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“Someone” is moved to Spec-IP, leaving trace (t) in its original position of VP-internal Q. (Q=Quantifier) IP Q I’ I VP Someone i Q V’ is someone V PP.

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Presentation on theme: "“Someone” is moved to Spec-IP, leaving trace (t) in its original position of VP-internal Q. (Q=Quantifier) IP Q I’ I VP Someone i Q V’ is someone V PP."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Someone” is moved to Spec-IP, leaving trace (t) in its original position of VP-internal Q. (Q=Quantifier) IP Q I’ I VP Someone i Q V’ is someone V PP t i knocking at the door

2 “There” in Spec-IP i) has structural case ii) has no semantic role iii) forms a chain with its associate “someone”. “someone” has the semantic role, Agent. “There” and its associate “someone” together satisfy the Principle of Full Interpretation. IP D I’ I VP There Q V’ is V PP someone knocking at the door

3 subjects

4 with quantifiers A. They are both helping her. B. We can all work harder. C. You will each receive a present. IP D I’ I VP They are QP V’ Q D V D both t helping her

5 semantic/thematic/  -roles a. [The FBI] arrested [Larry Luckless] b. [The suspect] received [a caution] c. [The audience] enjoyed [the play] d. [The president] went [to Boston] a. [The FBI] arrested [Larry Luckless] Agent Theme b. [The suspect] received [a caution] Recipient Theme c. [The audience] enjoyed [the play] Experiencer Theme d. [The president] went [to Boston] Theme Goal

6 Exercise b. [David] smelled [the freshly baked bread]. Ag Th c. [We] put [the cheese] [in the fridge]. Ag Th Loc d. [Frank] threw [himself] [onto the sofa]. Ag Th Loc e. [Greg] comes [from Wales]. Ag Source a.[His mother] sent [David] [a letter] Ag B Th

7 [He] threw [the ball]. [He] threw [a fit]. VP D Agent V’ Experiencer V DP he Theme threw the ball a fit Agent Theme Experiencer Theme I VP D Agent V’ Experiencer V DP t Theme throw the ball a fit IP DP I’ He will

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