guidelines 1/16” 2.Complete title block 3.Calculate starting point (vertical and horizontal) – NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED IOT POLY ENGINEERING

82 2-18 Isometrics are drawn with: –All object vertical lines are vertical –All object horizontal lines are drawn 30 degrees from the horizontal –All lines are drawn true size DRAWING ISOMETRICS Technical Graphic Communication

83 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-18 One of the most effective ways to sketch an object pictorially is to sketch it in isometric. 1.Start by sketching an enclosing box (absolute height, width, depth) – Construction Lines 2.Add in features 3.Darken all final lines Technical Graphic Communication DRAWING ISOMETRICS

84 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-18 Front view is typically drawn first You must look at all views Technical Graphic Communication ISOMETRICS from ORTHOGRAPHICS Let each grid space = ½”

85 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-21 1.Describe an isometric view 2.Prepare drawing paper 3.Locate center of drawing space 4.Plot starting point of drawing 5.Complete isometric drawing Technical Graphic Communication DRAFTING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS

86 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-21 1.Describe an isometric view 1.Height 2.Width 3.Depth (of the front view) Technical Graphic Communication DRAFTING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS

87 2.Prepare drawing paper 3.Locate center of drawing space Technical Graphic Communication DRAFTING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS 45 degree triangle Construction Lines

88 4.Plot starting point of drawing Technical Graphic Communication DRAFTING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS 30-60-90 triangle 1) ½ W 2) ½ D 3) ½ H Starting Point

89 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-21 5.Complete isometric drawing Technical Graphic Communication DRAFTING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS Starting Point


91 review Thursday’s Test You will be given the sheet below, including the border, title block, and isometric guidelines. 1.Draw lettering guidelines 1/16” 2.Complete title block 3.Calculate starting point 1.Draw “X” across drawing space 2.Pick the nearest intersection 3.Measure down to right ½ width 4.Measure down to left ½ depth 5.Measure straight down ½ height 4.Each grid space = ¼” IOT POLY ENGINEERING

92 2-3 Absolute coordinates are based on the origin (0,0), expressed as an ordered pair x,y. All other points are also expressed in the form x,y and the values of x and y are based on the distance from the origin. If we desire to draw a line, we must give the location of both endpoints, expressed as an ordered pair x,y where the origin is used as a reference point. Absolute Coordinates

93 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-24 Communication Technology Introduction to AutoCAD Relative coordinates are not based on the origin (0,0). Instead, we use the @ symbol followed by an ordered pair x,y. This means “starting where we are AT, go over (or back) x and up (or down) y. If we desire to draw a line using relative coordinates, we must give the location of the first endpoint (usually using Absolute coordinates), followed by @x,y for the second endpoint.

94 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-3 Polar Coordinates Polar coordinates are used to draw lines at specific angles. When using Polar coordinates, angles are measured according to the following tradition: 0 90 180 270 30 90 150 210 270 = -90 330 = -30 ISOMETRIC ANGLES

95 IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-26 Polar Coordinates Polar coordinates are used to draw lines at specific angles. When using Polar coordinates, angles are measured according to the following tradition: 0 90 180 270 45 degrees 135 degrees 225 degrees = -135 degrees 315 degrees = -45 degrees 360 degrees = 0 degrees

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