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Review The Cold War. Cold War Review Game GOOD LUCK.

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Presentation on theme: "Review The Cold War. Cold War Review Game GOOD LUCK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review The Cold War

2 Cold War Review Game GOOD LUCK

3 QUESTION 1. This plan called for the protection of the Middle East from the spread of communism.

4 QUESTION 2. This president was confronted with the Berlin Blockade.

5 QUESTION 3. This group was arrested and charged with contempt following the outbreak of the Second Red Scare.

6 QUESTION 4. What does HUAC stand for?

7 QUESTION 5. _______ fought successfully against ______ in the Chinese Revolution.

8 QUESTION 6. This prominent case saw a future president investigate the innocence of an alleged communist.

9 QUESTION 7. The _______, led by the Soviet Union, was created to oppose _______, led by the United States.

10 QUESTION 8. The ______ was constructed to keep East Berliners and East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin. It was also constructed after the ______.

11 QUESTION 9. What was the term coined by Winston Churchill describing the divide in Europe following WWII?

12 QUESTION 10. This nation was the first to try and break away from the Soviet Union in 1956.

13 QUESTION 11. This plan called for monetary assistance to be sent to any nation involved in World War II.

14 QUESTION 12. This was arguably the most embarrassing moment during the Eisenhower Administration.

15 QUESTION 13. This genre combined R&B with country music.

16 QUESTION 14. President ________ sought to reach the moon and improve the domestic situation through his ________ plan.

17 QUESTION 15. _______ died in 1955 to be replaced (eventually) by ______.

18 QUESTION 16. During the Cold War, Cuba, Poland, China, and North Korea were considered:

19 QUESTION 17. This object only beeped in space, but made ICBMs a reality and a threat to the United States.

20 QUESTION 18. By having your name on this list, you were considered a communist and would not be able to find work.

21 QUESTION 19. This bill was passed to provide monetary assistance to returning veterans after World War II.

22 QUESTION 20. This term us used to describe the inevitable lifespan of an object (ie: a washing machine, vacuum, fridge, etc…)

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