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Standley Middle School 2011-2012 Introductory Assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "Standley Middle School 2011-2012 Introductory Assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standley Middle School 2011-2012 Introductory Assembly

2 Administration  Mrs. Heidi Lyon – Principal  Mrs. Lauren Basteyns – Vice Principal

3 Counseling  6 th grade – Mrs. Wilson  7 th grade – Ms. Meredith  8 th grade A – L – Ms. Meredith  8 th grade M – Z – Mrs. Wilson

4 The Basics - Planner  Have DAILY  Record of your schedule, home- work, due dates, study buddies…  Must not tear out, fold, or mutilate pages…use the page finder to mark your place

5 The Basics – Hall Pass  Required anytime you are out of a classroom during class time  Included on the last page of the planner  Back of ID used for restroom pass  Also can be used for tutoring at lunch time

6 The Basics – Behavior  SOAR! (pg. 6 and 13) Successful Optimistic Accountable Respectful THE CHOICE IS YOURS! NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU DO THE WRONG THING. STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!

7 Seahawk Sessions  Beginning this Monday  Impacted classes will be announced in morning bulletin  Rotation approximately each 6 weeks  Occur during first Academic Prep  If you have first lunch, you will go to second lunch for the week

8 The Law of Unintended Consequences  “We were just playing around.”  No play fighting at any time.  Rowdy, running on campus, taking others belongings, and/or disruptive behavior is not acceptable at school. THE CHOICE IS YOURS! NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU DO THE WRONG THING. STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!

9 The Basics - Lunch  1 st Priority – EAT  2 nd Priority – Pick up your trash  3 rd Priority – Stay in the lunch area  4 th Priority – Relax and enjoy the time with your friends  Tutoring – Get Pass from the teacher before lunch and show to lunch supervisor before you can go there

10 The Basics - Lunch  Must report to lunch area/tutoring classroom within 3 minutes of tardy bell  Stay in the boundaries  During Seahawk sessions, tables between 600 building and 700 building (library) reserved for 6 th graders

11 Lunch – Minimum Day  All food purchased here must be eaten here – district requirement  Bus Riders – under the lunch cover  Prime Time – under the lunch arbor in the center of the lunch court

12 The Basics - Arrival  School opens at 8:35 a.m. unless have set- up tutoring with a teacher (begins at 8:15 a.m.) DON’T arrive before this time. Tell your parents.  If after 9:05 a.m. you must go to the front office to check-in  NO trips to the store/mini mart – will result in discipline  NO games/balls before school  Stay on the blacktop or in the center of campus

13 The Basics - Dismissal  Leave campus immediately  Walk when heading to your bus or ride  Report in at PrimeTime by 3:55 p.m.  Report to tutoring by 3:55 p.m.

14 The Basics – Skateboards, Bikes, etc.  Lock up or leave at your risk in a classroom  Walk bikes once on campus  HELMETS REQUIRED – it is the law! Code 21212. (a) A person under 18 years of age shall not operate a bicycle, a non-motorized scooter, or a skateboard, nor shall they wear in- line or roller skates, nor ride upon a bicycle, a non-motorized scooter, or a skateboard as a passenger, upon a street, bikeway, as defined in Section 890.4 of the Streets and Highways Code, or any other public bicycle path or trail unless that person is wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet.  No helmet = Parent pick-up of item

15 The Basics – School ID Card  REQUIRED to wear it DAILY (lanyard provided)  Must be worn around neck  Used for: Computer/Internet Use Bus Pass ASB ticket purchases and pick-up

16 The Basics - Interactions  No hugging, hand holding, or public displays of affection  Speak respectfully to ALL  No profane or vulgar language – if you wouldn’t say it in front of your grandmother, priest, minister, etc., then DON’T say it here.  Parents contacted, consequences

17 The Basics - Walkway Policy  Students will move about the campus in a safe and civil manner that supports positive interactions within our learning community  Passing period is a time for walking not socializing, make sure you get to class on time

18 The Basics – Be on Time  When you are late, you lose out and distract others from doing their job – learning or teaching  Consequences (page 13) semester not grading period

19 Importance of Grades and CST Scores  Builds a foundation for future success  Impacts available elective choices in middle and high school  Impacts participation in sports and extra curricular activities  Both semesters and all tests count  Algebra, Geometry, and Foreign Language grades are part of graduation requirements and A-G for college entrance

20 The Basics - Cell Phones  Allowed before/after school  Kept out of sight at all times  Must be OFF (not on silent or vibrate) from 9:05 a.m. – 3:50 p.m.  If they are seen or heard by a staff member between those hours, the phone WILL BE confiscated. Inappropriate item form given. Parent signs form/picks up item  Bring at your own risk – not investigated

21 The Basics - Prohibited Items  Gum  iPods, PSP’s, hand held games, and all electronics not needed for school  Laser Pointers  Toys, games, mini-skateboards, playing cards, trading cards, etc.  Weapons, drugs, medications

22 Dressed to Learn Policy All Students are required to follow  Shirts must have sleeves that cover your shoulders  Pants must fit and may not have holes/tears  No shorter than 4 inches above the knee  Closed toed shoes  PE Uniforms are for PE ONLY  No pajamas or slippers  No earrings bigger than quarter or spike plugs  Appropriate for school - Not distracting  Jackets – not to be worn to hide clothes in violation of dress code  Hats - worn straight and outside ONLY

23 Consequences – Violation of Dressed to Learn Policy  1 st offense –parent contact, change/new clothes brought to school  2 nd offense –parent contact, change/new clothes brought to school, detention  3 rd offense – parent contact, change/new clothes brought to school, referral, detention  4 th offense –parent conference, referral, detention, may result in loss of school privileges

24 Show Your Standley Spirit  Wear your Standley Seahawks shirt each Friday!  Available in the Student Store Shirts - $5 Sweatshirts - $20

25 Honor Roll  Being REVISED this year – stay tuned for more information  Several levels of recognition  Points that can be redeemed with teachers, lunch, and special events  Issued each 6 weeks  Referrals/Suspensions will remove you from the Honor Roll

26 Nondiscrimination Policy (Pg. 7)  Equal opportunity for all individuals  Programs and activities available to all -regardless of gender, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, disability  Report IMMEDIATELY  Discipline: Suspension or Expulsion

27 Hate Violence  Motivated by hostility towards people based on race, gender, disability, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation  Includes: physical violence offensive comments threats  Report IMMEDIATELY  Discipline: Suspension or Expulsion

28 Sexual Harassment (Pg. 8)  Has a negative effect on learning, grades, or attitude  Activities such as: Unwanted sexual advances Verbal, visual, or physical behaviors  Report IMMEDIATELY!  Discipline: Suspension or Expulsion

29 Computer-Internet Use  This is a privilege, not a right.  Must have Student ID and permission  In support of education  Etiquette May not be abusive, have inappropriate language, disrupt the network, ignore privacy of others  Vandalism will not be tolerated

30 Zero Tolerance  Designed to keep everyone safe  Expulsion may be recommended for: Possession of Weapons Objects used in a dangerous manner Repeated fighting, violent acts, injury to another student or staff Selling, Furnishing, or Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Violation of the Law

31 Primetime and Rec. Program  All school rules apply That means everything we’ve reviewed  An extension of the school day

32 Reminders  New to Standley Parent Meeting – 6:00 PM in Auditorium on Sept. 20  Back to School Night – Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m.

33 Questions?

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