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Unit 1 Friends Welcome to the unit& Vocabulary. Free talk How did your spend your summer holidays?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Friends Welcome to the unit& Vocabulary. Free talk How did your spend your summer holidays?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Friends Welcome to the unit& Vocabulary

2 Free talk How did your spend your summer holidays?

3 Discussion 1.When we are in trouble, who will help us out? 2.When we are sad, who will give us love and care? 3.When we have success( 成功 ) , who will we share happiness with?

4 Without a friend, the world is boring. Who to make friends with and how to keep friendship is very important. 与谁交朋友和如何保持友谊是很重要的。


6 strong thin shorttall big eyes small eyes round ( 圆的 ) facesquare ( 方的 ) face


8 She has a ________ face. ________ eyes. ————— nose. She has ________ hair. She is _________.

9 face: nose: eyes: hair: body: big, small, round, wear glasses, bright, black medium( 中等身材的 ) fat thin strong slim fit healthy weak ( 椭圆的 ) in a ponytail curly ( 卷发 ) straight Big, small,long,short, pointed( 尖的 ), flat( 扁平的 ) shoulder- length

10 lovely good-looking pretty beautifullovely beautiful handsome good-looking smart beautifulgood-looking handsome lovely smart pretty smart General appearance

11 Describing people’s appearance

12 Don’t judge by appearance. 不可以貌取人。 What is more important, appearance ( 外貌 ) or qualities ( 品质 ) ? We should pay more attention to ( 更多注意 ) qualities when we make friends 。 A friend in need is a friend indeed! 患难朋友才是真朋友。

13 What is your ideal friend like? Do you talk to him/her when you are sad? Do you talk to him/her when you are happy? Can you talk to him/her about anything? Do you talk to him/her when you have problems? Do you believe what he/she says ? Do you like listening to him sing?

14 Many different qualities ( 品质 ) funnyfriendly

15 What qualities are important in a good friend? very important quite important not important It is { for my friend to be …. It is { for my friend to be …. very important quite important not important clever, friendly, funny, good-looking, helpful, musical, polite, honest, kind, clean and tidy

16 Discussion What are important qualities of a good friend? Work in groups of four and work out the table. (think of more good qualities.)

17 Talk show You are a superstar.someone is talking to you on TV about your best friend.

18 Talk show Who is your good friend? Where is he /she from? What does he/she look like? What do you think of your friend? What made you become good friends? These questions may help you

19 In the ‘Teenagers’ magazine, there is a story about two special friends. teenager 13-19 的青少年 magazine 杂志 special 特别的

20 1. Hobo is hungry. What does Eddie give him? Questions Eddie gives him a cake. 2. Does Hobo want to have something to drink? What is it? Yes, he does. It is milk. 3. Is there anything else in the fridge? No, there is nothing else in the fridge.

21 bowl nothing more

22 Practise the dialogue in pairs. Who do you like better, Eddie or Hobo? Why?

23 Hungry ----hungrier -----hungriest (full) so /very/too/quite/rather…+adj. 原级 Have something to drink 有一些喝的东西 have something to drink 有可以住的房子 have a house to live in 有很多事情要做 have many things to do Have some more food 再来两首歌 two more songs another two songs 还要一个人 one more person another person

24 There is nothing else in the fridge. What else is in the fridge. Somebody else’s pizza is in the fridge. 1. 我不再需要任何其他的东西了。 I don’t need anything else any more. 2. 还有其他的谁在会议室? Who else is in the meeting room? 3. 别碰他人的钱包。 Don’t touch somebody else’s purse.

25 They didn’t come here. Maybe they were ill. They may be ill.


27 This is my favorite film star. She has long yellow hair and big black eyes. She also has a long face, a big mouth and white teeth. She is tall and slim. I think she is very beautiful. adjectives 形容词 A Description A Description

28 She has short hair. Her hair is short. This is a lazy cat. This cat is lazy. Study the use of adjectives

29 ConclusionConclusion We use adjectives to describe someone or something. We can put an adjective ______ a noun ( 名词 ) or ______ a linking verb ( 系动词 ). before after

30 Linking verbs 1. 感官动词: feel, sound, look, smell, taste, seem( 看起来 ) 2. 变得: go, become, turn, grow 3. 保持某种状态: be, stay, keep

31 Form sentences and tell the use of the adjectives 1.short/ Millie/ hair/ has ___________________________ 2.wears/ Sandy/ glasses/ round ___________________________ funny/ Amy/ and cheerful ___________________________ Millie/ not/ hair/ does/ long ___________________________ 5. is/ Sandy/ hair/ tall/ long/ and has ______________________________ Millie has short hair. Sandy wears round glasses. Amy is funny and cheerful. Millie does not like long hair. Sandy is tall and has long hair.

32 This girl is beautiful. That girl is singing beautifully. (adj.) (adv.) Find out the difference

33 Proverb ( 谚语 ) : 1. 患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. 得朋友难,失朋友易 A friend is easier lost than found. 3. 没有十全十美的朋友 A friend without faults will never be found.


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