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Hardware & Software Developments Freedom of Speech & Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardware & Software Developments Freedom of Speech & Movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardware & Software Developments Freedom of Speech & Movement

2 Learning Objective: By the end of this topic you should be able to: Discuss how hardware and software developments could affect freedom of speech and movement.

3 Freedom of Movement Tagging criminals CCTV cameras feel safer? catch criminals  infringement of human rights? Mobile ‘phone tracking peace of mind for parents locate employees (vehicles)  lack of trust? RFID tags better shopping experience  product tracking = customer tracking?

4 Freedom of Speech Internet access and mobile ‘phones facilitate: Social networking –weblogs, IM, personal websites …. say what you want about what you want  extreme views, ill-informed views, slander …. SMS quick response  less time to consider reply  say things that wouldn’t normally World Wide Web worldwide audience publishing available to all  extreme views, ill-informed views, slander ….

5 Freedom of Speech & Movement Discuss how hardware and software developments could affect the freedom of speech and movement of criminals. You should not limit your answer to existing systems and the way in which they could be advanced,

6 Freedom of Speech & Movement Discuss how hardware and software developments could affect the freedom of speech and movement of criminals. You should not limit your answer to existing systems and the way in which they could be advanced, but allow an imaginative approach given possible trends and directions of hardware and software in the future.

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