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FRIDAY, 5/4 Write your homework in your agenda Open in your notebook to page 149- your “Research” page Put your head down when you’re finished.

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Presentation on theme: "FRIDAY, 5/4 Write your homework in your agenda Open in your notebook to page 149- your “Research” page Put your head down when you’re finished."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRIDAY, 5/4 Write your homework in your agenda Open in your notebook to page 149- your “Research” page Put your head down when you’re finished


3 THE DETAILS You will choose 1 person to do “The World’s People Project” on. You will complete a total of 3 assignments from the Choice Board given to you: 1 from the first row 1 from the second row and 1 from the third row. You will present your project!!!

4 DEADLINES -1 assignment from Row 1: Due Tuesday, May 8 -1 assignment from Row 2: Due Friday, May 11 -1 assignment from Row 3: Due Wednesday, May 16 (EVERYTHING MUST BE TURNED IN ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 )

5 ROW 1- YOU CHOOSE 1 Timeline Make a timeline with at least 5 significant events from your historical figure’s life. Include at least 5 illustrations, as well. Text message Create a conversation between your historical figure and another person he/she may have talked to at You must include at least 10 details about your figure’s life. Haiku Write a haiku about your historical figure. A haiku is a three line poem. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. Obituary Write an obituary for your historical figure. Include ALL of the following: -Name -Date of birth -Date of death -Cause of death -Life accomplishments -Family members

6 TIMELINE Make a timeline with at least 5 significant events from your historical figure’s life. Include at least 5 illustrations, as well.

7 TEXT MESSAGE Create a conversation between your historical figure and another person he/she may have talked to at You must include at least 10 details about your figure’s life.

8 HAIKU Write a haiku about your historical figure. A haiku is a three line poem. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. Example: Oxygen the trees give us air (5 syllables) air so we can breathe in life (7 syllables) the air - we love it (5 syllables)

9 OBITUARY Write an obituary for your historical figure. Include ALL of the following: -Name -Date of birth -Date of death -Cause of death -Life accomplishments -Family members Example Obituary: John Franklin Adres, 62, of New York City, died April 5, 1994, at his Manhattan home. Mr. Andres was born July 1, 1952, in Kaneohe, Hawaii, to Richard and Emily (Holt) Andres. He attended Boone High School in Kosciusko, Miss. He continued his education at Holmes Community College in Holmes, Miss., graduating in 1972 with an associate's degree in construction management. He enjoyed football and playing Scrabble with his family. He enjoyed his family and attending Broadway shows in NYC. He is survived by his mother, Emily Andres of Long Island; brothers and their spouses, Richard Jr. and Leah Andres, and Thomas and Maggie Andres; several nephews; and special friend, Eva Gibson of Manhattan.

10 ROW 2- YOU CHOOSE 1 Facebook Page Create a Facebook Profile for your historical figure using the template I’ve provided (not an ACTUAL Facebook page!). You must include ALL of the following: -About section (relationship status? Education? etc.) -Status Updates (that show what the person did in their life) -Profile Picture Quiz Create a quiz about your historical figure. You must have at least 10 questions and there must be ALL of the following types of questions: -True or False -Multiple Choice -Short Answer You must also make and attach an answer key! “I Am” Poem Write an “I Am” poem from the perspective of your historical figure using the template I’ve provided. Children’s Book Make a children’s book that gives a very brief, easy to understand look at your historical figure’s life. Your book must have ALL of the following: -A title page -5 pages -Pictures on each page

11 FACEBOOK PAGE Create a Facebook Profile for your historical figure using the template I’ve provided (not an ACTUAL Facebook page!). You must include ALL of the following: -About section (relationship status? Education? etc.) -Status Updates (that show what the person did in their life) -Profile Picture

12 All about me Birthday: Education: Relationship Status: Hobbies: Friends Status Updates:________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Wall ________________ wrote on your wall:____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

13 QUIZ Create a quiz about your historical figure. You must have at least 10 questions and there must be ALL of the following types of questions: -True or False -Multiple Choice -Short Answer You must also make and attach an answer key!

14 “I AM” POEM Write an “I Am” poem from the perspective of your historical figure using the template I’ve provided.

15 CHILDREN’S BOOK Make a children’s book that gives a very brief, easy to understand look at your historical figure’s life. Your book must have ALL of the following: -A title page -5 pages -Pictures on each page

16 ROW 3- YOU CHOOSE 1 Song/Rap Write and be ready to perform your very own song about your historical figure. You must include facts about their life and it must be: -Typed -1 page long (size 12 font, double spaced) PowerPoint Create a PowerPoint presentation about your historical figure. You will present it to the class! Your PowerPoint must be at least 10 slides and include all the important facts of that person’s life. Change the World Essay Write an essay answering the following question: How did your historical figure change the world? Requirements: -1 ½ pages -Double spaced -Times New Roman font -Size 12 font You will read your essay to the class! Picture Paint or draw a picture YOURSELF of your person or a big event in their life. Attach to the picture 2 paragraphs that you wrote yourself (at least 12 sentences total, typed!) explaining the event/picture. You will present it to the class. Requirements: -Must be on posterboard -Must include 2 paragraphs explaining the event/picture

17 SONG/RAP Write and be ready to perform your very own song about your historical figure. You must include facts about their life and it must be: -Typed -1 page long (size 12 font, double spaced)

18 POWERPOINT Create a PowerPoint presentation about your historical figure. You will present it to the class! Your PowerPoint must be at least 10 slides and include all the important facts of that person’s life.

19 CHANGE THE WORLD ESSAY Write an essay answering the following question: How did your historical figure change the world? Requirements: -1 ½ pages -Double spaced -Times New Roman font -Size 12 font You will read your essay to the class!

20 PICTURE Paint or draw a picture YOURSELF of your person or a big event in their life. Attach to the picture 2 paragraphs that you wrote yourself (at least 12 sentences total, typed!) explaining the event/picture. You will present it to the class. Requirements: -Must be on posterboard -Must include 2 paragraphs explaining the event/picture

21 HISTORICAL FIGURES: WHO WILL YOU CHOOSE??? -Prince Henry the Navigator -Christopher Columbus -John Cabot -Jacques Cartier -Captain James Cook -William Dampier -Queen Elizabeth II -Fidel Castro -Atahualpa -Hernan Cortez -Francisco Pizarro -Montezuma II -Miguel Hidalgo -Simon Bolivar -Toussaint L’Ouverture -Karl Marx -Mikhail Gorbachev -Vladmir Lenin -Joseph Stalin

22 RESEARCH Use different sources- books, multiple internet sites, magazines, newspapers, etc. Write down where you got the information EVERY TIME! Always site your source (NEVER EVER EVER EVER copy word-for-word what your source says!) Take notes, notes, notes, and even more notes! It’s better to have too much, than too little!

23 In your notebook, set up your page to look like this… RESEARCH FOR (YOUR PERSON’S NAME GOES HERE) Date of Birth: Date of Death: Married to: Children: Most famous for: Important events:

24 In your notebook, set up your page to look like this… RESEARCH FOR (YOUR PERSON’S NAME GOES HERE) Other Facts: (at least 20)

25 You are quiet You raise your hand when you need help You work independently You finish your research and begin the assignment from ROW 1 LIBRARY EXPECTATIONS

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