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2. Organisation of education on national level (1) OUTLINE 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation 2.2. National system of higher education.

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1 2. Organisation of education on national level (1) OUTLINE 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation 2.2. National system of higher education

2 2. Organisation of education on national level (2) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation The fundamental principles of provision of education in the Estonian Republic are established in the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia (Eesti Põhiseadus) Child Protection Act (Lastekaitseseadus) Education Act (Haridusseadus) The Constitution (Eesti Põhiseadus): - everyone has the right to education, - education is compulsory for school-age children to the extent specified in law, - the provision of education is supervised by the state, - it is possible to establish and operate private schools, - the purpose of education is to establish favouring conditions for the development of personality, family, the Estonian and minority nations

3 2. Organisation of education on national level (3) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 1) The Child Protection Act (Lastekaitseseadus): - every child has the right for education, which develops the child’s mental and physical abilities and forms a healthy personality; - instruction must focus on the individual, take into consideration the differences between sexes and be grounded on recognition of pupils’ progress; - instruction must not be ideologically biased or promote hatred (vihkamine) or violence (vägivald).

4 2. Organisation of education on national level (4) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 2) Education Act (Haridusseadus) ( T&tyyp=X&query=haridusseadus) What is regulated: (1) General provisions (Üldsätted) (2) Management of education system (Haridussüsteemi juhtimine) (3) Classification of Education on Basis of Objectives (Hariduse liigitus ülesannete alusel) (4) Classification of Education on Basis of Levels (Hariduse liigitus tasemete alusel) (5) Educational Institutions (Õppeasutused) (6) Documents Certifying Education (Haridust tõendavad dokumendid) (7) Legal Bases for Activities of Educational Institutions (Haridusasutuste tegevuse õiguslikud alused) (8)Rights of Foreign Citizens to Receive Education in Republic of Estonia (Välisriikide kodanike õigus saada haridust Eesti Vabariigis) (9) Estonian Education Information System (Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem, EHIS)

5 2. Organisation of education on national level (5) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 3) Education Act: General provisions (Haridusseadus: Üldsätted) education has the following levels (tasemed) : - pre-school education (alusharidus); - basic education/first level of education (põhiharidus); - secondary education/second level of education (keskharidus); - higher education/third level of education (kõrgharidus)

6 2. Organisation of education on national level (6) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 4)

7 2. Organisation of education on national level (7) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 5) Education Act: General Provisions (Haridusseadus:Üldsätted) Principles of organisation of education system: - everyone in Estonia has the opportunity to fulfil the obligation to attend school and the opportunity to engage in continuing education; - opportunities exist for the acquisition of education in Estonian at all levels of education in public educational institutions and universities; - instruction of the Estonian language is ensured in all public educational institutions and study groups where instruction is carried out in a language other than Estonian; - the acquisition of secondary education in public educational institutions shall be free of any tuition fees.

8 2. Organisation of education on national level (8) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 6) Education Act: Management of Education System (Haridusseadus: Haridussüsteemi juhtimine) The Parliament (Riigikogu) has the exclusive authority to: 1) determine the principles of the formation, functioning and development of the education system; 2) establish tuition fees in public educational institutions and universities in public law (Avalik-õiguslik ülikool); 3) decide on the establishment, merger, division and termination of the activities of universities in public law.

9 2. Organisation of education on national level (9) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 7) Education Act: Management of Education System (Haridusseadus: Haridussüsteemi juhtimine) (cntd): The Government of the Republic (Vabariigi Valitsus) has the authority to: 1) adopt national education development programmes (e.g Higher Education Strategy 2006 - 2015) and provide guarantees to the implementation thereof; 2) establish the procedure for the establishment and reorganisation of public educational institutions and for termination of their activities, and to approve the statutes of state institutions of ----- professional higher education; 3) determine the procedure of the tuition fees (õppemaksud) and rates (tasumäärad) for public educational institutions and universities in public law (avalik õiguslik ülikool), and the procedure for remuneration (tasustamise kord) 4) establish the maximum rate for study loans (õppelaenud) secured by the state.

10 2. Organisation of education on national level (10) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 8) Education Act: Management of Education System (Haridusseadus: Haridussüsteemi juhtimine) (cntd): The Government of the Republic (Vabariigi Valitsus) has the authority to: 5) establish state concession and benefits (riiklikud soodustused) including credit concessions (krediidisoodustused) for pupils, students and educators; 6) establish the Standard of Higher Education (Kõrgharidusstandard); 7) approve the framework requirements for teacher training (Õpetajate koolituse raamnõuded); 8) granting educational institutions the right for provision of instruction in higher education and for awarding the corresponding academic degrees and diplomas.

11 2. Organisation of education on national level (11) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 9) Education Act: Management of Education System (Haridusseadus: Haridussüsteemi juhtimine) (cntd): Ministry of Education and Research (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium) has the authority to: (1) organise the preparation and implementation of national education development programmes; (2) coordinate and supervise local governments and other ministries in the organisation of education; (3) establish, reorganise and close state educational institutions, except universities and institutions of professional higher education: (4) direct and organise the preparation of study plans and programmes for public educational institution (except universities); (5) register state-recognised (riiklikult tunnustatud) and state graduation documents; (6) develop the rules for the state financing of education; (7) establish a uniform marking/grading system for each level of education etc.

12 2. Organisation of education on national level (12) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 10) Education Act: Management of Education System (Haridusseadus: Haridussüsteemi juhtimine) (cntd): Local governments: (Kohalikud omavalitsused) have the authority to: 1) plan educational development programmes within their administrative jurisdiction and implement them; 2) establish, reorganise and close municipal educational institutions pursuant to the procedure prescribed by legislation and register educational institutions established within their administrative jurisdiction; 3) appoint heads of educational institutions and release them from office; 4) forecast the need for teachers and assist educational institutions in finding employees; 5) keep records of children of compulsory school age and monitoring of compulsory school attendance etc.

13 2. Organisation of education on national level (13) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 11) Education Act : Classification of Education on Basis of Objectives ( Haridusseadus:Hariduse liigitus ülesannete alusel) (1) General education (Üldharidus) (2) Vocational education (Kutseharidus) (3) Hobby education (Huviharidus) Education Act: Classification of Education on Basis of Levels (Haridusseadus: Hariduse liigitus tasemete alusel) (1) Pre-school education (Alusharidus) (2) Basic education (Põhiharidus) (3) Secondary education (Keskharidus) - general secondary education (Üldkeskharidus) - secondary vocational education (Kutsekeskharidus) (4) Higher education (Kõrgharidus) (5) Further education/continuing education (Täiendusharidus)

14 2. Organisation of education on national level (14) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 12) Education Act: Educational institutions (Haridusseadus: Õppeasutused) (1) Basic schools and upper secondary schools (Põhikoolid ja gümnaasiumid) (2) Vocational educational institutions (Kutseõppeasutused) (3) Institutions of professional higher education (Rakenduskõrgkoolid) (4) Universities (Ülikoolid) (5) Pre-school child care institutions (Koolieelsed lasteasutused) (6) Hobby schools (Huvikoolid) (7) Further education institutions (Täienduskoolituse asutused) (incl. Universities, institutions of professional higher education etc.)

15 2. Organisation of education on national level (15) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 13) Education Act: Documents Certifying Education (Haridusseadus: Haridust tõendavad dokumendid) (1) The right to issue documents certifying education shall be granted to an educational institution by the Ministry of Education and Research. The right to issue documents certifying higher education shall be granted to an educational institution by the Government. (2) The Republic of Estonia recognises (tunnustab) certificates, diplomas and university diplomas issued by educational institutions under the conditions and pursuant to the procedure (tingimustel ja korras) established by the Government of the Republic and documents issued abroad certifying education as documents certifying education. (3) The names of academic degrees awarded by educational institutions shall be established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic.

16 2. Organisation of education on national level (16) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 14) Education Act: Documents Certifying Education (Haridusseadus: Haridust tõendavad dokumendid) (cntd): (4) The conformity of the qualifications of the Republic of Estonia and the qualifications of the former Soviet Union prior to 20 August 1991 shall be established by a regulation of the Government. (5) The issue of documents certifying education in Estonia shall be monitored by the Ministry of Education and Research. (6) The assessment and academic recognition of documents attesting education completed in a foreign state shall be pursuant to the international agreements, the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Kõrgharidustunnistuse ja kõrgharidusele juurdepääsu võimaldavate tunnistuste Euroopa regioonis tunnustamise konventsioon). (7)The conditions and procedure for the assessment and academic recognition of documents attesting education completed in a foreign state, as well as conditions and procedures for the use of a title of qualification acquired in the educational system of a foreign state will be established by a regulation of the Government.

17 2. Organisation of education on national level (17) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 15) Education Act: Legal Basis for Activities of Educational Institutions (Haridusseadus: Haridusasutuste tegevuse õiguslikud alused)  Legal status of educational institutions (Haridusasutuste õiguslik seisund)  Subordination of an educational institution (Haridusasutuse alluvus)  Financing of an educational institution (Haridusasutuse finantseerimine)  Management of educational institutions (Haridusasutuste juhtimine)  Legal status of pupils and students (Õpilaste ja üliõpilaste õiguslik seisund)  Legal status of teachers (Pedagoogide õiguslik seisund)  Teacher of official language (Riigikeeleõpetaja)  Assets of educational institutions (Haridusasutuste vara) (The legal status of assets of universities shall be provided for in the Universities Act).

18 2. Organisation of education on national level (18) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 16) Education Act: Estonian Education Information System ( (Haridusseadus: Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem, EHIS): The Estonian Education Information System (EHIS) is a state register as defined in the Public Information Act (Avaliku Teabe Seadus) which unites the database of the education system into one entity. The Ministry of Education and Research shall exercise the rights of the chief processor (vastutav töötleja) of the Estonian Education Information System. Subregisters belonging to EHIS are: documents attesting education; teachers and teaching staff; pupils, students and resident physicians (arst-residendid) ; educational institutions; study programmes and education licences; educational literature.

19 2. Organisation of education on national level (19) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 17) In addition to Education Act more acts regulate the educational sphere: (1) The Pre-School Child Care Institutions Act (Koolieelse lasteasutuse seadus) (2) The Basic Schools and Upper Secondary Schools Act (Põhikooli – ja gümnaasiumi seadus) (3) The Vocational Education Institutions Act (Kutseõppeasutuse seadus) (4) The Universities Act (Ülikooliseadus) (5) The Private Schools Act (Erakooliseadus) (6) The Institution of Professional Higher Education Act (Rakenduskõrgkooliseadus) (7) The Standard of Higher Education (Kõrgharidusstandard) (8) The Adult Education Act (Täiskasvanute koolituse seadus) (9) The Organisation of Research and Development Act (Teadus- ja arendustegevuse korralduse seadus) (10) Professions Act (Kutseseadus)

20 2. Organisation of education on national level (20) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 19) Professions Act (Kutseseadus) ( What is regulated: (1) General provisions (Üldsätted) -Professional level and qualification framework (Kutsetase ja kvalifikatsiooniraamistik) - Professional Standard (Kutsestandard) etc. (2) Parties to the Professional Qualification System (Kutsesüsteemi osalised): professional institution (kutseasutus); professional councils (kutsenõukogud); body that awards professions (kutset andev organ); register of professions (kutseregister). (3) Awarding profession (Kutse andmine): procedure for awarding profession (kutse andmise kord); professional qualifications committee (kutsekomisjon); assessment commission (hindamiskomisjon); professional certificate (kutsetunnistus) etc. (4) Annex: Qualification Framework (Kvalifikatsiooniraamistik)

21 2. Organisation of education on national level (21) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 20) Professions Act (Kutseseadus) (cntd): Important definitions: Competency (Kompetentsus) – the set of knowledge, skills, experience and attitudes necessary to engage successfully in professional activities. Profession (Kutse) – the official result of assessment, received when the body that awards professions decides that the person has the required competency in the profession on the level determined in the relevant professional qualification standard (Kutsestandard). Qualification (Kvalifikatsioon) – competency recognised as an official result of assessment, which is accompanied by responsibility and autonomy (Vastutus ja iseseisvus).

22 2. Organisation of education on national level (22) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 21) Professions Act :General provisions (Kutseseadus: Üldsätted) The professional qualifications system is part of the qualifications system for recognition of learning outcomes (õpiväljundid). The professional qualifications system connects the educational system with the labour market. Professional levels are comparable to levels of education and the professional system and education system belong to a joint qualification framework which is internationally comparable. The qualifications framework classifies professional and educational levels on the basis of criteria imposed on the acquired knowledge, skills, responsibility and autonomy (competence).

23 2. Organisation of education on national level (23) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 22) Professions Act: Awarding profession (Kutseseadus: Kutse andmine) The initial professional level (esmane kutsetase) is deemed to be awarded upon the completion of studies, by making a notation of the academic report issued to the person if: 1) The person has completed their studies of a regulated profession specified in the directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications. 2) The curriculum complies with the professional standard (Kutsestandard) and is officially certified (riiklikult tunnustatud). The initial professional level (esmane kutsetase) is deemed to be awarded by a notation made on the academic report or result report is issued to the person upon the completion of studies by an educational institution with the right to award professions.

24 2. Organisation of education on national level (24) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 23) Professions Act : Qualification framework (Kutseseadus: Kvalifikatsiooniraamistik)

25 2. Organisation of education on national level (25) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 24) Professions Act : Qualification framework (Kutseseadus: Kvalifikatsiooniraamistik)

26 2. Organisation of education on national level (26) 2.1. Fundamental principles and basic legislation (cntd 25) Professions Act : Qualification framework (Kutseseadus: Kvalifikatsiooniraamistik)

27 2. Organisation of education on national level (27) 2.2. National system of higher education The general legal basis of the system of higher education is laid down by: The Republic of Estonia Education Act (Haridusseadus) The Universities Act (Ülikooliseadus) The Institution of Professional Higher Education Act (Rakenduskõrgkooliseadus) The Private Schools Act (Erakooliseadus) The Vocational Educational Institutions Act (Kutseõppeasutuse seadus) The Sandard of Higher Education (Kõrgharidusstandard)

28 2. Organisation of education on national level (28) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 1) Institutionally higher education is acquired in: Universities Institutions of professional higher education Some vocational education institutions By form of ownership educational institutions providing higher education are divided to: State institutions (riiklikud õppeasutused), providing professional higher education programmes and may offer Master’s programmes in cooperation with universities. Universities in public law (avalik õiguslikud ülikoolid) offering Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral study and may provide professional higher education (rakenduskõrgharidus) Private institutions (eraõppeasutused)

29 2. Organisation of education on national level (29) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 2)

30 2. Organisation of education on national level (30) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 3)

31 2. Organisation of education on national level (31) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 4) Short guide to diagrams “Higher education structure – 2010”( Most common length of a Bologna cycle - is shown first in each diagram Other length of Bologna cycle - programmes in the typical Bologna model that are less common. Programmes outside the typical Bologna model – less common deviations from the three cycle structure or differ in length from the Bologna model (in corresponding fields of study) Professional programmes – differentiation of academic and professional programmes in national system Admission requirements (indicated by a triangle): - upward: procedures at institutional level - downward: procedures at national level - filled-in: always the case - empty: the case in some programmes and/or some institutions

32 2. Organisation of education on national level (32) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 5)

33 2. Organisation of education on national level (33) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 6)

34 2. Organisation of education on national level (34) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 7) Universities Act (Ülikooliseadus) (; ( What is regulated: (1) General Provisions (Üldsätted): establishment, legal status, merger, quality assurance, etc. (2) Management and structure (Juhtimine ja struktuur): council, rector, structure of university etc. (3) Organisation of studies (Õppekorraldus): requirements for study programmes, cycles of higher education etc. (4) Members (Liikmeskond): teaching and research staff, students, student body, etc. (5) University as subject of Civil Law (Ülikool tsiviilõigusliku subjektina): assets, disposal of assets etc. (6) Procedure of financing (Finantseerimise kord): financing and budget of universities (7) Auditing, supervision and reporting (Kontroll, järelevalve ja aruandlus)

35 2. Organisation of education on national level (35) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 8) University Act: General provisions (Ülikooliseadus: Üldsätted): Important definitions: A University (Ülikool) is an educational, creative and research and development institution where studies conforming to the Standard of Higher Education (Kõrgharidusstandard) are undertaken in three cycles of higher education.

36 2. Organisation of education on national level (36) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 9) Universities Act : General Provisions (cntd): (Ülikooliseadus: Üldsätted) Important definitions: Higher education (Kõrgharidus) mean education based on scientific approach which is acquired on the basis of secondary education and which is certified by a corresponding graduation document State-commissioned education (Riiklik koolitustellimus) – the number of graduates by cycles of higher education in a broad area of studies (õppevaldkond) or if necessary in a field of study (õppesuund) or as per a study programme as determined by a contract under public law (haldusleping) between Ministry of Education and Research and a university, which the university is required to ensure by the end of the standard period of study and which the Ministry is required to finance during the standard period of study, from the state budget through the budget of the Ministry of Education and Research.

37 2. Organisation of education on national level (37) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 10) Universities Act: General provisions (cntd): (Ülikooliseadus: Üldsätted) What is determined: Establishment, merger, division, termination of activities and change of name of university (Ülikooli asutamine, ühinemine, jagunemine, tegevuse lõpetamine ja nime muutmine) Legal status of university (in Estonia) (Ülikooli õiguslik seisund) – legal person in public law (avalik õiguslik juriidiline isik) Higher Education Quality Agency (Kõrghariduse Kvaliteediagentuur, EKKA) Institutional Accreditation (Institutsionaalne akrediteerimine) Assessment of the quality of study programme group (Õppekavagrupi kvaliteedihindamine)

38 2. Organisation of education on national level (38) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 11) Universities Act: General provisions (cntd): (Ülikooliseadus: Üldsätted) State recognition of graduation documents of universities (Ülikooli lõpudokumentide riiklik tunnustamine) State commissioned education (Riiklik koolitustellimus) Filling in student places formed on basis of state commissioned education (Riikliku koolitustellimuse alusel moodustatud õppekohtade täitmine) Reimbursement of study costs (Õppekulude hüvitamine) Support for studies abroad (Välisriigis õppimise toetamine)

39 2. Organisation of education on national level (39) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 12) Universities Act: Management and structure : (Ülikooliseadus: juhtimine ja struktuur) Council of University (Ülikooli nõukogu) – the collegial decision body, the procedure for the formation of which and the basis for the activities of which are provided for in the Statutes of the university (taking into account Universities Act). Legislation of council of university (Ülikooli nõukogu õigusaktid) – regulations (määrused) and decisions (otsused) Rector (Rektor)- requirements for Rector candidates, appointment of Rector to office and release of Rector from office Structure of University (Ülikooli struktuur) – the structure of a university, its development and procedure for changes thereto shall be prescribed in the Statutes of the university. Board of Governors (Kuratoorium) – advisory body which serves as a link between university and society.

40 2. Organisation of education on national level (40) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 13) Universities Act: Organisation of studies: (Ülikooliseadus: Õppekorraldus) General requirements for admission to university (Ülikooli astumise üldnõuded) General requirements for organisation of studies (Õppekorralduse üldnõuded) – full-time study (täiskoormusega õpe) - part-time study (osakoormusega õpe) - external study (eksternõpe) - the language of instruction is Estonian; the use of other languages shall be decided by the Council of a university - the conditions and procedure for studies shall be established by the university Requirements and cooperation agreement for joint study programmes (Ühisõppekavale esitatavad nõuded. Ühisõppekava koostööleping) Full-time study and part-time study (Täiskoormusega õpe ja osakoormusega õpe) - in full-time study a student shall cumulatively complete at least 75 per cent of the study load subject to completion, according to study programme by the end of each academic year

41 2. Organisation of education on national level (41) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 14) Universities Act: Organisation of studies (cntd): (Ülikooliseadus: õppekorraldus) Cycles of higher education (Kõrgharidusastmed) Professional higher education (Rakenduskõrgharidusõpe) Bachelor’s study (Bakalaureuseõpe) Master’s study (Magistriõpe) Doctoral study (Doktoriõpe) Study based on integrated study programmes of Bachelor’s and Master’s study (Bakalaureuse- ja magistriõppe integreeritud kavadel põhinev õpe) External students (Eksternid) Graduation documents certifying higher education (Kõrgharidust tõendavad lõpudokumendid)

42 2. Organisation of education on national level (42) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 15) Universities Act: Members : (Ülikooliseadus: liikmeskond) Teaching staff and research staff (Õppejõud ja teadustöötajad) Professorship (Professuur) – professors and professors emeritus Docents (Dotsendid) Lecturers, assistants and teachers (Lektorid, assistendid ja õpetajad) Research staff (Teadustöötajad) Employment relationships of teaching staff and research staff (õppejõudude ja teadustöötajate töösuhted) Other employees of Universities (Ülikooli teised töötajad) Student (Üliõpilane) Rights and obligations of students (Üliõpilaste õigused ja kohustused) Student Body and Student Council (Üliõpilaskond ja Üliõpilasesindus)

43 2. Organisation of education on national level (43) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 16) Universities Act: University as Subject of Civil Law: (Ülikooliseadus: Ülikool tsiviilõigusliku subjektina) Assets of University (Ülikooli vara) – a university is the owner of its assets and it shall possess (valdab), use (kasutab) and dispose (käsutab) of its assets pursuant to the procedure prescribed by this Act. Use of assets (Vara kasutamine) – for attaining the missions of university Disposal of assets (Vara käsutamine) – real property belonging to a university may be transferred (võõrandada) upon decision of the council of university. Active legal capacity of university (Ülikooli teovõime) – a university does not have the right to secure the obligations of other persons with its assets - a university has the right to obtain credit with the permission of the council of the university

44 2. Organisation of education on national level (44) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 17) Universities Act: Procedure for financing : (Ülikooliseadus: finantseerimiskord) Financing of universities (Ülikooli finantseerimine) - the revenue (tulud) of a university is comprised of money allocated from the state budget, money received to reimburse study costs, revenue from provision of services related to the main activities, revenue from research and development activities and other income. Budget of university (Ülikooli eelarve) - a balanced budget shall be prepared concerning all revenue (tulud) and expenditure (kulud) - a report of the implementation of the budget shall be prepared and the report shall be approved by the council of university

45 2. Organisation of education on national level (45) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 18) Universities Act: Auditing, Supervision and Reporting : (Ülikooliseadus: Kontroll, järelvalve ja aruandlus) Auditing (Kontroll) – The State Audit Office (Riigikontroll) shall audit the activities of universities. State supervisory authority (Riikliku järelvalve teostaja) – state supervision over the legality of the activities of universities is exercised by the Ministry of Education and Research (State supervisory agency). Competence of State supervisory agency (Riikliku järelvalveorgani pädevus) Precept (Ettekirjutus). Reporting (Aruandlus) – university shall report on its activities to the extent and pursuant to the procedure provided by law on the basis thereof.

46 2. Organisation of education on national level (46) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 19) Standard of Higher Education ( (Kõrgharidusstandard): What is regulated: (1) General provisions (Üldsätted) (2) Curriculum (Õppekava) (3) Unified requirements for higher education cycles (Ühtsed nõuded kõrgharidustaseme õpetele) (4) Principles for taking account of previous study results and professional experience. (Varasemate õpingute ja töökogemuste põhimõtted, VÕTA) (5) Teaching staff (Õppejõud) (6) Broad groups (õppevaldkonnad), fields (õppesuunad) and curricular groups (õppekavagrupid) of studies.

47 2. Organisation of education on national level (47) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 20) Standard of Higher Education: Curriculum: (Kõrgharidusstandard: õppekava) Curriculum – source document for studies which sets out : Objective of studies (Õppe eesmärgid) Learning outcomes (Õpiväljundid/õpitulemused) Nominal duration and volume of study (Õppe nominaalkestus ja maht) Conditions for the commencement of studies (Õppe alustamise tingimused) The list and volume of subjects (Õppeainete loetelu ja maht) Short description of subjects (Õppeainete lühikirjeldused) Opportunities and conditions for choosing subjects (Õppeainete valikuvõimalused ja tingimused) Oppportunities for specialization (Spetsialiseerumisvõimalused) Conditions for the completion of studies (Õppe lõpetamistingimused)

48 2. Organisation of education on national level (48) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 21) Standard of Higher Education: Unified requirements for cycles: (Kõrgharidusstandard: ühtsed nõuded kõrgharidusastme õpetele) Bachelor’s study (Bakalaureuseõpe) – a study in the first cycle of higher education, the aim of which is to improve general education knowledge and to acquire basic knowledge and skills in a field of study in order to continue Master’s study and commence work. Its nominal duration is predominantly 3 years, 180 ECTS credits or, exceptionally, 4 years, 240 ECTS credits. A person who has graduated the study is awarded a diploma certifying the completion of the study programme. A graduate is awarded bakalaureusekraad (Bachelor’s degree) enabling access to Master’s study.

49 2. Organisation of education on national level (49) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 22) Standard of Higher Education: Unified requirements for cycles (cntd): (Kõrgharidusstandard: Ühtsed nõuded kõrgharidustaseme õpetele) Professional higher education (Rakenduskõrgharidusõpe) – a study in the first cycle of higher education, the aim of which is to acquire the competences necessary to work in a certain profession or continue Master’s study. The nominal duration of study is 3 to 4 years, 180-240 ECTS credits. A person who has completed the education shall be awarded a diploma certifying the completion of the study programme of a professional higher education – professional higher education diploma (rakenduskõrghariduse diplom).

50 2. Organisation of education on national level (50) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 23) Standard of Higher Education: Unified requirements for cycles (cntd): (Kõrgharidusstandard: Ühtsed nõuded kõrgharidustaseme õpetele) Master’s study (Magistriõpe) – a study in the second cycle of higher education during which student improves his/her knowledge and skills in field of study and acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for independent work and Doctoral study. The access requirement is completion of the first cycle of higher education. The nominal duration of study is 1-2 years, 60 to 120 ECTS credits, but not less than 5 years and 300 ECTS credits together with the first cycle. A person who has graduated Master’s study is awarded a diploma certifying the completion of Master’s study programme. A graduate is awarded a magistrikraad (Master’s degree) enabling access to Doctoral study.

51 2. Organisation of education on national level (51) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 24) Standard of Higher Education: Unified requirements for cycles (cntd): (Kõrgharidusstandard: Ühtsed nõuded kõrgharidustaseme õpetele) Doctoral study (Doktoriõpe) – a study in the third cycle of higher education the aim of which is to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for independent research, development or professional creative activity. The general access requirement for Doctoral study is a Master’s degree (magistrikraad). The nominal duration of study is 3 to 4 years, 180 – 240 ECTS credits. A graduate is awarded doktorikraad (Doctor’s degree). A doktorikraad is a research degree for which the candidate has to compose and defend a Doctoral thesis – independent scientific research or creative work.

52 2. Organisation of education on national level (52) 2.2. National system of higher education (cntd 25) Standard of Higher Education: Broad groups, fields and curricular groups of study (Õppevaldkonnad, õppesuunad ja õppekavagrupid) The curricular groups form the basis for higher education institutions of requesting the right for carrying out study.

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