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Going further together Professionalism and Professional Products from the The British Computer Society Pete Bayley Director, Qualification Products.

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Presentation on theme: "Going further together Professionalism and Professional Products from the The British Computer Society Pete Bayley Director, Qualification Products."— Presentation transcript:

1 going further together Professionalism and Professional Products from the The British Computer Society Pete Bayley Director, Qualification Products

2 going further together Why the need for Professionalism At this point pictures of newspaper clippings showing failed IT projects was shown. The file has been removed as it would have made the presentation size excessive.

3 going further together A new attitude of mind ? Do we as a profession want to continue to be regarded as an unprofessional, unreliable, expensive waste of money? As a profession, we need to grow up, and become a true profession of the 21 st century

4 going further together What needs to be done ? IT professionals need to be members of a professional industry body IT decision makers need to demand greater professionalism IT professionals need consistent relevant standards, qualifications and certification Making the IT Profession the profession of the 21 st century” The profession needs to be thinking about tomorrow as well as today IT professionals need continuous professional development

5 going further together The BCS Response The Membership organisation for the IT Profession Influencing IT decision makers IT standards qualifications and certification The BCS “Making the IT Profession the profession of the 21 st century” Thought leadership on the future of IT – the “IT Learned Society” Using the knowledge and experience of the BCS members at all stages

6 going further together Certifying IT Competence Chartered IT Professional qualification represents the ‘gold standard’ for IT competency accreditation ( ) ISEB qualifications are available at several levels of competency, and in a rapidly growing number of IT subject areas. For IT Practitioners/Professionals. ( ) EUCIP – a new European entry level practitioner qualification ‘European Certificate for Informatics Professionals’ ECDL/ICDL - European/International Computer Driving Licence. The BCS qualifications to improve computer literacy for Society in general (computer users) ( and )

7 going further together ECDL family of qualifications E-citizen Equalskills Basic Concepts of IT Using Computer & Managing Files Word Processing Spreadsheets Database Presentation Information & Communication Advanced WP Advanced Spreadsheets Advanced Database Advanced Presentation ECDL Certified Training Professional ECDL Web Publisher ECDL IT Administrator ECDL Security ECDL Teachers ECDL CAD ECDL Programme IntroductoryCoreAdvancedSpecialist Key: Bold = Out Now! Normal Text= Future Release

8 going further together Demonstration video - ECDL At this point in the presentation a video of the use of ECDL in various businesses was shown.

9 going further together ISEB Certification Training delivered via accredited providers ISEB creates and marks examinations IT Service Management and Software Testing are biggest 2500 registrations per month on average 90 accredited providers several operate internationally ISEB Certificates

10 going further together ISEB product map At this point in the presentation a pdf version of the ISEB roadmap was projected. This is the same as that handed out and discussed at some length.

11 going further together Developments 2005-7 IT Service Management.. Continued growth likely Software Testing...……… International developments BSD ………………………. Review started Project Management ……. Several developments Process development …… (inc. catalyst) IT law, Application management, PPSO, ITIL all planned for review and qualification development ECDL RM ISEB RM 0506 ISEB RM 0405

12 going further together EUCIP framework at 2 levels: foundation and vocation PLAN The use and management of information systems OPERATE Operations and Support of Information systems BUILD Aquisition, development and implementation of information systems Certified IT professional Competency developing building blocks: Courses Schools Self-study E-learning schemes Accreditation of professional development schemes, e.g. ISEB, SFIA, EXIN, AIG Competency developing building blocks: Courses Schools Self-study E-learning schemes Accreditation of professional development schemes, e.g. ISEB, SFIA, EXIN, AIG EUCIP core is compulsory to becoming certified: 1 skills card 3 modules/tests 1 core certificate EUCIP core is compulsory to becoming certified: 1 skills card 3 modules/tests 1 core certificate EUCIP professional certificates: Industry (user) driven Based on ISM 1 test per profession 1 certificate per profession EUCIP professional certificates: Industry (user) driven Based on ISM 1 test per profession 1 certificate per profession

13 going further together BCS Professional Exams Certificate Comparable to Year 1 HND, 3 modules 2 hour written exam, 140 hours per module 10 Membership points Diploma Examined to HND level, 1 core + 3 optional modules 2 hour written exam each, 140 hours per module, 20 membership points Professional Graduate Diploma Examined to degree level, 4 optional modules 3 hour written paper each, 200 hours per module, 30 membership points Professional Project Dip:+10 Membership points PGD: +20 Membership points

14 going further together Professional Development

15 going further together ISM Benefits Based on actual practice Flexible and easy to use Increases effectiveness Improves quality levels Focuses training Saves time and money Price of ISM refunded if CDF purchased within 6 months

16 going further together Corporate Career Development Corporate Career Development Product Main Features as Skills Manager plus: Manage the development of IT skills across an organisation Ensure training programmes meet individual and business needs Central database of skills and specialisms Aid succession planning Develop Team Skills Lead to BCS Accreditation Now available

17 going further together Demo of Career Builder At this point an animated demonstration of Career Builder was shown. This tool is available to all BCS members and is accessible from It does require membership number and pin to access it.

18 going further together EINSTEIN SAYS…. ‘Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination’ - Albert Einstein

19 going further together Questions?

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