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JOHN CHAMPE CLUSTER CURRICULUM NIGHT MATHEMATICS Math Presentation: Susan Hollinger and Megan Neterer.

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Presentation on theme: "JOHN CHAMPE CLUSTER CURRICULUM NIGHT MATHEMATICS Math Presentation: Susan Hollinger and Megan Neterer."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOHN CHAMPE CLUSTER CURRICULUM NIGHT MATHEMATICS Math Presentation: Susan Hollinger and Megan Neterer

2 Middle School Mathematics Progression Grade level Middle School Math Progression for the 2014-2015 School Year Grade level By recommendation Grade level By recommendation

3 Course Comparison – Number Sense and Computation  Comparing fractions, decimals, and percentages  Positive exponents and perfect squares  Operations & practical problems with fractions & decimals.  Order of operations  Identify, order, and compare integers  Absolute value  Ratios  Square Roots  Powers of 10 and scientific notation  Evaluating expressions with positive and negative integers.  Evaluate for a given variable.  Proportional reasoning

4 Course Comparison – Measurement and Geometry  Ballpark Comparisons with Customary and Metric Measurements.  Properties of Quadrilaterals  Congruence of segments, angles, and polygons.  Perimeter, Area, and Circumference  Surface Area and Volume of Rectangular Prisms  Similar Figures  Transformations  Surface Area and Volume of Cylinders

5 Course Comparison – Probability & Statistics  Construct and Compare Circle Graphs  Calculating the Probability of Independent and Dependent Events  Measures of Center  Experimental and Theoretical Probability  Construct and Analyze Histograms

6 Course Comparison – Patterns, Functions, and Algebra  Sequences  Properties of Real Numbers  Solving One-Step Linear Equations  Graphing coordinate points.  Graphing Inequalities  Translating Expressions  Represent Functions with Tables, Graphs, Rules, and Words  Solving Two-Step Linear Equations  Practical Problems with Equations  Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities

7 Middle School Math Placement  Teacher Recommendation  Performance in class  SOL Scores  County IA Assessment  Basic Algebra and Geometry concepts are the foundation for future success.  It is recommended that students take a math course every year in high school for college admission. Students in 7 th grade Algebra will be signing up for at least one AP math course, usually AP Calculus. Determined by….. Implications include……

8 Sample Mathematics Progression through Middle and High School 6th7th8th9th10th11th12th Math 6Math 7Algebra 1GeometryAlgebra IIAdvanced Algebra/Pre- calculus AP Calculus Math 6Math 7Algebra 1Geometry Functions, Algebra and Data Analysis Algebra II Advanced Functions and Modeling Accelerated Math 6/7 Algebra 1 GeometryAlgebra II Advanced Algebra/Pre- calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Accelerated Math 6/7 Algebra 1 GeometryAlgebra II/Trig Mathematical Analysis AP Calculus BC Multi- variable Calculus

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