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Today and Tomorrow 12 th Edition Understanding Computers Chapter 16: Intellectual Property Rights, Ethics, Health, Access, and the Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Today and Tomorrow 12 th Edition Understanding Computers Chapter 16: Intellectual Property Rights, Ethics, Health, Access, and the Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today and Tomorrow 12 th Edition Understanding Computers Chapter 16: Intellectual Property Rights, Ethics, Health, Access, and the Environment

2 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 2 Learning Objectives Understand the concept of intellectual property rights and how they relate to computer use. Explain what is meant by ethics and provide several examples of unethical behavior in computer-related matters. Describe some possible physical and emotional health risks surrounding the use of computers.

3 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 3 Learning Objectives Discuss the impact factors, such as nationality, income, race, education, and physical disabilities, may have on computer access and use. Suggest some ways computer users can practice “green computing” and properly dispose of obsolete computer equipment. Discuss the current status of legislation related to intellectual property rights, ethics, access, and the environment in relation to computers.

4 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 4 Overview This chapter covers: –Intellectual property rights –A discussion of ethics, including ethical use of materials, resources, and business practices –The impact of computers on our health –Issues related to the access of technology –The impact of computers on our environment –A look at legislation related to these issues

5 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 5 Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property rights: Rights to which creators of original creative works are entitled Copyrights: Protect original artistic or literary works –Last until 70 years after creator’s death –For corporate copyrights or anonymous works, last 95 years from date of publication or 120 years from date of creation, whichever is shorter

6 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 6 Intellectual Property Rights ̶ Can be claimed and use © upon creation, but can also be registered –To protect rights, can use: Digital watermarks: Subtle alteration of digital content that is not noticeable but that can identify the copyright holder Digital rights management (DRM) software: Software that control the use of a copyrighted work (specified what can be done with the work, such as print, view, copy, etc.)

7 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 7 Intellectual Property Rights Trademarks : Protect identifying words, phrases, symbols, logos, and designs –Includes protection for domain names (cybersquatting and typosquatting) –Domain name disputes can be brought to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

8 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 8 Intellectual Property Rights Patents : Protect inventions –Lasts for 20 years –Can also protect a business practice or procedure –Expensive to get but can be very lucrative

9 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 9 Ethics Ethics: Overall standards of moral conduct –Can vary with individual and religious beliefs, country, race, or culture –Personal ethics: Guide an individual’s personal behavior –Business ethics: Guide workplace behavior and a business’s policies, decisions, and actions –Computer ethics: Concern moral conduct related to computer use –Individuals and businesses need to make ethical decisions every day

10 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 10 Ethical Use of Copyrighted Material Books and Web-based articles need to properly credit sources to avoid plagiarism –Strict consequences for plagiarism –Online tests for plagiarism are available and widely used by schools

11 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 11 Ethical Use of Copyrighted Material

12 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 12 Ethical Use of Copyrighted Material Music : Debate began with Napster –Still concerns surrounding P2P file sharing sites –DRM controls can impact downloaded files, purchased CDs, etc. –Fair use Movies: Movie piracy is high (illegal copies, recording pre-release movies to create DVDs, etc.) –Distributing bootleg copies of movies is illegal and unethical Often happens via the Internet –DRM controls on downloaded movies can slow piracy –Legal prosecution for copyright violations for both music and movies is increasing

13 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 13 Ethical Use of Resources and Information School or company resources –Code of conduct: : Policy that specifies allowable use of resources by students or employees Students and employees should be familiar with what is considered acceptable use of resources –Code of ethics: Policy, typically for an industry or organization, that specifies overall moral guidelines for individuals in that industry or organization –Whistleblowers have some protection under the law

14 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 14 Ethical Use of Resources and Information Employee and customer information –Businesses need to decide what is ethical use of employee and customer Information –Business schools are increasing business ethics Cheating and falsifying information –Cheating at high schools and colleges is rampant Can be reduced by academic honor codes –Résumé padding is considered unethical by most companies

15 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 15 Computer Hoaxes and Digital Manipulation Computer hoax: An inaccurate statement or story spread through the use of computers –Often sent via e-mail –Consider researching before passing on to others (Hoaxbusters site is a good source)

16 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 16 Computer Hoaxes and Digital Manipulation Digital manipulation: Digitally altering text, images, photographs, music, and other digital content –Some beneficial ethical uses (aging photos of runaways, retouching personal photographs, etc. –Use by media is more controversial –Difficult to tell in the future if a historical photo was manipulated

17 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 17 Ethical Business Practices and Decision Making Businesses need to make ethical decisions regarding: –Fraudulent reporting and other scandalous activities Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: Includes provisions to improve the quality of financial reporting –Ethically questionable products or services Decisions regarding products or services some individuals find objectionable Proof of age requirements for selling liquor, tobacco, and other adult products via Internet –Online age verification is an emerging option

18 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 18 Ethical Business Practices and Decision Making –Vaporware: Announced products that do not exist –Workplace monitoring: Should inform employees

19 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 19 Ethical Business Practices and Decision Making –Cultural considerations Ethics vary within a country as well as from country to country Some acts may be socially acceptable or considered ethical in one country, but not another Laws also vary from country to country Individuals and businesses need to consider both legal and ethical issues in global transactions Some business schools and corporations are including diversity and cross-cultural training

20 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 20 Computers and Health Computer use can cause physical injuries –Repetitive stress injury (RSI) Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) (keyboard use) DeQuervain’s tendonitis (mobile device keyboard and thumbpad use) –Computer vision syndrome (CVS) –Backaches –Heat from laptops –Hearing loss from headphones –Phone and texting-related car accidents –Possible radiation risks

21 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 21 Computers and Health Ergonomics: The science of fitting a work environment to the people who work there –Using good workspace design principles can help avoid physical problems

22 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 22 Computers and Health –More difficult with portable PCs and mobile devices, but possible to improve work environment Travel mice and travel keyboards can help while on the go Docking stations or notebook stands can be used with portable PC at home or in the office –Docking station connects the PC to permanent hardware, such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc. –Notebook stand raises a notebook up to a better height

23 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 23 Workspace Design

24 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 24 Workspace Design

25 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 25 Ergonomic Hardware –A variety of devices available that are designed to avoid physical problems due to the use of a PC Ergonomic keyboards and mice Document holders Antiglare screens Keyboard drawers Wrist supports Computer gloves ̶ Good user habits can also help avoid problems

26 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 26 Ergonomic Hardware

27 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 27 Good User Habits

28 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 28 Good User Habits

29 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 29 Computers and Health Computer use can also be a problem for emotional health –Stress due to ever-changing technology –Many jobs require computer use now than didn’t in the past

30 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 30 Computers and Health –Stress due to our 24/7 society –Information overload Can use tools such as e-mail filters, RSS feeds, intelligent agents, etc. –Burnout :A state of fatigue or frustration brought on by overwork Reevaluate schedule, ask for help, keep healthy food and exercise routines, etc.

31 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 31 Computers and Health –Computer/Internet addiction (CAD, IAD): The problem of overusing, or being unable to stop using, a computer or the Internet Growing problem in many countries Often related to e-mail, IM, shopping, gaming, and pornography Can result in loss of relationships, job loss, academic failure, obesity, RSIs, suicide, and more Increasingly being tied to criminal acts Can be treated similar to other addictions

32 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 32 Computer/Internet Addiction

33 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 33 Access to Technology Digital divide: The gap between those who have access to technology and those who don’t Can have digital divide within a country, as well as between countries U.S. digital divide: Differences in technology use by income, race, geographical area, education, broadband Internet use, etc. –Reducing the U.S. digital divide is important to ensure all citizens have an equal chance of being successful –Some people choose not to use technology

34 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 34 The U.S. Digital Divide

35 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 35 Access to Technology Global digital divide: Is about some countries having access to technology and other not having access –Perhaps more dramatic than the U.S. digital divide –Technology can provide telemedicine and education to remote areas –New products are emerging that may help to reduce the global digital divide Wildnet (extends Wi-Fi to remote areas) One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program (XO laptop)

36 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 36 Access to Technology Assistive technology: Hardware and software designed for use by individuals with physical disabilities –Assistive input devices include: Braille keyboards, keyguards, one-handed keyboards Voice input systems Switches, feet mice, head pointing systems or head mice, eye pointing systems

37 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 37 Access to Technology

38 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 38 Access to Technology –Assistive output devices include: Screen readers Braille displays Braille printers –Windows includes some accessibility features

39 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 39 Environmental Concerns Green computing: The use of computers in an environmentally friendly manner Energy consumption and heat are key concerns today –Energy Star program: Was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the EPA to encourage the development of energy-saving devices Eco-labels also used in other countries

40 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 40 Environmental Concerns –Alternate power can be used with computers and other devices Solar power Hand chargers Fuel cells, flywheels, solar buildings, etc. E-paper and electronic documents can help reduce paper consumption

41 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 41 Environmental Concerns Manufacturers are working to develop more energy- efficient and recyclable devices

42 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 42 Environmental Concerns E-trash (e-waste): Electronic waste such as: –Disposable products –Discarded hardware –Many elements found in hardware are dangerous Arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium –Much e-waste is shipped to other countries –Recycling initiatives are designed to reduce e-trash

43 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 43 Environmental Concerns Methods to help avoid more pollution and e-trash: –Utilize recycling programs for old computers, discs, etc. –Donate obsolete equipment to schools and other organizations Data needs to be completely removed for security and privacy reasons –Recharge toner cartridges –Some states are implementing disposal fees for new hardware to ensure they are disposed of properly

44 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 44 Environmental Concerns

45 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 45 Related Legislation There is legislation to protect intellectual property rights, such as: –Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005 (FECA) –U.S. Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act –Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Ethical legislation is more difficult to pass The amendment to the Rehabilitation Act in 1998 requires federal agency information be accessible Currently, no federal computer recycling laws are in effect in the U.S.

46 Chapter 16 Understanding Computers, 12th Edition 46 Summary Intellectual Property Rights Ethics Computers and Health Access to Technology Environmental Concerns Related Legislation

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