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EDUCATION IN AMERICA. AN OVERVIEW Education in America is a state responsibility 85% attend public schools Goal: to provide quality education to more.

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2 AN OVERVIEW Education in America is a state responsibility 85% attend public schools Goal: to provide quality education to more people Private schools v. public schools

3 THE EDUCATION SYSTEM Entry level: from age 3, preschool, kindergarten Primary school (first five years) Middle school (6-8th grade), junior high (7-9th grade) High school (10-12th grade) Community College (Associate of Arts) University (BA) Post-graduate (MA) PhD Doctoral programs

4 MILESTONES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Colonial period: promotion of literacy, private family based instruction, enabling people to read the Bible, Old Deluder Laws 1787: Northwest Ordinance, beginning of public education, setting aside 1% of the income of a given district for school purposes 1830s: Horace Mann, father of the American public education system Purpose of education: promote freedom, republican citizenship, social harmony, democracy

5 MILESTONES IN THE DEVELOMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM 1954: Brown v. Board of Education 1957: The launching of Sputnick-Russians take the lead in space race 1983: Nation at Risk A report prepared by the National Commission on Excellence in Education: A rising tide of mediocrity Functional illiteracy High drop out rates Low reading, writing, and math skills

6 A NATION AT RISK Recommendations: - stronger academic curricula -stricter academic standards -heavier homework load, higher grading standards -higher salaries to attract well-qualified teachers

7 NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND Signed into law by G. W. Bush in 2002 Re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Increased the federal role in education Addressed the needs of disadvantaged students Main components: annual testing, schools had to meet adequate yearly progress indicators, Only highly qualified teachers can teach School districts with high concentration of poor children would get more funding

8 CHANGING EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES 1940s: Why Johnny can’t read? Two main educational approaches: progressives and traditionalists 1940s: life adjustment education: basic principle, utility (substituting radio repair for physics, business English for literature, consumer arithmetic for algebra) 1949: how to courses, socio-personal adjustment promote conformity and such courses are considered anti-intellectual

9 CHANGING EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES 1950s, 1960s: promotion of excellence Main educational goals: identification of talent, pursuit of excellence Social traumas and crises of the 1960s weaken this goal Late 1960s, early 1970s: Open Education Movement: promotion of participatory democracy, nonassertive leadership,equal sharing of power between the student and the teacher Late 1970s: the Open Education Movement is heavily criticized

10 EDUCATION FOR THE 21st CENTURY A new macroenvironment: Fundamental change in economy, jobs, and businesses: change from industrial to information age Demands for new, and different skills: ICT, language proficiency Achievement gaps as compared to the world In problem solving US is 29th out of 40 countries on PISA tests Main task: to promote critical thinking, cognitive skills, creativity, cross-cultural collaboration (geography, language boundaries) entrepreneurial skills, creativity

11 A LOOK AT HIGHER EDUCATION Colonial period: Harvard College (1636) Ivy League v. Mass education U of or State, U systems University of California Los Angeles, California State University of Los Angeles 1946 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, GI Bill Today: over 3000 colleges and universities exist

12 A LOOK AT HIGHER EDUCATION 1960s-1980s: major investment in education 2009: 70% of high school graduates enroll in such higher education institutions Increasing number of minorities, low income, non-traditional students Challenging the value of a college degree: Richard Freeman: The Overeducated American (1976) The expansion of distance education, use of ICT

13 IMAGES OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL 1955: Blackboard Jungle-Richard Brooks 4 1985: The Breakfast Club-John Hughes 1987: Summer School 0 0

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