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Prepared Public Speaking Things to consider when writing, preparing for, and giving a public speech.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared Public Speaking Things to consider when writing, preparing for, and giving a public speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared Public Speaking Things to consider when writing, preparing for, and giving a public speech.

2 Introduction Speeches are given to inform the audience, persuade the audience, or to integrate the members of an audience. People also listen for the same reasons Speaking skills increase a person’s effectiveness and influence the decision of others. Speaking in public is an art form nearly as old as humanity itself. Effective public speaking is INFLUENCE. INFLUENCE IS LEADERSHIP!!

3 PLANNING A SPEECH As a speech is planned, consider the following: Purpose Occasio n Audienc e If you can empathize with the audience, you will be able to plan a better speech!

4 Analyze the Audience Find out as much information as possible about the audience. It will be helpful to know the following in advance: # in group Ages Interests Formal or informal Setting Time frame Room size Place on program

5 Analyze the Audience Keep in mind the following 3 questions when analyzing your audience: Audience What do I want them to know, believe, or do as a result of my speech To whom am I speaking? What is the most effective way of composing or presenting my speech to accomplish my aim?

6 Select a Topic 1.Choose a topic that interests you. 2.Choose a topic in which you are knowledgeable or want to become knowledgeable. 3.Choose a topic of interest to your audience.

7 FFA Topic Areas When searching for a topic for an FFA speech consider using these three general areas: Production Agriculture Agribusiness Agriscience

8  List topics within each area that interest you.  Jot down words or phrases you know related to those topic areas.  Spend no more than two minutes on each topic area.  This process is called brainstorming.  Example: Willie Nelson BRAINSTORMING

9  Benjamin Franklin once said:  “An empty bag cannot stand upright.”  Without solid material, your speech will fold like Franklin’s bag.  Start research by checking personal books and magazines.  Consult organizations and experts.  Do research in a library and use the librarian to help you search. GATHER INFORMATION

10  If the subject is controversial, make sure to get expert opinions from both sides of the issue.  Speaker’s can find quotations to support their ideas in sources such as:  Bartlett’s Familiar Quotes  Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable  Oxford Dictionary of Quotations  Granger’s Index to Poetry GATHER INFORMATION

11  When gathering material, write each item of information on a note card with:  Name of Source  Page #  Author  Use quotations and statistics when they are needed to make a point. RECORD YOUR IDEAS

12 MAKE AN OUTLINE 1. To help you recognize the speech’s strengths and weaknesses. 2. To help you organize and develop your ideas. 3. To help you save time when writing the speech.

13   Practice Time Limits (6-7min speech)  Practice Methods  School Classes and Teachers  Home and Mirror  Auditorium  Civic Organizations  THE VIDEO CAMERA Practice the Speech

14 OUTLINE FORMAT Main Points are indicated by Roman Numbers ( I, II, V, VI) Major Subdivisions by capitol letters (A, B) Minor subheadings by Arabic numbers (1,2) Further subdivision by lower case letters (a,b,c,d,k,t,)

15 OUTLINE EXAMPLE TITLE I.INTRODUCTION II.BODY A.First Main Point 1.Sub point #1 a. b. 2.Sub point #2 B.Second Main Point 1.Sub point #1 2.Sub point #2 III.CONCLUSION

16 Write the way you talk! Write the Body of the Speech first. Begin with the main points. Arrange them in logical order or sequence. Then write the Introduction. Finally, write the conclusion WRITE THE SPEECH

17 Introduction  Do something to gain the audiences attention:  Tell a joke  Pound the speaker’s stand  Make a loud noise  Ask a question  Tell a story  Use a quotation  Use a personal reference  Create suspense  Give a compliment

18 Introduction  The introduction must grab the attention of the audience, but it must also focus on the goal of the speech.

19   All’s Well that Ends Well – Shakespeare  The conclusion offers the speakers last opportunity to remind the audience of the speech content.  Summarize the main points.  Use a story.  Be humorous.  Appeal and Make an emotional impact. CONCLUSION

20   Your Smile  Gestures  Head and Eyes  Sincerity THINGS THAT NEED PRACTICE

21   A good speech starts with good preparation.  Things to consider when giving speech:  Salutation  Being Deliberate  Using the Hands (Need to appear natural)  Using the Body (Do not sway, rock, fidget)  Humor  Dress and Physical Appearance  Where to stand  Notes  Special Considerations Present the Speech

22   If you are asked questions afterwards, keep the following in mind:  Be deliberate, take time to think through answer and then reply.  Be complete  Answer with confidence  If you do not know the answer, say so without hesitation, do not bluff.  If you did not hear or did not understand the questions, ask the person to repeat or rephrase. Answer Questions

23   Evaluate speeches and presentation after each time.  Evaluation allows for an analysis of where the speech went right and/or wrong. FINALLY, Listen and Evaluate

24  Other Points To Consider  Keep the voice well modulated, use variety of pitch and tone.  Strive for correct pronunciation and enunciate clearly.  Cultivate a sincere interest in people.  Constantly strive to increased your vocabulary.  Open the speech with a sentence that will secure the attention of the audience.  End the speech in a forceful manner.  Take appropriate pauses and don not allow yourself to run out of breath.  Maintain good posture while speaking.

25 Topics to choose from  Agriscience  Animal Science  Biotechnology  Food Science  Natural Resources  Ag Business  Should be Ag Current Issues

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