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Quality Criteria Meeting in Paderborn Chair of Business and Human Resource Education II Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner EU-StORE: QUALITY CRITERIA MEETING in Paderborn,

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Criteria Meeting in Paderborn Chair of Business and Human Resource Education II Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner EU-StORE: QUALITY CRITERIA MEETING in Paderborn,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Criteria Meeting in Paderborn Chair of Business and Human Resource Education II Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner EU-StORE: QUALITY CRITERIA MEETING in Paderborn, Germany 1 st - 3 rd of July 2015 The EU-StORe project – Administrative and financial information


3 Part I – Financial and administrative Information Part II – General Financial reporting Part III – The EU-StORe Interim Report Part IV – The Project Management Tool – PROM Part V – Financial Helpdesk Overview 3


5 Monitoring information meeting of the German National Agency on the 11 th of June 2015 Overview about the latest information of the German National Agency 5

6 After the monitoring information meeting that was organised by the German National Agency on the 11 th of June 2015 some updates and new aspects will occur within this presentation Repeated, updated and new aspects are highlighted in different colours – Repetition – Update – New Financial and administrative information 6

7 „All beneficiaries are jointly and severally responsible for proper implementation of the project and for complying with any legal obligation each beneficiary informs the coordinator of any change with effects on the project submits to the coordinator: - data needed for reports and financial statements - documents needed for audits, checks, evaluation - any other information to be provided to the NA“ (Presentation Strategische Partnerschaften Administrative und finanzielle Projektbegleitung Jürgen van Capelle / Katarzyna Sena, ) REPETITION: Roles and responsibilities 7

8 “Eligible Costs (1) (PG, p. 200) Incurred during the lifetime of the project Indicated in the estimated overall budget of the project Necessary for the implementation of the project Identifiable and verifiable (recorded in the accounting records with regular cost accounting practices) Compliant with the requirements of applicable tax and social legislation Reasonable, justified, and comply with sound financial management (regarding economy and efficiency) Always beware: VAT” (Presentation Strategische Partnerschaften Administrative und finanzielle Projektbegleitung Jürgen van Capelle / Katarzyna Sena, ) REPETITION: Eligible costs 8

9 1.Unit costs Intellectual Outputs Project Management and Implementation Transnational Project Meetings Multiplier Events Learning, Teaching and Training Activities 2.Actual Costs Exceptional Costs  Budget overview ANNEX II of the partner agreement REPETITION: Cost types (1) Relevant in EU-StORe 9

10 What are unit costs? Unit costs... occur within the period of eligibility are necessary to realise and implement the project have to be reported  Financial documentation Could be identified and verified by financial documentation Project Management and Implementation Coordinator  €500 per month Partners  €250 per month REPETITION: Cost types (2) 10

11 Intellectual Outputs... will be developed by staff members in specific staff categories produces staff costs that could be characterised by 4 different staff categories: 1.Manager 2.Teacher/Trainer/Researcher 3.Technician 4.Administrative staff are calculated on unit costs per day REPETITION: Intellectual Outputs (1) 11

12 Documentation of staff costs 1.Timesheets 2.Payslips 3.Staff employment contracts Additional documentation (in your own project folder) 1.Invoices (for example: boarding passes, accommodation invoice etc.) 2.Proof of payment 3.Receipts for costs incurred (for example: printing costs for dissemination material, hosting partner meeting etc.) REPETITION: Intellectual Outputs (2) 12

13 Transnational Project Meeting costs… are calculated on a unit cost basis according to the distance of travel per meeting  Online distance calculator are based on the place of origin and the place of the meeting venue needs to have a direct link to project meetings REPETITION: Travel costs (1) 13

14 Documentation 1.Certificate/declaration of attendance The hosting institution has to provide the participants with a certificate/declaration of attendance signed by the hosting organisation  Template will be available on the project website  Please provide us with a scanned version 2.Travel cost invoices (in your own folder) Flight invoices, boarding passes / accommodation invoices / Taxi, train, car hire and/or bus receipts / Mileage costs at a maximum rate of 0.22 cent per km NEW 3.Travel cost record at the basis of the Unit Costs UPDATE: Travel costs (2) 14

15 Could be used for... general project management tasks / coordination communication / planning / calculation purposes project and Intellectual Output implementation purposes dissemination and evaluation Could be identified and verified through... produced dissemination material / products explanation and description in the progress and the final report  Development of a dissemination list (template on website) REPETITION: Project Management and Implementation (1) 15


17 Important reporting deadlines All financial documents and all other supporting documents need to be submitted to UPB every quarter. Please stick to the following dates! UPDATE: Next Dates – Financial Reporting (1) 01.09.14 30.08. 31.12. 01.01. 31.03. 01.04.. 30.06. 01.07. Progress Report Final Report October 2015 September 2016 15.01.15 15.03.15 15.07.15 05.09.15 15.12.15 15.03.16 15.06.16 01.09.16 Please report every month!!! 17 01.09.15 30.08.16 30.11. 01.12. 29.02. 01.03. 30.05. 01.06.

18 What's new? Official statement about your VAT status from your local tax office/authority EUStORe - IPR Agreement Statement of your institution about your involved project staff, including name, time period and category  Template available on website UPDATE: Financial Reporting (2) 18

19 What's new? The EUStORe IPR Agreement is a confidential document within the EU-StORe partner consortium. confirms the willingness of all EU-StORe partners to allow the further exploitation of all project outputs on a free-of-charge basis. “is based on the idea of the standard Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).  This type of a Creative Commons License allows two main aspects, the attribution and the share alike.” is to be signed by the EU-StORe partner consortium. is available in English only. (See EU-StORe IPR Agreement) UPDATE: Financial Reporting (3) 19

20 Please… provide us with all financial and supporting documents every 3 month. NEXT Reporting Date: 15.07.2015 use the PROM Tool to create your financial documentation. stick to the working days per Intellectual Output and staff category. create one timesheet per month. ensure that you only report one staff category per month. don`t report Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and sick days. sign timesheets for every month. send all documents of a reporting period in one package via e-mail and the originals via post. UPDATE: Financial Reporting (4) 20


22 The EU-StORe Interim Report… has to reach the Romanian National Agency not later than the 30 th of October 2015 All data have to be at UPB and the coordinator until the beginning of September. Reporting period: 1 st of September 2014 – 30 th of August 2015 comprises the following aspects – Project Implementation: Description of main developments at the interim stage Description of completed activities and IOs and activities that are currently in progress or planned till the end of the project Description of targets and expected results Changes and problems Any relevant information for a comprehensive overview NEW: The Interim Report (1) 22

23 The EU-StORe Interim Report – Project Management: Partner consortium and realisation of the project Distribution of tasks Changes or planned changes and problems Other activities that have been carried out using the budget for project management and implementation Monitoring activities to reach the project objectives and its results Description of qualitative and quantitative indicators Measures to handle project risks – Transnational project meetings Information concerning organised project meetings so far (number of meetings, participants/topics etc.) NEW: The Interim Report (2) 23

24 The EU-StORe Interim Report – Intellectual outputs Description of achieved and realised IOs Description of IOs that are planned and/or still under construction Description of methods etc. to achieve these IOs Attachment of supporting documents (updated work plan etc.)to visualise the work progress to realise IOs – Multiplier events Identification and description of multiplier events and its connection with IOs  Not relevant in EU-StORe – Learning / Teaching / Training Activities Description of the phase in which these activities are  Not relevant in EU-StORe NEW: The Interim Report (3) 24

25 The EU-StORe Interim Report – Dissemination and use of projects` results Description of activities to disseminate the project results in the future Description of dissemination activities that took place so far Description of dissemination activities – Other useful information Provision of any other useful information for the comprehension of the project overview and the project implementation NEW: The Interim Report (4) 25


27 The Login Area - PROM - Project Management Tool 27


29 Important Resources Links Project Website Prom – Project Management Tool BSCW Server National Agency Website - Germany Agency Website - EACEA Monthly accounting rate of the Euro Financial Reporting 29

30 Jürgen van Capelle / Katarzyna Sena (2014): Strategische Partnerschaften Administrative und finanzielle Projektbegleitung. Available on the internet:äsentationen/Präsentatio nen_2014/16.09.2014_Kick- Off_Strategische_Partnerschaften/Administrative_Finanzielle_Aspekte_Proje kmanagements_neu.pdf, 01.12.2014.äsentationen/Präsentatio nen_2014/16.09.2014_Kick- Off_Strategische_Partnerschaften/Administrative_Finanzielle_Aspekte_Proje kmanagements_neu.pdf EU-StORe IPR-Agreement References 30

31 Contact Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner Tel:+49 (0) 52 51 / 60 - 23 67 Fax:+49 (0) 52 51 / 60 - 35 63 Jennifer Schneider, M. Sc. Tel:+49 (0) 52 51 / 60 - 54 37 Fax:+49 (0) 52 51 / 60 - 35 63 Dipl.-Volksw. Lara Melissa Fortmann Tel:+49 (0) 52 51 / 60 - 54 31 Fax:+49 (0) 52 51 / 60 - 35 63 Universität Paderborn Department Wirtschaftspädagogik Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftspädagogik II Warburger Str. 100 33098 Paderborn 31

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