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Organizational Skills Staying Organized. Plan Use a planner to keep track of EVERYTHING. –Write down your assignments, projects, due dates, materials,

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Skills Staying Organized. Plan Use a planner to keep track of EVERYTHING. –Write down your assignments, projects, due dates, materials,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizational Skills Staying Organized

2 Plan Use a planner to keep track of EVERYTHING. –Write down your assignments, projects, due dates, materials, and books to be taken home.

3 Calendar Keep a calendar in your room and write EVERYTHING on the correct date. –even fun things!

4 Create a “To Do” List Make a list of EVERYTHING you have to do each day. –Use a small pad or notebook. –Cross each thing off as you do it. Even if you don’t finish everything, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment as you cross off items.

5 Create a Filing System Organize homework assignments into different folders for each class. –If possible, use a different color for each class. –Make a mental connection between the color and the class. For example, a green folder for math class and relate it to money. If you have one big notebook, then put the assignments in different sections of the notebook.

6 Clean Up Day Once a week clean out your notebook, book bag, and folder.

7 Phone a Friend Pick a friend or “study buddy” and help each other with reminders.

8 You need... A daily planner with a calendar and space for assignments. A clearly labeled binder for each subject with dividers within the binder. A neat locker and book bag.

9 Completing Work Prioritize your assignments and complete the most important assignments first. Check off your assignments when you complete them. Have an assignment folder for all completed work that you always have with you.

10 Note-taking Take detailed notes in all classes. Write down the points that the teacher is stressing and mark them in some way. Develop your own note-taking style and use it for all of your classes.

11 Techniques to make notes helpful Highlight key terms and concepts. Use a type of outline. Use different colors of ink.

12 Questions Any Questions?

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