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? Created by J. Moore/August 2014. It’s easy to be a rock star in SOAR 7. All you have to do is demonstrate an outstanding act of academics or character.

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Presentation on theme: "? Created by J. Moore/August 2014. It’s easy to be a rock star in SOAR 7. All you have to do is demonstrate an outstanding act of academics or character."— Presentation transcript:

1 ? Created by J. Moore/August 2014


3 It’s easy to be a rock star in SOAR 7. All you have to do is demonstrate an outstanding act of academics or character. It’s easy to be a rock star in SOAR 7. All you have to do is demonstrate an outstanding act of academics or character. ???? When you get “caught” being a rock star, you will earn a ticket. Each ticket is worth one small gemstone.

4 5 medium gemstones can be traded in for 1 large gemstone. ???? 5 small gemstones can be traded in for 1 medium gemstone. 5 small = 1 medium 5 medium = 1 large

5 ?

6 It’s easy! Here are some examples: Academics  show a strong effort  make a good connection  score well on an assignment  demonstrate improvement  show that you paid attention to detail  cite good evidence to support your idea  explain your evidence  ….. The list goes on! Character  demonstrate kindness (help a classmate, etc.)  be honest  accept feedback appropriately  take responsibility  compliment a classmate  demonstrate a good sense of humor…..  The list goes on!

7 I will either give you the gemstone during class or give you a ticket that you can redeem for a small gemstone. Sometimes, I will staple a ticket to your work. Tickets look like this. We will display redeemed tickets on poster board in the classroom.

8 You will keep your gemstones in a plastic container that has your name on it. I will keep the containers with me at all times outside of the classroom so that your prizes are secure.

9 Do I have to trade in my gemstones? Absolutely not! You can keep any gemstone you earn. Trading is an option. When do I get to take my gemstones home? Most likely at the end of each quarter—if you choose to do so. Where did you get these rockin’ stones? I found these gemstones while sluicing, mining, or digging. I am a proud Rock Hound.

10 !!

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