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Portland Climate Action Now! Portland CAN! Reduce Food Waste.

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Presentation on theme: "Portland Climate Action Now! Portland CAN! Reduce Food Waste."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portland Climate Action Now! Portland CAN! Reduce Food Waste

2 | 2 Portland CAN! Portland Climate Action Now! Helps residents reduce carbon emissions and make a real difference on climate change in five key areas. By taking action today, together we can reach our goal of 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.

3 CAN! 5 Categories  Your Home - Simple changes can save energy and money and increase the comfort of your home.  Your Stuff - Consider new ways to get the things you need to save money and conserve natural resources.  Getting Around: A mix of walking, biking and transit saves gas and helps you get daily exercise. | 3

4 Cont. CAN! 5 Categories  Your Community - Work with your friends and neighbors to take climate action together.  Your Food - Consider new ways to get the things you need to save money and conserve natural resources. | 4

5 View>Header and Footer | 5 Reduce Food Waste

6 Primary Waste Reduction Strategies Food planning Food storage Food consumption | 6

7 Planning Before You Shop Make a list/Plan Checking cupboards and fridge before making shopping list Identify some meals you cook once and then eat twice Double-up on ingredients Cook larger meals that can be reheated Stick to the list | 7

8 Optimizing Your Shopping Avoid spontaneous purchases Shop for produce last Think about '2 for 1' deals Buy food loose Don’t be afraid of “funny fruit” Avoid pre-packaged food Check the labels for storage information Avoid useless deals/Beware of bulk Don’t shop when you’re hungry Stay on the perimeter Get food home promptly FIFO | 8

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10 Vegetable Storage Fridge or a dark cold place. Keep cucumbers, carrots and root vegetables hydrated. Store potatoes in a dark cool place. Remove moldy vegetables Unused vegetables can be used for sauces and soup. | 10

11 Fruit Storage Store fruits and vegetables that emit ethylene gas separately. Keep your produce whole. Remove spoiled produce immediately. Refrigerate or not? Let it Breathe | 11

12 Dairy Storage Cream:1 week (F) Sour Cream: 2-3 weeks (NF) Cottage Cheese: 1 Week (F) Yogurt: 2 weeks (F) Buttermilk: 2 weeks (F) Cream Cheese: (F) Firm Cheese: 3-4 weeks (F)| 12

13 Bread Storage Store in a paper bag or airtight container. Freeze if it is close to best before date to use for toast. Frozen hard crust breads should be sprinkled with a little water and placed in the oven to warm. | 13

14 Staples Oils and vinegars Staples, grains and pastas Spices and seasonings Sauces & condiments | 14

15 | 15 Contact: Bill Beamer | 503.823.5629

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