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Language in use. Listening practice: The supermarket is ____ and ______. The ____ _____, meat, _____ and _____ are in the fridge. On that shelf there.

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Presentation on theme: "Language in use. Listening practice: The supermarket is ____ and ______. The ____ _____, meat, _____ and _____ are in the fridge. On that shelf there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language in use

2 Listening practice: The supermarket is ____ and ______. The ____ _____, meat, _____ and _____ are in the fridge. On that shelf there is ______, hamburgers, _____ and noodles. Also there is ____, coffee and ____. There is some fresh _____, like ______ and _____. They are nice. There are ___ ______ ___ people in my shop. They like the _____ and ______. bigclean ice creamrice bread eggs teacoke fruit apples pears alotof food fruit milk

3 Activity 1 Language practice 1)---Have we got any fruit? ---Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t. 2)We’ve got some oranges and some apples. 3) We haven’t got any melons.

4 Activity 2 Pairwork --Have we got any … in the fridge? ---Yes, we have. (No, we haven’t.) grapes/carrots/water/ bananas/vegetables/ beer/juice/meat/eggs /fish/eggplants…

5 Write about the fridge in the picture on page 30 1 We _________ meat in the fridge. 2 We__________ fish in the fridge. 3 We _________ vegetables in the fridge. 4 We__________ eggs in the fridge. 5 We__________ bananas in the fridge. 6 We _________ apples in the fridge. 7We _________ orange juice in the fridge. 8 We_________ milk in the fridge. have got some haven’t got any have got some haven’t got any have got some haven’t got any

6 Activity 3 Look at the table. Write s (singular) or p (plural) 1 beef s 6 candy s 2carrots p 7 chicken s 3 fruit s 8 hamburgers p 4 juice s 9 noodles p 5 pork s 10 water s

7 Write the plural orange oranges 1 vegetable 2 tomato 3 melon 4 onion vegetables tomatoes melons onions

8 carrots tomatoes vegetables melons apples oranges fruit healthy food favourite food FOOD juice water milk healthy drink favourite drink beef chicken pork meat onions Complete the word map. DRINK

9 Around the world Chinese food in London What have they got? What haven’t they got? Are they healthy food and drink?

10 Culture box: English breakfast Often served in hotels.It consists of eggs,bacon,tomatoes,mushrooms, sausages,and bread,all fried in port fat.Traditionally, with cups of English- style tea---black tea with milk and sugar. In fact,it’s not healthy food. Most British people have juice, cereals like cornflakes, toast and coffee or tea for breakfast.

11 1 )一般在名词词尾加 -s ,清辅音后 发 /s / ;浊辅音和元音后发 /z / 。 eg: dog-dogs book-books 2) 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词后加 -es. 读 /iz/. eg: bus-buses box-boxes watch-watches fish-fishes 可数名词

12 4) 以 o 结尾的后加 -s 或 -es. potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes photo-photos zoo-zoos 5) 以字母 -f 或 -fe 结尾的名词,一般将 -f 或 -fe 变为 -ves. knife-knives shelf-shelves 3) 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的名词,将 y 改成 i, 再加 -es. family-families baby-babies

13 6) 英语中有些名词的复数是不规则 的。 eg: man-men woman-women child-children foot-feet people-people Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese tooth --- teeth

14 可数名词前可用 a/an ,数词或 a lot of / lots of, some, many 等修饰。 a boy, two books, some people, many students 不可数名词没复数形式,可用 some, a little, much, a lot of ( lots of ) 等修 饰。 some /much meat, a little water

15 不可数名词要表示量只能借助可数 名词。 eg: a cup of water, six glasses of milk, two cups of tea, four bottles of orange

16 Activity 6 Work in groups(three or four people) Make a food and drink can choose one of the following topics 1)Chinese food and drink 2)American food and drink 3)favourite food and drink 4)healthy food and drink

17 The world’s ten unhealthy foods: 1 fried food 2 canned food 3 candied food 4 roasted food 5 salted food 6 fat ;animal’s internal organs 7 instant noodles 8 sausages 9 ice cream 10 cream

18 correct the mistakes 1.I’d like a water. A B C D 2.I can see three glass of milk on the table. A B C D 3.There are some orange for us. A B C D 4.Would you like some cake and a cup of orange? D A B C 5.Please give him some meats. A B C D. D C  some B glasses A  is C  cakes D  meat


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