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JOURNAL QUESTION  25 Oct 2012  When you are riding in a car, how do you know that the car is accelerating (that you are going faster and faster)?

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Presentation on theme: "JOURNAL QUESTION  25 Oct 2012  When you are riding in a car, how do you know that the car is accelerating (that you are going faster and faster)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 JOURNAL QUESTION  25 Oct 2012  When you are riding in a car, how do you know that the car is accelerating (that you are going faster and faster)?

2 Newton ’ s 1 st Law of Motion  An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

3 JOURNAL QUESTION  26 Oct 2012, P. 41  What is the difference between mass and weight?  What SI units are used to measure mass and to measure weight?

4 VOCABULARY  Inertia – things like to keep on doing what they are already doing  Force – a push or a pull  Unbalanced Force – unequal force in some direction that causes an object to move  Balanced Force – equal and opposite forces on an object that do not cause it to change what is it already doing

5 VOCABULARY  Weight – mass plus the pull of gravity on an object Measured in Newtons (N)  Mass – Amount of matter (stuff) in an object Measured in grams (g)  Gravity– a force of attraction between 2 objects due to their masses  Friction – a force between 2 surfaces in contact with each other that opposes motion

6 JOURNAL QUESTION  29 Oct 2012, P. 42  What are some rules that are important to follow when working with others in a group?  Write down 2 other students with whom you would like to work with in creating a roller coaster.

7 SCIENCE NOTEBOOK  Write down everything you do in your science notebook.  Include all measurements, drawings, ideas, and calculations.  You are responsible for keeping track of and cleaning up your materials.  Each group member must contribute.

8 GROUP RULES  Equipment Manager Pick up supplies. Make sure all is cleaned up when finished.  Data Manager Make sure everyone has all information recorded in notebook  Director and Communication Manager May ask the teacher questions for the group. Makes sure everyone participates and stays on task

9 JOURNAL QUESTION  30 Oct 2012  What information do you need to write down in your notebook in order to determine how fast the marble traveled and for someone else to be able to re- create your roller coaster?

10 WRITE DOWN THIS INFO!  Measure length of track first.  Measure height from the floor at start.  Measure diameter of loop.  Time the marble at least 5 times.  Calculate speed in meters per second.

11 JOURNAL QUESTIONS  31 Oct 2012  Look at your speed calculation for your marble. On the half piece of graph paper, turned the long way, graph the average speed of your marble.  You should have 5 lines, one for each of your marble runs.

12 AGENDA  When you are finished, get a text book from the cabinet by the door.  We are going to practice using the Q-notes reading technique that you learned in Panther time.  Chapter 5, Section 2, Pages 124-127.  Divide your next open page in half, the long way, like a hot dog.

13 Q-NOTES  Survey the headings and write at the top, what you think the reading is about.  Read the first red heading and change it into a question. Write this question on the left-hand side of your page.  Read the section to answer the topic question.  Look at the picture and read the caption at the bottom of the page.  Describe in your own words how the picture fits the information you just read. Do this on the left-hand side.

14 Q-NOTES  Turn the next sub-heading (blue) into a question (right side) and write the answer (left side).  Continue writing questions and finding answers for the remainder of the chapter.  Don’t forget the pictures and captions.  Summarize at bottom what the chapter was about.

15 JOURNAL QUESTION  01 Nov 2012  Look at the graph you did yesterday. How far did your marble go in 1 second? What was the speed of your marble? Level 2: How far would your marble go if you let it roll for 10 seconds?

16 Q- NOTES  Finish reading the Chapter 5, Section 2.  Continue using the Q-Note technique.  I will be checking your notebooks for how well you follow directions and the completeness of your answers.  When you are finished, study what you wrote.

17 Newton ’ s 2 nd Law of Motion  The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.

18 Newton ’ s 3 rd Law of Motion  Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

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