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Manifest Destiny and its Legacy

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Presentation on theme: "Manifest Destiny and its Legacy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manifest Destiny and its Legacy 1841-1848
Chapter 17 Manifest Destiny and its Legacy

2 The Lone Star Republic Province in rebellion? Threats to US
Great Britain wanted an independent Texas Slavery issue

3 Texas Annexation Presidential election 1844 “Texas or Disunion”
James K. Polk vs. Henry Clay Polk victory= popular mandate Joint resolution by Tyler 1845 Texas= 28th state Mexican reaction

4 Oregon Fever Boundary disputes
Spain Great Britain US Occupation of the Willamette River Valley 49° “Oregon Fever”



7 Manifest Destiny 1844: Clay vs. James K. Polk (“the dark horse)
Manifest Destiny empire building Democrat slogans vs. Whig slogans Polk victory (Liberty party= spoiler) mandate for Texas?

8 Polk’s Accomplishments
1. Walker Tariff of 1846 2. Restore an independent treasury 3. Reoccupation of Oregon (compromised boundary line) northern anger 4. Acquisition of California

9 Problems with Mexico California coveted (Manifest Destiny!)
Money owed to US Texas annexation Boundary disputes between Mexico and Texas- Nueces vs. Rio Grande John Slidell


11 The Mexican-American War
General Zachary Taylor April 25, 1846: “American blood shed on American soil” Double crossing Santa Anna General Stephen W. Kearny Captain John C. Fremont- California Bear Flag Republic

12 The Mexican-American War
Zachary Taylor- “Old Rough and Ready”, “Hero of Buena Vista” General Winfield Scott Mexico City 1847 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo negotiated by Nicholas P. Trist Problems back home with “Mexican Whigs”


14 Pros and Cons of War 13,000 Americans died Mexican Cession
War experience to future leaders- American military power US= bad image to Mexico and Latin America Slavery issues enflamed Wilmot Proviso


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