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Hosted by Type your name here 100 200 400 300 400 Bonds – ionic covalent metallic Water’s Polar Properties Molecular Structure and Polarity Thermal Expansion/

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2 Hosted by Type your name here

3 100 200 400 300 400 Bonds – ionic covalent metallic Water’s Polar Properties Molecular Structure and Polarity Thermal Expansion/ Contraction and Kinetic Energy 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 The type of bond which is formed By attraction of + and – charged ions. What is ionic?

5 1,2 This property is the reason a drop Of water forms a mound On a table top. What is surface tension?

6 1,3 A linear bond between the same type Of atoms would be this. What is nonpolar covalent?

7 1,4 Use the word thermal expansion To explain why an engineer would put joints In sidewalk. (Type the question for 1,4 here.)?

8 2,1 This type of bond involves equally Shared valence electrons OR unequally Shared valence electrons.. What is covalent?

9 2,2 This property is the reason Water “climbs” the edges of Very narrow tubes. What is capillary action?

10 2,3 The linear bond between hydrogen And flourine would be this. What is polar?

11 2,4 Explain what happens to a gas when heated or cooled. A gas expands when heated and contracts when cooled due to increasing or decreasing kinetic energy of the particles ?

12 3,1 This type of bond leads to electrical conductivity. Atoms are held together by a “sea” Of electrons. What is metallic?

13 3,2 Increasing the kinetic energy Reduces the amount of this Dissolved substance. What is dissolved gases?

14 3,3 Each of the four carbon-hydrogen Bonds in methane is polar. Why is The whole molecule nonpolar?. The charges are balanced because of overall symmetry of the tetrahedral structure?

15 3,4 If thermal expansion holds true, why Does solid water increase in volume Compared to liquid?. The water molecules spread out when in the crystal lattice – this is an exception to the rule ?

16 4,1 If there is a greater than 2.0 difference In this property, the bond will be ionic. What is electronegativity?

17 4,2 Explain why an electrically Charged balloon can bend a stream of Water. Use the words: dipole and polar. The negatively charged balloon is attracted to the positive dipole in polar water molecules?

18 4,3 The reason (in terms of structure and dipoles) Water is polar. Water is a bent molecule and the oxygen forms a negative dipole and the hydrogens form a positive dipole?

19 4,4 Explain how a thermometer works In terms of thermal expansion. The liquid transfers kinetic energy to the glass and then to the alcohol which expands and thus rises up the tube?

20 5,1 In methane, carbon is likely to form (number and type) Of bonds with hydrogen atoms. What is four and polar covalent?

21 5,2 Would you expect to see a meniscus If you measured nonpolar rubbing Alcohol in a graduated cylinder? Explain. No, since rubbing alcohol is nonpolar, polar properties such as adhesion, cohesion and capillary action would not be present.

22 5,3 Give the structure and polarity of Hydrochloric acid (HCl). What is linear and polar?

23 5,4 A freezer cools off a room when open. True or false and why? False! Heat moves high to low so it is the room warming up the freezer?

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