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Major Players in Globalization

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1 Major Players in Globalization
HSB4U Chapter 10 Unit 1A

2 Activity (5 mins) Globalization can be both helpful and hurtful.
Together with your elbow partner, look at the examples on the bottom of p. 39. Decide if each example is a good or bad illustration of globalization. Also write how the example is related to globalization. When students are finished, let them know that these examples can be classified as good, bad or both. Different answers are okay.

3 Continue with Shipbreakers
Continue to fill out your T chart as we view another section of Shipbreakers. Yesterday, I asked you questions. Today, you decide when to stop for questions or clarification. Call out or put up your hand. Ask to pause when you notice something interesting. Ask your classmates questions. We are moving towards more student-directed learning. With this in mind, the class will be leading the viewing of the Shipbreakers’ film.

4 Detour Handout – p.38 Fill in the table on the bottom of p. 38 based on the following information I will provide on the screen.

5 Large Manufacturing Corporations
Also known as transnationals multinationals What do they do? They sell goods, manufactured products Where do they do it? Production done in countries where wages are low and costs are low and taxes are low in order to make profit (developing countries). Products tend to be sold in developed countries to people who have disposable income. Role in globalization: suppliers Do you have any questions about this? Do you know any large corporations? (Monsanto) Unit 3 Detour worksheet, Q2b

6 Large International Banks
Such as RBC, HSBC (“the world’s local bank”) Why do they use these acronyms? To appear more generic What do they do? Sell financial services (financialization = …) Who benefits? Banks, corporations, the economy, financial elites (“1%”) Negative consequences? Income can become concentrated in the hands of the wealthy (financial elite) – income inequality Role in globalization: facilitators Do you have any questions about this? Unit 3 Detour worksheet, Q2b

7 International Governmental Organizations
What do they each do? WTO: World Trade Organization – reduces restrictions on int’l trade WB: World Bank provides loans to developing countries IMF: International Monetary Fund maintains stable exchange rates to increase world trade Role in globalization: regulators/promoters Do you have any questions about this info? Unit 3 Detour worksheet, Q2b

8 3 Volunteers Please briefly share what you wrote on the detour sheet.

9 Detour Handout Work in groups to fill out the
“Key Terms” table at the top of p. 38 using p. 326 of your text (column 1 and a bit). Questions?

10 Anthropology and Globalization

11 Anthropological Interpretations
Sidetracking Diffusion Americanization What do these all have in common? Fill out China & Globalization handout on p. 40. Give an example of each from China. Give an example from the globalization images. Pick new group members, try to make it people you don’t normally work with, (about 4 per group) and identify the above

12 Cultural Costs of Globalization
Cultural Costs, pages : Consequences of internationalization of cultures Cultural losses Young people’s sense of __________ as they lose touch with their traditional culture (e.g., Inuit) __________ (e.g., Quebec can be overwhelmed by English culture) ____________ (e.g., when building hydroelectric dams in the Amazon) Changing of cultural norms “izations” Homogenization (________ of cultures) Deterritorialization (when one culture is not physically attached to one ________, often because of migration, immigration) Westernization/Americanization Industrialization

13 You Are the Anthropologist
HSBC taxi ad What questions would an anthropologist ask as he/she travelled in the taxi? Ask Students to google a question if they can’t think of any. Have you seen any cultural changes with the emerging market? Are these changes good or bad? Was the culture previously homogenous? Are there any conflicts arising/culture clashes arising from the different groups being together? Given that the development occurred rapidly, did you notice any culture clashes between older and younger generations? Show a couple of times

14 Economic Costs of Globalization (330, 332)
Costa Rica Cash crops = crops grown for sale, usually export Profit goes to the __________ where the products are exported and sold or fully processed Loss of independent decision-making Social programs are things like welfare, health care – social safety net programs where government intervenes in the economy to protect people Costa Rica had them but ___________ them when it wanted to get more involved in the global economy. To make itself more attractive to foreign investors and to be in a position to receive IMF and WB loans, it needed to have low _________ and ______. We will complete this together.

15 Debrief – How do you feel about Globalization?
Globalization is not necessarily good or bad. It’s effects can be good or bad, or the way it’s done can have good or bad consequences. The problem is: the benefits of globalization aren’t necessarily distributed equally. Do you think there’s a bias in this chapter of the text?


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