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Allied Health Assisting

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1 Allied Health Assisting
Unit 5 Chapter 11: Operating Computers and Office Equipment

2 Objectives Differentiate between computer hardware and software and be able to give examples of each Define application software and application suites and be able to give an example Explain the capabilities of practice management software, electronic health records software, and encoder software Explain why caution should be taken when gathering information from the Internet and describe four guidelines for finding credible information on the Internet Explain the computer downtime and analyze why it would be used Describe five machines, other than computers, that are commonly found in a medical office and describe why we use them

3 The Computer Changed the way information is processed and stored
First used for accounting procedures Eliminates paperwork ??????? Increase speed Computer Terms Attachment Back up Boot

4 The Computer Computer Terms Cont… CD-ROM CPU Disk Disk Drive Domain
DVD-ROM File Hardware Input Interface

5 The Computer Computer Terms Cont… Memory Microprocessor Modem Output
Peripheral Prompt RAM ROM Server Software Terminal

6 The Computer Ergonomics and Computer Use
Ergonomics programs provide a work environment that promotes wellness, and minimizes musculoskeletal disorders Lighting, height, keyboard, mouse, etc. Head and neck upright or in line with the torso Head and neck face forward Trunk is perpendicular to the floor Shoulders and upper arms in line with the torso Upper arms and elbows close to the body Forearms, wrists, and elbows are straight in line Thighs parallel to the floor Feet flat on the floor

7 Computer Application Software
Practice Management Software Manages operations of a medical practive Appointments Demographics Insurance Transactions Financial reports Electronic Health Records Software HER All paitient information

8 Computer Application Software
Electronic Health Records Software Cont… Increases efficiency Ensure integrity Care Team Often integrates EHR Software and Downtime Times when the software is not operating Must have a plan Usually during off-peak hours

9 Computer Application Software
Encoder Software CPT, HCPCS, ICD-9, and ICD-10 Improves coding accuracy Compliance editing Robust code checking Increase in the rule set Fee calculator Color code edits Cross-coder relationships Medicare CCI edits

10 Computer Application Software
The Internet System of interconnected computer networks Computer Modem Web browser Search Engines Yahoo Google Bing Dogpile

11 Computer Application Software
The Internet Cont… Be cautious Not everything on the internet is true Identity theft Hacking

12 Computer Security Considerations for security Physical Access
Passwords Catalog all system components Back up data Keep network safeguards intact Keep antivirus software updated Understand encryption Chain of trust with vendors and other business relationships Track access

13 Office Equipment Copy Machine Fax Machine Forms Education sheets
Back up of records Routine maintainence Multi use Fax Machine Facsimile Legal documents

14 Office Equipment Fax Machine Cont… General Rules
Always remove paper clips and staples Make a test copy Do not use correction tape or correction fluid Use typed words for numbers Call recipient if confidential Cover page Know error messages Complete transmission

15 Office Equipment Dictation-Transcription Machine Printers
Many different models Constatnly improving and changing Must be kept in operating order Prioritize transcriptions Speech recognition software Printers Inkjet Laser Know your equipment

16 Office Equipment Smart Phones and Pagers
81% of providers have smart phones Careful with texting Pagers still in use

17 Equipment Maintenance
May have to do yourself Set up contracts Keep equipment manuals Daily maintenance

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