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Reimbursements, Reporting & Budget Modifications

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1 Reimbursements, Reporting & Budget Modifications
Reimbursement, Reporting, and Budget Modifications Reimbursements, Reporting & Budget Modifications 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

2 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting
Session Objectives Review reimbursement requirements Ensure understanding of reporting requirements Examine the details of budget modifications 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

3 Financial & Grants Management 101
Reimbursements 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 3 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 3

4 New York State Commission Reimbursements
Reimbursement is made based on actual expenses Reimbursements may not be for estimated, unauthorized, or unallowable expenses Reimbursements must be for approved and budgeted expenditures that programs have already incurred New York State Commission does allow advance funds Up to ¼ of their annual CNCS budget Recouped during subsequent quarters 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

5 New York State Commission Reimbursements
Reimbursements are made Quarterly Based on Expenditure Reports via Contract Management System (CMS) Based on approved, budgeted expenses Programs must retain All documents and invoices that support its financial information 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

6 New York State Commission Reimbursements
When Expenditure Reports are submitted, must upload to CMS: Member Activity Report Grantee Share Report Must also demonstrate compliance with program operations Current Progress Report MWBE Quarterly Reports need to be ed to (cc your program manager) 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

7 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting
CNCS Reimbursement AmeriCorps Grant Provisions “A living allowance is not a wage. Programs must not pay a living allowance on an hourly basis. Programs should pay the living allowance in regular increments, such as weekly or bi-weekly, paying an increased increment only on the basis of increased living expenses such as food, housing, or transportation. Payments should not fluctuate based on the number of hours served in a particular time period, and must cease when a member concludes a term of service.” No “lump sum” if member completes term early No “lump sum” if member starts late, e.g., “make up” missed payments 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

8 New York State Commission Payments
14 days = Target Date for Reimbursement May take longer Delays Occur Because: Insufficient match Failure to provide Member Activity Report Failure to submit Progress Report Failure to submit reimbursement timely Other information requested 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

9 Financial & Grants Management 101
Reporting 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 9 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 9

10 Key Elements of Financial Reporting
Prepare all financial reports with information from your organization’s accounting system Review and reconcile the information to ensure accuracy prior to report submission Joint review by program and fiscal staff Files must have the proper documentation to support all information reported in financial reports Submit all reports on time 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

11 New York State Commission Financial Reporting Requirements
Grantee Share Expenditure Report Due according to dates on the Financial Reporting Schedule By the last day of the required month If last day falls on a weekend, the Report is due the Friday before the weekend Must be submitted via CMS Failure to submit the Expenditure Report on time will result in reimbursement delays and reflect negatively on program compliance 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

12 New York State Commission Financial Reporting Requirements
Expenditure Reporting Schedule Reporting Period Due Date Program Start – 11/30/14 12/31/2014 12/1/14 – 2/28/15 3/31/2015 3/1/15 – 5/31/15 6/30/2015 6/1/15 – 8/31/15 9/30/2015 9/1/15 – 11/30/15 12/31/2015 12/1/15 – 12/31/16 1/30/2016 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

13 New York State Commission Financial Reporting Requirements
Expenditure Reporting Schedule - CFA Reporting Period Due Date Program Start – 2/28/15 3/31/2015 2/28/15 - 5/31/15 6/30/2015 6/1/15 - 8/31/15 9/30/2015 9/1/ /30/15 12/31/2015 12/1/15 - 3/31/16 4/30/2016 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

14 New York State Commission Late Reports
If you are late Notify the New York State Commission Program Administrator with the reason and the expected date This will reflect negatively on your program compliance If a report is 5 days overdue, New York State Commission will send a letter that grant requirements have not been met Late is late! 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

15 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting
Program Income Gross Program Income All funds collected as a direct result of grant funded-activities Net Program Income The amount after deducting costs associated with generating the income All Program Income Must be used for grant-related purposes “Auditable” = Program Income and its supporting documentation 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

16 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting
Program Income Program Income Must be retained by the grantee Used to finance match Program income earned in excess of the amount needed must be deducted from the total claimed costs Programs must report the excess amount on the FFR to CNCS See 2014 AmeriCorps Provisions Section V. F. for details 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

17 Program Income Reporting Issues
Program Income common errors found Program Income used as match was erroneously reported as Program Income Corrective Action If all your program income was used as match, your comments related to Program Income should be entered 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

18 Financial & Grants Management 101
Budget Modifications 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 18 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 18

19 What are Budget Controls?
Your budget = estimate of expected costs Estimates may change as the program is implemented Monthly review of budget to actual expense Joint review by both program and fiscal staff to compare Identify expenditures not in the budget to ensure they can be claimed Could be disallowed if not in an approved budget Know your budget 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

20 What are Budget Controls?
Reimbursement, Reporting, and Budget Modifications What are Budget Controls? Identify costs that need approval before they are incurred Request budget revisions promptly Do not wait until last month of year to request budget modification 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting 20

21 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting
Budget Modifications New York State Commission must receive written approval from CNCS for these budgetary changes: Specific costs requiring approval under the cost principles, such as: Overtime pay and pre-award costs Equipment purchases over $5,000 using CNCS funds, unless specified in the approved application and budget Subgrants and subcontracts not previously approved in the original budget 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

22 Budget Modifications New York State Commission must receive written approval from CNCS for these budgetary changes: Changes in the cumulative budget line items that amount to 10% or more of the total budget, unless the CNCS share is $100,000 or less The total budget includes both the CNCS and grantee shares Grantees may transfer funds among approved direct costs categories when the cumulative amount of such transfers do not exceed 10% of the total budget Key Date  April 1 If CNCS approval is needed you must make the request by April 1 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

23 New York State Commission Requesting Budget Modifications
Submit a Budget Modification request to Program Administrator The reason the modification is needed, and Adverse consequences if the request is denied Program Administrator will discuss your request with you Program Administrator denies or approves request within 5 business days Do not assume approvals have been granted unless documented 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

24 New York State Commission Key Budget Modifications Pitfalls
Budget changes are made before New York State Commission approved the change Corrective Action: Seek approval before making the change Adequate written justification was not provided Corrective Action: Provide a detailed written justification Budget Modification letter/ was incomplete Corrective Action: Complete all requirements Inadequate monitoring of budget throughout the year resulted in major budget changes at year-end Corrective Action: Throughout the year review your budget 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

25 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

26 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

27 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting
Questions? 2014 Project Director Training & Annual Meeting

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