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Workshop 2: ‘Supporting Building and Assessing the RPL evidence’

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1 Workshop 2: ‘Supporting Building and Assessing the RPL evidence’


3 Background SE Wales HEIs ‘shared services’ development project [via the HEFCW Strategic Development Fund] Main Partners SE WALES CAPITAL NETWORK ‘Learning via Employment’ project

4 Workshop Objectives Supporting the RPL Process RPL - What is it? Key Roles Application Process Policies & Support within your Institution Building the Evidence Getting Started Reflective Practice Direct Evidence Indirect / Reflective Evidence Assessing the Evidence Criteria for assessment

5 Workshop Outcomes At the end of this workshop you will be able to: Explain RPL to a colleague or student Have an understanding of the application process & your role Identify support mechanisms & policies within your Institution Assist students with reflection practice and the identification of suitable evidence Understand how to assess the evidence

6 ‘Learning via Employment’ project Main Aim: “To seek to promote a significant growth in ‘non-traditional’ student numbers wanting to study at South East Wales universities in a part-time capacity via an improved and more co-ordinated provision of efficient and user-friendly routes towards HE qualification outcomes” Proposal document to HEFCW, p2, July 2013

7 Task 1: What is RPL?

8 RPL It is the process of recognising learning that has its source in experience. This can be previous formal learning Certificated Learning (CL) or non formal and informal learning Experiential Learning (EL). It can be For Entry or For Exemption

9 1.CL Certificated Learning -TRADITIONAL Recognition of Prior Learning SCHOOLUNIVERSITYWORK

10 2. EL Experiential Learning – Informal & Non-Formal SCHOOL WORK 1 UNIVERSITY WORK 2 WORK 3 Recognition of Prior Learning

11 Identify some examples of evidence that you could use to take the EL route onto PG Cert for Teaching in HE… InformalNon-Formal Not structured or documented, does not lead to any certification or accreditation Is structured and linked to learning outcomes and skills but without any qualification Task 2:

12 What’s the difference between RPL for: Entry Exemption Task 3:

13 Entry and Exemption? Entry onto a courseExemption - Advanced Standing (CL) Exemption - Experiential Learning (EL) Don’t have prerequisites but have experience and evidence to demonstrate they are capable of entering and benefiting from a HE programme. Is the granting of part exemption from a programme of study because they have already gained an award from another Institution. Is the granting of exemption with credit from a module/s or level of study because they have successfully demonstrated they have already acquired the knowledge and learning outcomes of that module/s or level of study.

14 Experiential learning for Entry Expression of interest Explain RPL process (extended c.v., job description) Apply for entry onto the course (University application) Assessment of the evidence (possible interview) Notification (applicant & E&A)

15 RPL Application Form RPL Application Form Evidence applicants’ experience (Part 1a) Do you have certificates for your learning? Evidence applicants’ experience (Part 1a) Do you have certificates for your learning? Certificated Application Experiential Application (Part 1c) Identify and gather relevant evidence with an adviser Explain/ reflect on how evidence meets module /level learning outcomes Experiential Application (Part 1c) Identify and gather relevant evidence with an adviser Explain/ reflect on how evidence meets module /level learning outcomes Submit application (Part 1d) Submit application (Part 1d) Assessment of evidence Notification of result & feedback Yes No Stages of a RPL claim

16 RPL for Exemption (CL & EL) Expression of interest (Explain RPL process) Apply for entry onto a course (University application) RPL application and submission (Enrolment required) Assessment of the evidence Notification and award of credit

17 TASK 4: Roles and Responsibilities Who’s involved at what stage? ApplicantAdviser Assessor Expression of interest University application RPL application and submission Assessment Notification and award of credit

18 Roles and Responsibilities Who’s involved at what stage? Learner To complete RPL form and supply evidence. Meet deadlines Stage 1, 2, 3, 4? Advisor Explain RPL Process. Identify Objectives. Support the building of the RPL Application. Stage 1, 2, 3, 5 Assessor Ensure quality standards. Measure performance. Stage 1, 4, 5 Expression of interest University application RPL application and submission Assessment Notification and award of credit

19 RPL Process -Expression of interest Applicant Communicates an Expression of Interest (Extended c.v. job description/s) Course Leader + Module Leader/s Decide whether there is a possible RPL claim Course Leader Experiential L earning - Appoint a RPL Adviser to support process Certificated Learning - provide them with the RPL application form Course Leader Feedback to Applicant in writing explaining why RPL application not suitable Yes No

20 RPL Applications Applicant RPL Advisor Contact Learner to arrange meeting to advise on preparation of evidence 2 Reflect on Prior Learning (Relevant, Current & Sufficient ) 4 Review application against module / level learning outcomes 1 Review academic / professional needs (Module / Level Learning Outcomes) 3 Discuss /Suggest Appropriate types of evidence at correct level (Sufficient & Current)

21 Submission of claim Course Leader (CL) Receives RPL claim Applicant Submission of RPL claim (Complete RPL Form)

22 Assessment of Evidence Yes CL & EL claim awarded No CL & EL claim not awarded (Assessor to provide feedback identifying shortfalls) Assess RPL Evidence Portfolio against (Learning Outcomes / course content) Course Leader (CL) + Module Leader/s (Double marking) Decide whether there is a CL / EL claim

23 Decision making & feedback Applicant informed by RPL adviser of decision in writing and informed of additional credit requirement Course Leader Yes RPL claim awarded Institutional Admin Update Student Records RPL form completed signed and sent to Student Administration Manager/ Officers

24 RPL Advisor to contact applicant to: Explain decision Review material Consider resubmission Offer Academic Guidance PD/ CL No RPL claim not awarded Applicant informed of decision in writing Decision making & feedback

25 RPL Limits within your institution AwardTransferred credit /APEL (maximum) University of South Wales taught credit (minimum)Total credits required for award CertHE6060 at level 4120 DipHE120120 with a minimum of 100 at level 5240 Bachelors degree24060 at level 6300 Bachelors degree with honours 240120 with a minimum of 100 at level 6360 BMus (RWCMD only) 300180 at level 6480 HNC6060 at level 4120 HND120120 with a minimum of 100 at level 5240 Foundation Degree120120 with a minimum of 100 at level 5240 PcET6060 level 5120 Integrated masters240240 with a minimum of 100 at level 6 and 120 at level 7480 PgCert2040 at level 760 PgDip6060 at level 7120 Masters12060 at level 7180 Taught doctoral awards180360540 (University of South Wales RPL limits 2014)

26 USW - Academic Regulations Section A2.3.10 USW - Accredited Prior Learning Guidance USW- Advisory Document on Assessment Design Institutional frameworks and guidance?

27 Stage 2 Building the Evidence

28 Getting Started - Initial Meeting Points for discussion The evidence structure & content Identifying and listing the evidence Written summary against learning outcomes Final reflective statement

29 What is relevant evidence for an RPL claim? TASK 5:

30 RPL form Advanced C.V. Reflective statement List of evidence Reflective statement List of evidence Actual evidence References Actual evidence References Structuring Evidence 123

31 Identifies the claim for credit Puts the claim into context RPL form Advanced C.V. 1

32 Demonstrates how their prior experiences have resulted in high level learning, mapped to module/level learning outcome(s). Ensures that the Assessor is able to identify the supporting evidence for each learning outcome. Reflective statement List of evidence 2 General advice - up to 2000 words per 20 credit module and / or no more than 50% written assessment tariff at relevant level

33 Reflection Questions to identify prior learning and begin reflection process. What did you do in that role? How long did you take to do it? What were your main responsibilities and tasks? How easy or difficult did you find that role? What were the challenges you faced? How did you overcome them? What have you learnt from that role and have you applied that knowledge? ?

34 Complete the reflective exercise? TASK 6:

35 TASK 7: What evidence can be included? TASK 6: What evidence can be included?

36 Presentations What evidence can be included? Client Testimony Videos Reports Minutes of Meetings

37 RelevantSufficient Current AuthenticIndexed How much evidence?

38 Direct Evidence - demonstrates your practice or is something you have produced Indirect Evidence - is something written / recorded about you by someone else This lists any reference materials that the learner used as part of their learning or reflection Actual evidence Referenced material 3

39 Practical Tip Learning Outcome 1 Learning Outcome 2

40 Stage 3 Assessing the Evidence

41 RelevantSufficient Current AuthenticValid Level Steps to Assess the Evidence

42 Relevant This means it must be at a similar level. must meet similar learning outcomes. must cover similar knowledge and skills. Is the learning demonstrated relevant to the programme of study?

43 Sufficient This means:- there should be breadth of evidence. it should include evidence of reflection. it should fully demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes claimed. Is there sufficient evidence to support the claim?

44 Current This means:- the evidence provided should ideally be within the last 5 years. Is the evidence current, or if not is there evidence of updating?

45 Authentic This means:- the evidence should show without doubt that the submitter is responsible for the work submitted. the evidence should include examples of indirect evidence e.g. Client testimonies. Is the evidence genuine and clearly own achievement?

46 Valid This means:- the evidence should be mapped against the module / level learning outcomes and support the claim. Does the evidence support the claim?

47 Level This means:- the evidence should demonstrate the appropriate CQFW level characteristics. (Usually led by the verb/s for the levels ) Is the learning, knowledge, skills and achievements demonstrated by the evidence at the appropriate level?

48 Plenary Areas covered : Supporting the RPL Process Building the Evidence Assessing the Evidence Next st eps : Recruiting and Communication (Workshop 3)

49 USW Learning Through Employment (LTE) Framework Provides a flexible framework of validated shell modules which can be integrated into existing courses, allowing learners to integrate work based learning into existing programmes. Complementary Processes

50 Any Questions? SUPPORT

51 Handouts 2.1 Oxford Brookes Pg. Certificate for Teaching in HE 2.2 Cork Institute Handout 2.3 RPL Wales Application Flowchart* 2.4 RPL Wales Application Form* 2.5 CWBL Learning Through Work Matrix 2.6 USW Assessment Tariff 2.7 How do you write about your learning? 2.8 of Reflective Exercise 1 2.9 SCQF + and – aspects of Learning 2.10 RPL Evidence Types* 2.11 Kingston University –Identifying evidence in the workplace 2.12 Use Cardiff Met WBL Guidance for Evidence 2.13 Kingston University identifying learning through projects 2.14 from New South Wales ‘How do I prove what I can do?’ 2.15 Complete RPL Portfolio created as part of WBL 2.16 CQFW Key Characteristics for the levels*

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