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Jamestown Power Point Student Presentations. Objective Students will understand the historical significance of the Jamestown colony.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown Power Point Student Presentations. Objective Students will understand the historical significance of the Jamestown colony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown Power Point Student Presentations

2 Objective Students will understand the historical significance of the Jamestown colony.

3 Task Description Students will work with partners to research and present information covering at least five elements of the Jamestown colony: the charter, settlement, problems, leadership, and relations with American Indians. In the presentation, students should include: A title slide Various informational slides Pictures Bibliography page

4 Task Description (cont.) Work together to create a clever and original Power Point presentation that includes at least NINE slides. Prepare a presentation of their PowerPoint for the class. Print out and hand in an outline of their slides. Fill out the rubrics on other group presentations as a peer assessment. Hand in their completed rubrics for the other presentations.

5 Presentation Enhancements You may enhance your presentation by adding: Movies with your own commentary Mock interviews or reenactments Sound Related music

6 Title Page List the title and the members of your group here on this page.

7 Introduction May include pictures and catchy phrases. Anything to grab the audience’s attention!

8 Charter You should include the following information: Purpose of the colony Details of the charter granted by the King of England.

9 Settlement This slide should include the following information: Reasons for the location of the site. Other early decisions made by the colony. Source of food

10 Problems This slide should include information about the following: The Starving Time Other difficulties faced by the colonists

11 Leadership This slide should focus on the following: Early leaders of the colony Rules for the colony John Smith’s role in the colony

12 American Indians This slide should include information on the following: American Indian tribes encountered. The relationship between these tribes and the colony. The impact the colony had on the tribes.

13 Conclusion Provide a summary of key areas of your research. Make it succinct- short and to the point.

14 Sources Used Bibliography- provide the audience with the resources you used when researching your topic. DO NOT TAKE OTHER PEOPLE’S WORDS AND MAKE THEM YOUR OWN WITHOUT GIVING THEM CREDIT! IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!


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