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1.Making healthy food choices 2.Staying active 3.Practicing good hygiene 4.Being a good citizen You can be a Community All Star by:

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Presentation on theme: "1.Making healthy food choices 2.Staying active 3.Practicing good hygiene 4.Being a good citizen You can be a Community All Star by:"— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Making healthy food choices 2.Staying active 3.Practicing good hygiene 4.Being a good citizen You can be a Community All Star by:

3 Healthy Eating

4  Eat breakfast everyday  Select healthy food choices for meals and snacks  Avoid foods with lots of sugar  Drink lots of water  Try new foods Healthy eating is easy!

5 Mix and Match these healthy snacks!

6 More Yummy Snack Ideas

7 Snack No-No’s With too many calories and too much sugar, fat and salt, these snacks are No-No’s!

8 Stay Active!

9  Be aware of the time you’re spending in front of screens (t.v., videogames, computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.)  Set limits – 2 hours or less each day  Engage in face-to-face time with family and friends and get active! Limit screen time

10 Physical activity leads to healthier and happier lives.  Get active every day for at least one hour  Pick an activity you love  Learn a new sport  Walk instead of getting a ride or taking the bus  Take the stairs when you can What are some active ways to play? Get physical

11 Practice Good Hygiene

12 Bacteria, sugar and time can cause dental problems  Brush your teeth 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes each time  Use a fluoride toothpaste  Remember to floss! Take care of your teeth!

13 Wash your hands

14  Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing  Put all used tissues in the garbage right away  Cough or sneeze into the upper sleeve, not the hands, if a tissue is not available  Clean hands after coughing or sneezing Cover your coughs and sneezes

15 Community Involvement You are part of a community. Your family, your friends, your school and your town all make up the community around you.

16  Help out at home – do your chores  Be a good friend  Consider how someone else will feel  If you cannot say something nice don’t say anything at all  Say please and thank you Be Helpful and Kind

17 Rules are important to stay safe and happy  Follow the rules at home and at school  Be respectful to others Follow the Rules

18  Tell the truth  Don’t cheat  Keep and follow through on promises  Always return what you borrow “Honesty is always the best policy because ________________________________.” Be honest

19 Doing good things to help your community also benefits you through growth, enrichment, learning and making new friendships. Some Community Service activities are:  Donating clothes to the needy  Volunteering at your school breakfast club  Picking up litter from a park  Visiting an animal shelter to help with mealtime Community Service

20 If everyone reduced, reused and recycled their waste, then we wouldn't have any litter.  Always dispose of garbage properly  Reduce your waste  Borrow when you can or buy things with less packaging  Reuse what you already have  Plastic bags, boxes, gift bags, food containers  Recycle your paper, plastic and glass whenever it is an option Don’t Litter

21  Energy isn't free.  Wasting energy isn't good for the environment.  There’s lots we can do to save energy and protect our planet Save Energy

22  Turn off the lights when you leave a room  Use natural daylight whenever possible  Unplug your gadgets at the end of the day  Don’t keep the fridge door open longer than needed  Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth  Turn off electronics when you’re not using them Energy Savings Tips

23 Do you have what it takes to be a Community All Star? You can participate in a contest that will run for 2 weeks starting on February 16 th. It will focus on how well you participate in the areas we’ve discussed:  Make healthy food choices  Stay active  Practice good hygiene  Help our in your community

24 Do you have what it takes to be a Community All Star?

25 Good luck!

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